Just Show Up:


8 Weeks of Co-Working
and Co-Creating


Calling all Creatives and Possibilitarians!

Let’s work and/or create side by side, heart by heart on projects that are whispering for our attention.

What if

  • You could finally get that painting series done? That book proposal done? That online course mapped out?
  • You could JUST SHOW UP with your Possibilitarian spirit to the best co-working club ever, filled to the brim with other kindred spirits?
  • You had dedicated & highly intentional time each week to focus on a project you’ve been wanting to make progress on while in the company of other heart-led creatives?
  • You didn’t have to do it alone and you had a group of other creatives cheering on?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like  to get things done inside the most loving, possibility-fueled co-working club ever?

Just Show Up!

is a virtual co-working club where we’ll make small (or big!) steps toward projects that are whispering – or possibly shouting – for our attention.

Our hearts will be engaged. Our work and creativity will flow.

And we’ll do it all while in the company of other brave women who are also answering the calls of their hearts.

This is your invitation…

To carve out a sacred and intentional space every week (for 8 weeks) to bring your projects and dreams forward, one small step at a time.

It all begins Tuesday, Nov 15th, 2022.

How it Works

We’ll meet via Zoom every Tuesday for 8 weeks, starting Nov 15th, from 11am-1230pm PST.

At the beginning of each of our co-working sessions, I’ll set the tone for a loving and motivating 90 minutes ahead. Intentions will be set. Goals will be created. Your heart and mind will be primed and readied to create from an intentional and productive space.

After a warm welcome, I’ll set the timer, and we’ll focus on our individual projects.

No interruptions. Just a quiet, high vibrational space to work on whatever you want to focus on that day.

Deep magic happens when creatives gather to co-work. We ride the energy of all the possibility in the room. We become braver, more true. And we get really good things DONE.

After our focus time, we’ll come back together and close out our beautiful co-working session.

We’ll acknowledge and celebrate our small steps and share our plans for continued small steps until we meet again (hello, accountability!).

You’ll be sent off with inspiration, and eons of encouraging vibes until we meet again the following week.

Some Ideas

Whether your project is a painting series, a writing project, or mapping out your next moves when it comes to your business or life, ALL ARE WELCOME!

Here are some ideas for how you might use your time during Just Show Up.

Creative Projects

Work on a painting series, sketching, art journaling, quilting, a knitting project, and more! 

Biz Projects

Mapping out new offerings/courses, updating your website, planning ahead, content writing, marketing, and so much more!

Writing Projects

Journaling, blogging, content writing, book proposals, poetry, newsletters, and so much more. 

Personal / Self-Care Projects

Meal planning, card/letter writing, journaling, reading, prep cooking, outfit gathering for the week, and more! 

I believe in you!

Come get whatever has been on your heart DONE.

Let’s do it, together.

Investment: $88

That’s $11/week for 8 weeks of the most loving 90-minute co-working sessions you can imagine.

All you have to do is Just Show UP.

It all begins Nov 15th, 2022.


When do the live co-working sessions happen?

This offering is for 8 weeks of co-working sessions, beginning Tuesday, Nov 15th, from 11am – 1230pm PST.

These are the 8 Tuesdays we’ll be meeting:


Where do the live co-working sessions happen?

All co-working sessions will be held via a Zoom meeting. Upon registration, the Zoom meeting link will be sent to you.

What if I can't make the live calls?

No worries!

Every single thing is recorded so you can access it anytime, whenever you’d like. So, if you can’t make a LIVE session, its recording will be available within 24 hours in our Learning Portal.

Don’t love attending LIVE sessions and prefer to watch sessions on your own time? Permission granted to skip all the LIVE sessions if it’s not your thing. You can self-pace your way through the recordings.

Will there be a FB group?

No, however, if you want extra accountability, we’ll match you up with a buddy. Also, there will be plenty of community building and discussion opportunities in the Learning Portal.

Can I work on several projects over the course of the 8 weeks?

Yes! This is YOUR TIME. Do whatever your heart wants. If it wants to focus on one project for the entire 8 weeks, great! If it wants to do several smaller projects, wonderful! There are no rules here. Please use this time however you’d like.