buon giorno!

buon giorno!

  grab a cup of tea as it’s going to be a long one. i have so much to share. not just about italy, but about life now that i’m home, shop updates, where we’re moving next week (i’m calling out to you for help on that one), and so much...

thoughts on perspective + italy

i just wanted to pop over and say the obvious: i love italy. i have so much to say and to share that i’m not sure where to start. and i so wish i had the ability to upload a few photos but i’m at this random computer with a funny keyboard and so the photos...
hello, italy.

hello, italy.

dear italy, we’re on our way. to you. to your sights and sounds and visions that have made a cozy home inside our dreams these last several months. finally, you are on the immediate horizon. mati and i can’t wait teach in your cozy spaces, to eat your...