Our dining room has come together. We love, love, love this room. We eat here, collect mail piles here, drop off our...
There’s lots to explore here.
I write about my life as an artist, including behind the scenes, new products we're making, and more!
I’m so glad you’re here.

Home + Room Tours
Join Me on a Tour of Our Guest Room
Our Guest Room! Who Wants to Come Visit? In truth, I sleep in here most nights with the windows open. Bliss. 🛏 After...
Studio Tour! LOVE!
We’ve been in our new home in Sisters, OR for about 3 years. In that time, my studio, which is a sunny spare room in...
Our Home Is on the Cover of Oregon Home Mag!
Friends! Do you recognize this kitchen? So fun to have our home featured on the cover of Oregon Home...
Nine Months in Our New Home: A Little Home Tour for You.
We’ve been in our new home for 9 months. So crazy how time unwinds and unfolds, sometimes softly, sometimes in a...
Home Tour: Our Modern Farmhouse Colorful Kitchen!
Hi friends! I thought I’d give you a tour of our kitchen! The only other room tour that I’ve done of this new home is...
A Tour of Our Living Room! Hello, Colorful Farmhouse!
Guess what? We’re fully unpacked and settled in our new home. OMG! I’m certain that all of the rooms will...
I Can Hardly Believe We Made It Here!
What a journey this has been. From the seed of a crazy idea to leave our home of 20 years (Portland, OR) for a tiny...
Like, Obsessed
Throwback to when I was very pregnant with True and we had just moved into our home that we remodeled on a VERY tight...

Hello + welcome!
Hey there, I’m Kelly Rae Roberts
Before I was an artist, I was a social worker. And then at the age of 30, I started playing with paint, and everything about my life changed. Today I’m passionate about making meaningful art while helping other women explore their creativity, nourish their souls, and build thriving creative businesses.
I live in a tiny town named Sisters, Oregon with my husband John, our son True, and our two English Bulldogs, Lulu Butter Butterbean and Amelia Apple Bottoms. I deeply believe that anything is possible, one small and brave step at a time.

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I believe telling the truth about our beautifully messy lives is a transformative gift. For yourself. And anyone who’s listing. You too? I knew we were kindreds.