Weekly Update – Mind/Body/Soul Care, Allowing Unfolding, and True Love All Around

Feb 6, 2015 | Life in Progress

I’m obsessed with Instagram – it’s my favorite online home! Here’s a recap of my week, and for those of you who aren’t on Instagram, come and join me!

Friday January 30

Too perfect not to post. Happy Friday friends. And may you protect your
magic. It is sacred, blessed, worthy, and so needed in this world. Xxo
ps: this photo was originally posted by Selma director @directher who inspires me immensely.

Got #dressedupinjoy
yesterday and today. Lately, I’m just pulling things out of my closet
and layering up. I’m really interested in, and fascinated by, how this
simple practice changes everything. Look for an upcoming ecourse on #thewearyourjoyproject. It’s gonna be so good, nurturing, and creative !

Nichole (@freewitchnoguilt) likes to hula hoop during the day for quick breaks and energy
boosts. I know. She is adorbs. This hoop is weighted and it’s HARD. I
thought I was an expert hooper until I tried this thing. But for reals,
the two of us having been talking about how this new studio/office space
has greatly improved our quality of working. I’m so happy here, I could
hula hoop and play hop scotch all day long. #kellyraesstudio #hulahoopingattheoffice

Saturday January 31

Happy Saturday, friends. Here’s to staying #eager.

I’m having a rare, delicious day alone in the house. Omg! Currently
indulging in watching the Parenthood finale in the middle of the freakin
day. I’m so sad to see this show come to an end. I’m pretty certain I
have cried during every episode. #deeplyloved

Obsessed with greenery lately. I went to three nurseries today looking
for large 6-8′ house plants. No luck. But loving this little guy in our bedroom birdcage. #pdxplants #birdcageplants

 Sunday February 1

Our sweet Bella dog took her last breath late yesterday. She was nearly
15 years old and although we knew her time was near, we weren’t prepared
to let her go and say goodbye. We rescued her from a terrible puppy
mill when she was 6 weeks old. She had parvo, a belly full of worms, and
she could barely open her eyes because of the amount of fleas. Still,
she had a skip to her step. We took her straight to the vet. I remember
the drive so clearly, cradling her in my lap. We named her Bella and we
cried after we dropped her off, not sure she would make it. She DID make
it and many weeks later she was diagnosed with severe VonWillibrands
disease (similar to hemophilia) which made for an interesting life for
all of us. Despite all of this she lived a long, happy life full of
hikes, snow adventures, road trips, camping and beach trips, and so much
love. When we lived in Oakland, one dear homeless man always called out
when he saw her, “HAPPY Dooooog!” She has been with us since the
beginning, even going on our honeymoon with us, and she was indeed a
happy happy dog. It’s been strange today, not hearing her nails tap on
the floor, or hear her snoring on the couch, or have her begging for our
food. We are sad, a little in shock, but also honoring her unexpected
long life. We’ve had a candle burning for her all day while we all go
through our emotions, and we’re making a cake to celebrate her life. She
was a sweet soul. And we will miss her. Thank you to the amazing vets
at Dove Lewis Emergency Vet for their compassion, and professional
care. It deeply mattered to us. #kindnessmatters #belladog

Monday February 2


Thank you so much for all the Bella love. We are feeling peaceful, and
just allowing whatever emotions to come as they do. I was looking at
this painting of mine this morning and I immediately thought of her. It
reads, “Our impossibility is often our greatest gift” and it’s quite
true in her case. Her unexpected survival, her implausible long life,
the many times she was given another chance. Her impossibility turned
out to be our great gift. And we are so thankful. #grateful #thankyou

I wore these ruby red Mary Janes on our wedding day. Love breaking them
out every so often. Today felt like a good day to put some love, joy,
and history in my step. #alliswell #love #dressedupinjoy #thewearyourjoyproject

 I shared Part 1 of my (sort of) recent solo journey in this space a few weeks ago (#kellyraetakesaweek)
but I really want to share Part 2 as it was the this part of the trip
that has sparked a deeper knowing in me, one that I hope to continue to
cultivate. Now that I’ve been home a couple of months, I can see how the
gifts of allowing myself this time away from home, alone, for an entire
week in the AZ desert for mind/body/spirit and soul care was vital to
my growth as a mother, a wife, a human AND spiritual being.
You can read all about it (alert: lots of woo woo) over on my blog here.
 Tuesday February 3

We created a little art gallery wall for True’s drawings. It’s hard to
see but many of the framed pieces are portraits of the family, Bella dog
included. Love this wall. And love True’s pride when he sees his art on
the wall. PS: we’ve been in our new home almost a year. It’s taken this
long to feel really settled and doing things like this wall help make
this place feel like it’s really really ours. #kellyraeshome

So. This little guy saw his name on a box of heart shaped candy and had
the sweetest, softest, most sincere response with a gentle smile and a
huge look on his face of awe and wonder. It was pretty awesome. We
bought them, of course, and went home where he gushed to John, “Papa,
you’re never going to believe what I found!” We named True True not
just for true love, but for all things true: honesty, following ones
true north, being and living our true, speaking our truth. And I’ve
never, not once, regretted it. It suits him perfectly. #trueelioorlando #true #truth #truenorth #names

Wednesday February 4

Current scene in the studio. So many exciting projects in the works and
I’m still slightly in disbelief that I get to come to work here
everyday. #grateful #kellyraesstudio


OMG. Loving this shot that @kaseydamiata
shared! She says, “My First Graders really enjoyed making self portrait
collages in the style of Kelly Rae Roberts.” Friends, this really
speaks to that part of myself that is feeling called to work with kids
and could not make my heart beam more. How cute are these? #kidsareawesome #creativityandkids #kidart #happy
 New Art – Allow the Unfolding
I’ve been thinking so much about the unfolding we do in our lives. The
unravelling. The unlearning. It requires a certain openness, and immense
amounts of trust to simply allow the pieces to fall where they may, no?
Yet the magic is waiting for us in those moments when we’re we’re
willing to let go, even just a little bit. I am learning that falling
into a place of allowance is peaceful.
I’m not going to lie. The better part of last year was a huge learning
period for me, one of transition, burn out, and uncertainty. I deeply
underestimated the stress of moving homes, even if it was a dream come
true. I also underestimated the impact of moving studios and being
displaced, work wise, for about 9 months. In the midst of all of that, I
had some significant shake ups in my biz life – nothing bad, but it
required a lot of change, and building something new. For a good amount
of time, I was either burnt out, overwhelmed, or disappointed that I
wasn’t finding enough time or inspiration to produce a lot of new
content, creatively.
Looking back, I can see how it was a time for me to learn the hard
lessons of how to unhook from all the rules I set for myself and just
simply be, allowing the natural unfolding of what was to come. Although I
wasn’t necessarily creating or accomplishing super tangible things, I
WAS doing a lot of internal work, and making slow, steady steps toward
building a new foundation on which to live, play, work, and parent. GOOD
Nichole (@freewitchnoguilt)
calls it the “fertile void – the feeling like nothing is happening, but
actually everything is happening and brewing underneath, things that
are beyond our knowing or comprehension.” YES. I can see how last year
was exactly that. And now here I am, many months later, in recognition
that those months were about my learning to trust, to allow the
unfolding of what to come. And what has come is peace, inspiration, and
true personal sense of ease. I’m also in full trust for the next
unfolding, whatever that may be.
So, yes. Here’s to allowing the unfolding, friends. Hard, but such good
personal work in service of our deeper purpose. 
Thursday February 5

I went to a luncheon earlier this week and it forced me not to wear
denim. It’s been awhile since I wore a dress with tights and shoes that
weren’t boots. I also wore my own KRR scarf, which I loved too! #latergram #dressedupinjoy #thewearyourjoyproject

#tbt to our old backyard. Oh man. I miss it but plan on making our new backyard equally amazing. #backyard

 New Art – Grateful Soul
She was discovering the beauty around her, the peace within her. The
lessons hard won, the joys easily found, the mysteries embraced, she
felt blessed by all of it as it bloomed inside moments of real life.
Soak it in, her heart suggested. Remember this. Record it in your sacred
memory. Besides, there are times to dream and there are times to savor.
And this was a moment to savor. #lifeisbeautiful #gratefulsoul

That’s it for this week! Check back here next week for another update, or join us over on Instagram for daily photos and thoughts!

Kelly Rae

Sending much love,

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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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