(NEW art, available here) Self-compassion changes everything When we’re utterly overwhelmed When we think we’re a...
There’s lots to explore here.
I write about my life as an artist, including behind the scenes, new products we're making, and more!
I’m so glad you’re here.

Life in Progress
A Year Off Social Media: Some Thoughts!
Hi loves, Has it been a year+ since I broke up with social media? It has! In some ways, it feels like it was just last...
The Future Belongs To Us
(NEW art, available here in a variety of sizes) My younger years brought gifts of big dreams. I want to be an artist!...
Celebrating 20 Years of Marriage
It was the summer of 1998 in Florida. I was 24 years old, had just graduated with my MSW, and I was dating...
Closing Marigold + True
Dear friends, Many of you have been following along in my journey of becoming a Shopkeeper when I opened Marigold +...
The Words That Changed My Life (And Still Do!)
(NEW art, available here in a variety of sizes) These wise words and questions changed my life 16 years ago when I...
Tending the Fires of My Soul + NEW Art
(NEW print available here in a variety of sizes) I can feel a stirring inside me. A beckoning. A gentle command to go...
NEW Art: The Presence of Wonder
(Shop new prints here) “Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder.” -E.B. White This year I’ve been...
A Creative Heart/Life Update
I went to Portland a couple of weeks ago and had an experience that felt like a mixture of grief, awakening, and...

Hello + welcome!
Hey there, I’m Kelly Rae Roberts
Before I was an artist, I was a social worker. And then at the age of 30, I started playing with paint, and everything about my life changed. Today I’m passionate about making meaningful art while helping other women explore their creativity, nourish their souls, and build thriving creative businesses.
I live in a tiny town named Sisters, Oregon with my husband John, our son True, and our two English Bulldogs, Lulu Butter Butterbean and Amelia Apple Bottoms. I deeply believe that anything is possible, one small and brave step at a time.

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I believe telling the truth about our beautifully messy lives is a transformative gift. For yourself. And anyone who’s listing. You too? I knew we were kindreds.