Why slacking off is beautiful

Jul 16, 2013 | Life in Progress

New signed/matted print available here

I’ve been super sick the last many days with a nasty virus. True has it too, poor little guy. There’s nothing like being sick to lift the vail on all the silver linings that come with spending a lot of time in bed, needing to ask for lots of help, and wishing upon wishing that you had the energy to play with and care for your toddler.

A couple familiar aha’s hit me while spending all that time resting and recouping. The biggest? The frustrating knowing that we’re moving to fast. Between work, and play dates, and dinners, and staying connected to our friends and family, and and and…..we’re over extending.

A big part of my soul work this year has been to challenge myself to do less. A good friend of mine always tells me that what I consider “slacking off” is likely a normal, healthy load. So I’ve been practicing “slacking off” all year. Lots of saying no. Lots of resisting the urge to produce, produce, produce. Lots of practicing the “I won’t be forgotten if I take a break” mantra. Lots of contemplation and healing work around perfectionism/worthiness/boundaries. Lots of trusting and breathing and allowing and awakening.

What I’ve learned so far in my year of “slacking off” is that there is breath. There is beauty. There is a whole lot of trusting the process. And there’s an enormous amount of loving my heart out. There’s a certain kind of self love I’m learning, too. Turns out it takes a lot of self compassion to give yourself permission to stop over doing it.

And so friends, I wish for you the same sweet surrender: Breath, Beauty, Trust, and Love.

Kelly Rae

Sending much love,

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  1. Sashia

    I hope you are feeling better! Thank you for sharing your art, creativity, love, and knowledge. Oh and I love aha moments. 🙂 please continue to take care of yourself… xo

  2. margherita arrighi

    Carissima Kelly per ora non ti comprendo perchè ancora non riesco a trovare la forza per dare il massimo. sono ancora li che devo organizzare la mia giornata. Però ti capisco perchè so mettermi nei tuoi panni infatti mi sento molto daccordo con te quando dici che è importante darsi il tempo e cercare l'amore che c'è in noi ed intorno a noi. Nella bibbia si trova spesso questo e nel prossimo post voglio parlare proprio di questo. Anche per questo Dio decise che la Domenica non dovevamo lavorare ma ci ha lasciato il tempo per pensare e meditare su tutto quello che abbiamo fatto. L'eccesso di stimoli produce veleni nell'organismo e genera stati patologici a livello emotivo. Quindi quello che hai scoperto è che il tuo fisico aveva qualcosa di importante da dirti e questo non è per niente un male… ti auguro di riprendere un ritmo sereno e di dedicare sempre più tempo a te stessa.

  3. Helena Davey

    I've been noticing recently the anxiety I start to feel when I am not productive every minute of the day. But my definition or the word productive is crazy. Im starting to learn that playing with my son, exercising and relaxing my body and soul is productive enough.

  4. artfulscrapbooking

    Oh wow, needed to hear this!! TFS, your collage and words are inspiring! 🙂 Evie

  5. Elisa {With Grace and Eve}

    Oh yes, a lesson I learn and then learn again. Surrender is so powerful. Beautiful words and wisdom Kelly x

  6. Anonymous

    I'm sorry to hear that you and True are sick! No fun. Thank you so much for sharing your insight about slowing down. I needed to read that today. I've had a nasty upper respiratory virus since June 26. I pretty much stopped "doing" since then. I am going to learn to slow down and heed your wonderful words of advice.

  7. rachel awes

    yes, sweets, I'm in the same boat. I have a foggy memory that I was in the same sicky ship the last time you posted about being sick + listening to lessness. in this life beside you, in the lessons + in the moreness + the less. with love + healing windy whispers xoxoo.

    (oopsa daisy…i realized i put this comment on a facebook comment thing here!)

  8. Kate Bedell

    Hi Kelly,

    Thank you for your blog post. It resonated with me so much, especially now. I've warn myself out so much that I can't walk! (My foot is in an aircast boot to try and slow me down because I am repeatedly tearing the fascia under my heel.) I told my friend Mel that this is truly a sign that I need to HEAL my SOUL (Heel my sole). Anyway, the reason why I'm writing to you is to say that I bought your book about a year ago but didn't have time to really take it in. Now, I am devouring every page and making little canvases based on your projects. It is giving me time to make my art to heal myself. I am loving every minute of it. I started working in collage about 10 years ago (adding it to my watercolours). However, I feel like branching out into a whole new world with the help from your book and creative ideas. I don't think I've ever received so much from a teacher such as you (and I have bought A LOT of books!) Thanks you SO much! I am also a teacher (burned out) and so receiving your love and tuition through your books is like liquid Gold! May you get well soon! Love and Blessing to you. Kate (Ireland)

  9. sonyamacdesigns

    slack off girlie because before ya know it … your boy is fourteen like mine is today.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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