My first conversation with a medium. It changed my life.

Oct 11, 2016 | Life in Progress

NEW print: available in my shop here.

About fifteen years ago, my friend Lisa and I went to a seminar on intuition. We arrived expecting a straightforward lecture, but that was not at all what we experienced.

The event was held in the dimly lit basement of a woo-woo bookstore. We sat in a circle and the woman leading the discussion informed us that she was a medium, which means she could talk with spirits. She said they were always around her, chatting with her, and that listening to your intuition was really about listening to the whispers of the spirits. My friend and I looked at each other like “This lady is nuts!” and we considered leaving but ultimately decided to stick it out.

I was totally closed minded about what she was trying to teach us. At that time in my life, I had a  limited view of spirituality, so I was not open to considering much of anything.

At the end of the evening, the teacher  asked if any of us had a loved one that had died by traumatic injury. She said their spirit was trying to get through to one of us, but apparently we weren’t letting them in. I was quickly trying to put on my coat so I could get the heck out of there, but our eyes locked and she walked straight up to me and said that I was the person this spirit was trying to reach.

Before I could say anything, she described in (freakishly accurate!) detail the death of my beloved adoptive father, Jerry Roberts. And then she told me the message Jerry was trying to send me, including the message that he had been trying to reach me many many times but that I wasn’t paying close enough attention to his signs. Thankfully, my friend Lisa was there because, frankly, I was a mess. It was a wonderful, hard, completely unexpected, beautiful, crazy moment I will never forget.

I learned a huge lesson that night that still rings true for me today: no matter what your spiritual beliefs, we have to be in a constant state of listening and paying attention. I also learned that we can tap into a gorgeous abundant river of knowledge if we simply allow ourselves to show up, stay through discomfort, and trust that there is something there for us to learn inside the breadth of mysteries we might not understand. I think God (Spirit, Love, Light, Universe – whatever you want to call it) puts us in both surprising as well as everyday ordinary experiences with the spiritual challenge to notice the meaningful moments for what they are: moments that have the potential to give us what we most need in the form of wisdom, comfort, and light.

Since that unexpected evening fifteen years ago, I have opened myself up to the mysteries and I now believe that in even the most out-of-comfort-zone experiences, perhaps especially those experiences, we can be completely changed and awakened by what is being revealed. And what is often being revealed is light – our own, others, and that of spiritual essence.

Here’s to the mysteries we may never fully understand.
Here’s to the ways that our heart, Life, ancestors are always speaking to us.
Here’s to being open to surprises and unexpected moments of grace.

Kelly Rae

Sending much love,

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  1. Rana

    Love how you are sharing your light. Found you through Laly Mile.

  2. Heidi Behr, LCSW, CAP

    I love this story. I have been more & more open to “woo-woo” and began listening to Abraham Hicks this past year. Talk about tapping into Source Energy & JOY! It’s there for us all the time. ? My dad currently pops in via cardinals & butterflies and boy is it comforting ?

  3. Dawn

    Hi Kelly,
    I like was intrigued by this post as I am a huge believer in our connection with the spirit world. I have learned myself through similar experience that our loved ones remain around us always, as are our guides and angels and if we listen, we will hear them. Just last week we went on vacation to Thailand and I worry about leaving my grown up kids and my pets and my home. I love to travel but this pull to home is strong in me and as the days approached I got myself into a state of nerves that threatened to spoil things. My spirits send me a song…. 3 little birds…. Bob Marley…. and it happens a lot…. in bizarre circumstances. So take a guess what was playing in the background when I sat in my seat on the plane….. don’t worry…..bout a thing…. cos every little thing gonna be alright…… so I took heed…. and everything was fine ? Sending you a virtual hug xx

  4. Irja Orav

    Your openness to “spirit, God, love, light, universe” is exactly in tune with my own view of existence and love of life.

  5. Mimi

    Wow! Though my spiritual awakening was different from yours, I had also been very closed minded. A family friend tried to talk to me about alternative New Age remedies, and I laughed in his face. Little did I know that within a couple of years, my world view would take a 360 turn. Thank you for sharing your story. Blessed Be.

  6. Nicole Wagner

    Thank you for sharing something so personal. I don’t believe in coincidences and your post is just instilling in me a reminder to be patient and I will get through this experience. I have a few different balls in the air and at times it can be frustrating but seeing things through to the end is rewarding even if it’s not the outcome we were expecting. Thank you thank you thank you, this was just what I needed today.

  7. lulu moonwood murakami

    This gives me chills, Kelly Rae! I love the lesson you took from this experience, opening up the possibilities for all no matter what their spiritual beliefs may be. Thank you for sharing!
    xoxo, lulu

  8. Mary Reinecke

    Wow ! Thank you for sharing that message. It is what I needed to hear right now. I try to remain open to the spirits and wisdom that guides me but we all need encouragement.

  9. Tina Bettison

    So beautifully expressed Kelly Rae. Thank you 🙂

  10. Monica

    In the past month, I had a meeting with a medium who visits the gallery my studio is in. The experience was just as you described. Eerily accurate and my Grandmother and Dad both came through. In very different ways, just as they were in life. Both expressed love for my artwork and it brought me to tears, knowing they are with me… even as I paint and create. I am so glad you shared this story…

  11. Fay

    Hi Kelly Rae, I live in Geelong, Australia & am an avid reader of your sight, which is just so beautiful. I have purchased many of your items around this area, which I either have adorned on the walls, or given as gifts.
    I am also a believer in Spiritual happenings & have been for many, many years (being 76 years young). When my husband passed away just on 3 years ago, we have had many signs from him that he is around us & when my Father passed away, I visually saw him in the Church where he spoke & gave me a message he was wanting to tell me. Life is a mystery so enjoy it while you can.

  12. Juliana Sessions

    Love, love, love this post! Wish i had the ability to remember…….

  13. Kass

    Beautiful story and a wonderful reminder to be present to the miracles that are unfolding each day. Thank You!

  14. Laurie Sherwin

    I know it’s not a coincidence that you talk about this topic when I had one of these very things happen today. I was going to dismiss it but now. No. I don’t think I will now. Thanks. Here’s to listening and being open.

  15. jan bianchi

    Totally believe it and right there with ya on this! Family is always nearby. Just another realm non apparent indeed. Thanks for sharing the post. Authentic and real as it should be.

  16. Jodie

    I followed you on Etsy years ago…I am delighted with the success you have had because you took risks. You are a loving, miraculous individual! And your artistic esthetic…is magical…

  17. Erica G

    Where was this place you met the psychic? I have always been very interested in this sort of thing but very wary or fakes or people just pretending. I long to delve deeper to see if past lives or connections with people in this life can be found.

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      I met her at the Renaissance bookstore here in Portland OR! Someone I would highly recommend is Liv Lane at She has been a big a portal for me into the spiritual realm.

  18. Maria

    Hi Kelly. Please take this as coming from someone who really loves you and your sweet spirit. I feel like I know you from all your wonderful posts and tho you don’t know me please keep an open mind as our said. The bible says to tests the spirits and that a deceptive spirit can appear as even as an angel of light. Though you may so want this spirit to be of your loved special loved one gods word says no one from the next life can come here or communicate to anyone here. I don’t say to burst your bubble but there is an enemy of God that can appear and communicate to us in a way that appeals to our hearts he also knows us and our past! Please test this spirit to see if it is of God. Pray for it to reveal itself on Jesus name and see what reaction you get! God will send true comfort especially for you but not by the deceptive enemy no matter how good it felt to hear and yes He God is always trying to communicate His live but we are so distracted often wevdont hear. I am praying for you to find true light. Write me if you wish! Read “the beautiful side of evil” for additional info about the spirit world. You are loved in a big way. You have A lovely heart don’t be misled!! Keep an open mind and you’ll find what you long for in Jesus. He died for you!! Begat I say is true! Pray and ask to be shown. Nothing will be more lovely to you nothing! Ever!

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Dearest Maria,
      I so respect your concern as well as your passion. Please know that everything that I have experienced in the realm of spiritual healers, channelers, etc has done nothing but brought be closer to God. I don’t work with anybody who works with negative energy/forces, but rather only good, only love, only for our highest selves to connect with our divinity. Thank you and much peace on your path. Although our paths may look different, I believe we are all connecting with the Source that we believe to be God + Love.

  19. Narah Kimberly

    I’m so glad that you wrote about this. I have always been interested in the Spirit world and only recently discontinued doing professional card readings in favor of resurrecting my art biz at the direction of my Higher Self. I was reminded this morning that I agreed to do this as part of my purpose here on Earth. Thank you for spreading the Light!! 🙂

  20. Tracee

    This past year has been brutal in terms of losing people close to me. My husband dropped dead of a heart attack Dec 19th. My mother died on her birthday in February, and my late husbands father died in early August. The day after my FIL died, my two best friends both lost their mothers.

    I never wanted to be a single parent but here I am with a 15-year old daughter. She is the reason I haven’t given up and moved to a house in the deep woods! We are relocating to Lincoln City, OR from our farm in the frozen tundra of western PA.

    I have no idea what my life will look like when she leaves for college. My beloved golden retriever has never left my side this past year and I tell her more than my therapist.

  21. Rachel Bavis

    This is such a beautiful post and reminder to pay attention & see the small miracles that happen every day. Sometimes I forget in my rush to get things done. “Choose light. Live in it. Be it. Surround yourself with it.” Thank you for this gift Kelly Rae Roberts. 🙂

  22. Pam

    Thank you so much! Perfect timing of course. Love and Light to you?

  23. Luz

    Hi Kelly,
    Thank you for sharing such wonderful personal story. I am so touched by it and at the same time enlightened by what you experienced on that day. My name is Luz (Light), and up to three years ago I hated my name. It’s difficult for non Hispanic people to pronounce it. I remember when I was in my early twenties I went out with my girlfriends. We were at a club having a good time. A gentleman approached me and we started chatting. He asked what my name was, I said Luz. His reply with a big smile was….oh, l-o-o-s-e,, is that what you are? Growing up these were the kinds of comments and reactions I would received about my name. Three years ago I attended a seminar on personal growth and healing. One of the presenters was a Hispanic psychologist. During one of the group activities we had to introduce ourselves so just like everyone else I said…..hi, my name is Luz and…….. He stopped me immediately and said to me……LUZ, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL NAME, LIGHT, HOW POWERFUL, THAT IS WHAT MOST OF US ASPIRE TO BE, LUZ, WHAT A GIFT.
    I listened to his words but did not internalize them. The following morning as I was driving to work his words hit me like lightning and then I realized I have been given a special gift, Luz, Light!! What a beautiful gift from above!

  24. Dianna

    Wow, no coincidence that I read this today as a reminder to “pay attention”. My Father died when I was 14, over 30 years ago. One of my most memorable dreams of him was the message to “pay attention”. Today I read a notebook of his and after having my 1st child this year at age 45…read this: “I would like to go out and shout as loud as can be “I want to live!” I want to live as long as can be without being a burden on somebody, I want to live long enough to see Dianna’s children…” This. Just today. He wrote that before the cancer and I didn’t see it till after I gave birth to the daughter I never thought I would have. Life is precious, love is everlasting. Thank you for all your messages that speak to so many.

  25. Debbie

    Very interesting

  26. Terri Paulson-Sasaki

    Thank you for sharing your story and reminding me that I need to stay open for what is there for me.

  27. Tammy Askins

    Beautiful ! 🙂

  28. Sue B.

    I had a similar experience. Had a friend who could see/hear Spirit. It encouraged me that I wasn’t crazy. So I put it on my bucket list. A few years ago, someone gave me an unexpected monetary gift for my birthday. I made an appointment with a local, reputable medium. My life has not been the same since – in the most amazing, wonderful way. It’s so much easier to relax & let life flow. <3

  29. Karen Boddy

    Love this Kelly Rae. How amazing to have experienced and appreciated such a beautiful mystery at such a young age! It does deepen ones belief in a greater power.

  30. Beth

    Kelly, I love that you shared this! I have had other similar stories show themselves to me lately. I am going through a difficult time and I feel that it is accompanied by an awakening. Thanks for leading the way and showing the rest of us how to open up to the magic that is there if we are paying attention.

  31. Pat

    Thanks Kelly that was a great experience,also bought your 2019 personal calendar today,love it,you are so special ❤️?

  32. Kristin_Texas

    Goodness can I relate! It’s been those unexpected surprises/experiences that can quite literally change a person’s life, or at least their mindset. I’ve experienced some strange things in my life – not on a daily basis, but stretched out over the years – and it’s those experiences that have given me NO CHOICE but to open my mind. (Although I still consider myself a skeptic, I’m an open-minded one). For me, I knew spirits were real when I saw one when I was around 7 years old. (It was a man dressed in fancy Renaissance clothing and with a pageboy hairstyle. He was fixing the covers at the end of the bed. I’ve had dreams of him over the years and have even heard his voice a few times. I have a blog all about him. I believe his name is Patrick). My experiences have also opened my mind to past lives being real. (I was v-e-r-y close-minded about past lives but then I had a few visions – which I also didn’t believe in – and started having dozens of dreams where I was living in different eras). So yes… I can completely relate to your post. I still consider myself a skeptical person, but I now know better than to be as close-minded as I was before. The world is strange and we really do know so little. We know practically nothing.

  33. Sandi Hawkins

    Spoke volumes to my soul. Today of all days I needed to hear this. I believe my Dad sends me signs To assure me he is with us.

  34. Heather D

    I attended a similar class. What responded with me wad her first statement…If you think it is your imagination, believe it is your imagination, you will never see the signs or messages.

  35. Juway Bhalla

    Kelly, I came across your work in a shop when I was on a holiday in Queensland / Australia and I feel even that incident was a spiritual connection for me as it brought me to follow your work and to be inspired your beautiful creative art and writing and now this piece of writing and many other encounters, I have come to meet has taught nothing more than to continue to be open, free to let everything and anything flow through and to hold to anything those that resonates and help me grow. Life is forever teaching me the connection that we all have to where our soul originates from that spirit is forever guiding us through this beautiful journey and that we must stay open, true, wholesome and loving to ourselves and everything that surrounds us all the time. Thank you, Kelly and I am working towards getting started on my own creative work also. Much love to you and family – Juway

  36. (Ms.) Michael

    Thank you so much for sharing this! I’ve been on this journey the past few years as well … learning to be open, learning to watch and listen… turning in when others who are more sensitive have messages. It has been a joy to witness your journey. Thank you for being open enough to share with us — and model receptivity for us.

  37. Debbie Rogers

    I love your spirit and how it shines through you. You lift me up. It is my dream and hope to one day meet you in person.

  38. Diana Keith

    Thank you Kelly! This post came at exactly the right time for me.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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