construction zone of life

Jul 15, 2014 | Life in Progress

Been thinking lately about the seasons of our lives when we are building something worthwhile – it takes so much effort, no? Even when it’s in total alignment and flow, it’s never easy. And how about how it often feels like we are in debris fields while we deconstruct so that we can construct? That’s where I’m at right now as I know so many of us are. On those especially hard days, I’ve been reminding myself that I’m in a construction zone season of life. I’ve been here on/off for years, but this latest build? Well, it feels big and the learning curve is rich, both in life and in biz. All really good.

You know how the universe sends you little messages and life preservers every now and again – signs that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be, heading exactly where you’re meant to go? I cannot tell you how much this has been happening to me lately – super reminiscent of 2006-2008 for me when this happened so regularly I began to wonder what the heck was going on and if I was really seeing these signs or if I was just nutty. The truth is is that I was just tuned in, and those years changed my life and set the stage for many years that followed (creative growth, booming art biz, all those small steps, etc). The same is happening now and I’m trying to collect, and fiercely hold onto these messages in whatever capacity they arrive. I received one the other day when Nichole (my new employee – can’t wait to introduce her later) emailed the above paragraph from this book at the exact time Betsy (my biz mgr) and I were having this exact discussion. This. THIS is why the construction zone – in my life and in my heart. I am building, friends. A team. A new foundation. A way to get these passion projects and ideas that have been in my heart for years out into the world now – without doing it alone, without sacrificing too much sleep, without the cycle of burnout. Good stuff. 
I’m so very excited and feel as if I’m learning something really important that will serve me in so many ways. I’m stepping deeper into my nature, learning how to be a boss, and harnessing all of my go power into the process vs the end product/offering. This is all really new to me yet I can sense how it all relates to bringing spirit and body together. I am, like, totally in awe and truly astonished at all the gems that live in the construction zone seasons of life. 

Sending much love,

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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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