
Mar 6, 2007 | Life in Progress

there was something about lisa’s visit this past weekend that left me feeling a little more grounded to this place and a little less raw, vulnerable, and new. perhaps it was showing her the city and sort of actually knowing how to get around that left me feeling more at home. or perhaps it was the small amount of captured and then released pride to frolic in a place that actually has some pretty amazing views, not to mention the unbelievable weather.

there is also something about bringing your family & friends, one by one, to your new home that makes it feel more like a place where your spirit and heart reside. i believe it is in the making of new memories with those i love that is starting to make me recognize myself in this place.

when lisa left yesterday, john told me it had been awhile since he’s seen me laugh so much and so hard. sadly, it’s probably true. it was a quick visit, just what i believe we both needed. a jump start. a push. a tiny vacation.

lisa’s visit was trolley rides, and sea lions at pier 39. it was lunch by the bay with sunshine flooding our conversation. it was virtually no traffic in a city known for it. yes indeed, she brought her charm all the way from portland. it was girly fun in the dressing room of Old Navy where we bought the most adorable outfits for $24!

there were also a lot of self portraits with her snazzy camera and amazing views of the golden gate. there was even time for make-up fun at macy’s (turns out we have opposite skin tones. she’s blue/red and i’m yellow/orange. she gets all the fun color options. i get bronzes and taupes). have you ever had your colors/make-up done? it is SO fun! i am in love with prescriptives.

between falling on our booties at baker beach, and lunching in sausalito, we talked. we talked while walking the dog, dinner in north beach, and while making jewelry (lisa is a photographer and jewelry maker/designer). talking and catching up. i realized through all the talking that i’ve been quite negative lately. complainy. difficult. i was reminded by my talking about whatever we happened to be talking about that my internal negativity was coming out in conversation, not in a super obvious way, but in a way that i took notice. and it was a good wake-up call. i have nothing to really complain about in my life. all is well. very well.

i love having visitors. i love my friends. i love my lisa. she was my first friend in portland almost 8 years ago. she is talented, has the two most adorable little girls, and is the owner of a heart so huge, and real and true. she has a good head on her shoulders, but not in the kind of way that makes her all about business or inaccessible. she is smart, spunky, a natural counselor, and very, very kind all at once. she knows the secrets of life. and lives and loves accordingly. a dear friend.

life is good.

Sending much love,

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  1. lisa s

    Oh my…deep breath, I feel honored and special and I love you! An amazing trip I will forever hold in my memory (oh and in the 150 pictures:)) Thank you my dear friend!

  2. Stacey

    I bought the exact same white dress a couple of weekends ago. Too funny!
    : )

  3. Frida World

    Oh yes, I know those times (lately there have been too many of them for me) when you realise that your laugh, your sense of delight and fun has been taking a back seat to your sadness or frustration or blues.
    I am so glad that this visit from a wonderful friend helped bring the joy back to the surface.
    Your smile in that photo says it all.

  4. daisies

    good friendships are the best 🙂 this photo of the two of you is so beautiful and happy and relaxed, lovely!

  5. melissa

    Good friendships are an amazing thing. I’m so glad you had a wonderful and very happy time with Lisa. You two look like you had so much fun!

  6. Anonymous

    Simply BEAUTIFUL!

    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Amanda

    There is nothing like a good friend. It sounds like you had a great time. Your work is beautiful and inspiring. Keep holding on to the positives, I know it isn’t easy.

  8. Paulette

    So glad to hear you had such a wonderful visit with Lisa. The pics of you guys on the beach are hilarious!!!!

    btw…I’m close to deciding on those prints…be back in touch soon. ~xo

  9. daffa

    what a beautiful photo!! i’ve moved around alot, and i think it has made me appreciate my friends so much more. to be able to transcend distance, and maintain bonds is the making of real friendships!! i too love it when i can introduce my friends to my new home… and when i can visit them in theirs…

    how long have you been in san-fran for?? i’m glad you’re starting to feel at home there!!


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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