
Feb 6, 2007 | Life in Progress

on gallery style canvas

i am happy to report that we spent a couple of hours cleaning up the place over the weekend, and we’re enjoying not having to search for, and then wash, a fork each and every time we need one. feels good.

today, i am reveling in possibility. i feel the light of it. the dream of it. the unexpected promise of it. i just really love the idea that our options are truly unlimited. the power of potential astounds me and i’m learning each and every day that i really can do and dream and achieve anything. the idea that i can wake up tomorrow and decide to change my entire life is quite exciting. not that i want to change anything, but if i wanted to make a big decision tomorrow, i could. i love that.

Sending much love,

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  1. karen

    ohh, i love this one, kel! so cute.

  2. Kristin

    This picture is Red X’d out everytime I open it….in other more interesting news…2 more days until your show! YAY!!!!! I hope you got a super cute girly outfit for your girly show! I can’t wait to see the pics! ♥

  3. Laini Taylor

    Hey Kelly! For some reason your new painting isn’t showing up on my screen — which is the only reason I’m not commenting on it. Love your sense of possibility! Have a great week & weekend — I hope the show goes GREAT! Hope to see you soon!!!

  4. Swirly

    This is a lovely reminder that each new days holds infinite possibility.

  5. Alex aka Gypsy Girl

    I love this illo! And I’m glad you’re feeling adventurous and open too. That’s the best!

  6. Gypsy Purple

    Lovely post…so great to just be able to LIVE in the moment


  7. megg

    I am so happy I came here to read this – what a full post!! I love it!

    P.S. Please put a print of girly on your etsy – I LOVE it!!

  8. DJ

    This is so adorable and so creative! Will this and the other one you did similar to this be in your show?
    I just finished cleaning up my art room and you are right, it feels so good. Actually, I clean it after every project, but I’m so messy when I work that you would never know that I clean up so often!

  9. BlueJude

    I LOVE days like that! Hope you have many more! Tis a great feeling.


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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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