on listening, allowing, awakening

Jun 27, 2013 | My Creative Practice

New piece. The signed/matted print is available here.

“I have met brave women who are exploring the outer edge of human possibility, with no history to guide them, and with a courage to make themselves vulnerable that I find moving beyond words.” – Gloria Steinem
Inspired by my recent adventure to Bali, I keep thinking about all the ways we bravely intuitively listen – over and over again – to our bodies. To the little nudges on our hearts. To the whispers that are calling us. We’re sort of expert intuitive listeners, no? I think the real magic happens when we not only listen, but when we allow whatever it is that may be nudging at our sleeves to transform our lives. I can’t think of a better intersection of when we’re our bravest and our most vulnerable – a place from which we can create, and make, and begin, and discover our own limitlessness. I seem to get this lesson over and over again. 
Thanks you, Bali. You taught me the power of leaning in. And how the second we allow ourselves to indulge the whispers, our entire lives wake up. I want to always listen, allow, and awaken.  
those of you who have a longing, an intuitive pull toward something – a
trip, a conversation, a letting go, an inviting in – whatever it may
be, I can’t encourage you enough to consider it an important whisper.
It’s your life calling you. Listen and allow. Listen and allow. And then awaken. 

Sending much love,

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    Hi Kelly Rae,
    Again I find your words exactly when I need them. I'm a fellow mom & artist who's feeling particularly vulnerable at this time. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer last year at 32, and it has shaken me to my very core. I'm finished with treatment, but I'm far from healed. The whole experience has prompted bunches of soul work & lately, even though I still feel incredibly raw emotionally, I'm feeling the urge talk to others about my experience. I certainly know I found it hard to find any like-minded young moms going through the same thing when I was in the thick of treatment. I'm working on setting my intention daily, listening to the whispers, & practicing bravery, hoping that something big is to come from my experience, otherwise the suffering seems almost wasted. I'm reading Wayne Dyer's Power of Intention, and you so remind me of the "connectors" he speaks of. You have a special way with words & emotion & I love watching how things in your life seem to align. It makes me realize it's possible for me too. A sincere thanks my friend.

  2. Lauri Lumby

    Kelly Rae,
    Everyday I listen to that voice of intuition, that inner nudge and it has brought me through some really uncomfortable transitions…but has ultimately led me to an amazing life that I never would have imagined for myself without taking the first step of listening. As Gloria Steinem also said, "The truth will set you free…but first it will kick your butt."

    Love you and your work!

    Lauri Lumby
    "Midwife to your soul"

  3. Misty

    Needed to read these words this morning. Thank you.


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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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