New Art + Some Thoughts On Fear, Faith, + Courage

Feb 6, 2020 | Life in Progress, My Creative Practice

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Hello friends. So much is happening behind the scenes over here. Sometimes I feel on top of it, and sometimes I have to work really hard to settle my nervous system before I tip over the edge into The Land of Overwhelm. Always recalibrating over here, listening to my body for what it needs and adjusting accordingly. It almost always means slowing down and simplifying more and more.


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We all carry so much. SO MUCH.

I see you over there showing up for the sacred ordinariness of everyday life while also navigating the intensity of that ordinariness. I see you negotiating the highs and lows of mom life (complete with concern and wonder and the many layers of reparenting yourself while parenting your kids > OMG). I see you over there tending to your dreams, the late night work sessions – all while holding the discomfort in the mighty palms of Trust + Faith. And I see you, too, in the flow of your creativity, holding such an amazing vision for what is unfolding, for what is possible. I. Am. With. You.


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I don’t know how it all works. I just know that we are known, seen, held, and that divine order can be trusted. If the computer crashes just as you were submitting that job application, you can trust that it wasn’t meant for you. If you are stuck in traffic, you can trust that you’re not supposed to be wherever you were going…yet. If inspiration hits, and your whole life sort of blows up yet you feel in flow, BIG cosmic things are shifting and happening. And if you are in the winter of your soul, and things are dark, you can trust the light is coming and that you’ll emerge wiser, softer, and more beautiful.


And so. I keep reminding myself to show up for it all.

It all matters.

Everything shapes us.

And we are all exquisitely beautiful.

Sending much love,

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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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