Hi, I’m

Kelly Rae Roberts

I’m an artist, author, teacher, and former social worker. I’m also obsessed with possibility (a Possibilitarian!).

I’m passionate about

creating art that uplifts, encourages, and inspires. I also love helping women nourish their souls and unleash their joy through creativity and self-kindness.

Also, as a seasoned entrepreneur,  one of my favorite things to do is radiate possibility with other creative entrepreneurs, mentoring them toward all that is calling.

An unexpected journey into creativity and healing…

I spent my early career as a clinical medical social worker. It was powerful, important work, but my heart began to grow restless.

And then…I started playing with paint, at age 30, and everything changed. Painting brought me what I was craving:  healing, unburdened joy, awakening.

I painted, crafted, shredded, stenciled, smudged, and smeared like my heart depended on it. By 2006, my portfolio bloomed. I launched my shop. I got a book deal. I wrote the book. My art found new eyes. Big deals came a’calling. Contracts were signed. My art became licensed — landing in home decor stores and gift shops all over the world (dream. come. true.) and generating double digit millions in revenue. I never expected my art to catch like wildfire and spread across the globe.

Along the way, I’ve created several well-loved ecourses and retreats, sharing all that I have learned by crafting a creative life and running a profitable art business.

Through it all, I’ve used my blog to share the full, honest journey. The joy. The burnout. The self-care strategies. The celebrations and milestones. Balancing motherhood with business. All of it.


Artists and social workers

have more in common than you might think.

An important part of my journey was realizing that I hadn’t abandoned my former social worker self. I was still listening, sharing, healing, navigating messy emotions, making an impact — except I was now using my art, classes, and retreats instead of a clipboard in a hospital. Same message. New medium.

My journey as a social worker, artist, and creative entrepreneur has guided me toward a few core beliefs that inform everything I do, create, and teach, including:

We are meant for the complicated journeys of tenderness and fierceness, vulnerability and courage, wisdom and learning. All of it.

When we paint our joy, wear our joy, or even decorate our joy, we are honoring the essence of who we were always meant to be: alive, awakened, and joyful.

Creative entrepreneurship can be a portal into spiritual growth, purpose, and legacy building. Hello soul, hello business!

Self-care is an essential and worthy practice for our creative hearts. It’s how we receive our wisdom and higher guidance.

Creativity – both on and off the canvas –is a healing force that allows us to embrace, tell and own our stories in transformative, ultimately joyful ways.

When we bravely live our creative dreams into reality – one small step at a time – we give our loved ones permission to do the same.

Kindness – especially self-kindness – changes everything.

We must make time to silence the noise, engage our hearts, and tune into our whispers. They hold our life’s possibility. We must listen.

These days

I’m blessed to share my life with my son, True, my husband John, and two English Bulldogs named Lulu Butter Butter Bean and Amelia Apple Bottoms. We live in a tiny town in Central Oregon called Sisters where we cozy up in a colorful modern farmhouse, surrounded by three magnificent mountains named Faith, Hope, and Charity.

Life is messy, precious, and so very good. Dreams do come true. Love is everywhere. My gratitude is endless.

Selected Press

Book Contributions

Thank you!

Thanks for visiting — and for spending a moment in my Possibilitarian world. May it inspire you to discover your own limitlessness.

Kelly Rae Signature

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