crummy + conflicted = sucks.

Mar 29, 2008 | Life in Progress

hopeful hearts, on canvas

5 things to do that will make you feel extra crummy and conflicted:
1. struggle with your ego and impulsively send an email or two that you regret the moment you hit ‘send.’
2. worry about #1 over and over as you wonder if you made a mistake.
3. force yourself to paint even if you don’t want to – takes the joy out of it
4. place very high expectations on yourself which will only leave you feeling disappointed when you can’t meet those expectations
5. feel humble (not in the joyous, the-world-is-awesome way, but rather the who-do-i-think-i-am way).

5 things to do to get your head out of crummy and conflicted:
1. be gentle. we all make mistakes. we all want validation. we all let our ego get in the way of our most authentic selves. i suppose we’re always learning. me, too. especially me, too.
2. enjoy the breakfast your sweet husband made you.
3. listen to music while you do tedious tasks
4. make chocolate chip cookies
5. take small steps away from your mistakes and into knowing better

Sending much love,

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  1. The Bag Lady's Art

    Oh Kelly, just remember that we all hit the send button, or say something that we later regret, but sometimes maybe it’s for the other person’s benefit. Maybe they need to hear what you are saying. So do not beat yourself up over it, everything happens for a reason:-) I am a profesional worry wart, and try my hardest to never step on anyone elses toes or cause a problem, but hard as I try, it still happens every now and again, and the only thing left to do is learn from it and humbly appologize, and of course, go eat some chocolate chip cookies. I’ll bring the milk:-)

  2. Anonymous

    you are such a beautifully tender, magical soul.

    mccabe x

    ps i can totally relate to the hitting “send” out of ego and then regretting it. i often wish my computer could talk some sense into me when needed. “mccabe, you have pms, and you need a snack and a tall glass of water. step away from the computer.”

  3. Lisa

    I love your honesty…and your ability to show both sides. I am also loving your new pieces! Best wishes on your travels….

  4. Carmen

    I think we’ve all been there done that. Don’t beat yourself up! I love that you listed the five things to pick yourself back up… Makes me wish I had gotten up earlier today to enjoy breakfast with my family!

    I love this painting! It is truly amazing!



  5. lindaharre

    Your lists are oh so true! I am second guessing some of my decisions as well and I thank you for the second list especially! Hang in there……maybe we all could use a little “SPRING” to clear away the gloom…..artful hugs to you!

  6. selftaughtgirl

    “we all let our ego get in the way of our most authentic selves.”

    Thank you for writing that.

  7. Christianne

    ouch. i’ve been there with the e-mail thing. bleh.

    but i agree: listening to music can definitely make the most tedious tasks more fun, and it can begin to bring you back to your centered space.

    sorry to hear about the bad day funk. that painting is gorgeous, by the way. love the colors.

  8. Lisa

    from one impulsive email sender to another: be kind to yourself. your work is amazing, your words are amazing. I placed the cupping possibility girl directly in my eyesight at my office, she has made a huge difference in my day. you have more impact than you know.

  9. Donna Layton

    I’ve just got to say you are completely amazing. I’m not sure anyone’s art has inspired me so much. Thank you!

  10. Alex S

    Have I ever been there Kelly! I’m glad you figured out what you needed to do to feel better. I especially approve of the chocolate chip cookie part!

  11. Patti G.

    Kelly, dear me! Your art work is always amazing!! I hope your day is going better! I felt for you reading your post! Sending a hug
    (((Kelly)))and chocolate is always uplifting hehehe. Kelly, if you have a moment….look at my blog, I added these beautiful clings around your prints, I feel it brings them to life! They are on my blog! I just feel that the clings make you want to come right up to your art and be nose close! I love your art! ALSO, I am waiting for you to release a print on Gentle Thoughts……so please keep me in mind as soon as the prints come out ok?

  12. kelly

    oh….love the great lists and how you used both. ditto on mati’s mantra…..there really isn’t!
    but it is so hard to believe that somedays! hang in there. i am loving all the new pieces.

  13. mati rose

    before i even read your post i thought oh my goodness, this painting is amazing! kelly, it’s so delicate. the faces are really beautifully done. yay!!!
    and now that i’ve read the post, to repeat my written mantra- there is nothing wrong with you!
    be well,
    ps- i know i have an email to return to you too.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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