Hi there! Come on in and take a peek at my most recent creative wellness art retreat in France!
How adorable are these beauties?
There’s nothing quite like gathering with a group of kindred spirits to nurture our souls through connection and creativity. Each retreat leaves me feeling so very inspired, grateful, and bursting with joy. Truly.
My France retreat will forever hold a special place in my heart because my dearest Mati Rose came with me as my teaching assistant. Here we are, color coordinated, though we didn’t mean to!
We painted and collaged our hearts out. There was laughter and love and fear and doubt. We got messy. We had fun. And through it all, bravery and beauty were born. My heart bursts with love EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
The self-reflection, camaraderie, and willingness to go deep was unmatched. And what resulted was pure bliss, both in art and in life.
I’m always amazed at what PLAY delivers. It never disappoints. As we worked with gorgeous colors and patterns, truth was revealed layer by layer. Creating art from the inside out is a lovely process that guides us into acceptance, excitement, and boldness.
We ventured out to see some sites, savoring every moment in the French countryside. Have you been? It was my first time and I love, love, loved it!
The cobbled streets, the antique stores, the markets, the windows, the ancient doorways. BLISS!
I’ve got another post coming up with video. Truly, I loved this retreat! I arrived home filled to the brim with inspiration and so much adoration and gratitude for the lovely and amazing women who adventured with me.
Wanna come on a future retreat??
I’ve got some SUPER FUN retreats coming up! Be the first to know about all of the details by joining the Retreat Interest List.