A thank you + what crazy making (i.e., the creative process) feels like

Dec 6, 2012 | Entrepreneurship, Life in Progress

I am learning a lot about my body.

It just simply cannot hold too much excitement and inspiration. My brain can hold it all. My heart can hold even more. My body? Not so much.

The original painting sale was awesome. Thank you you so much for all the love. Most sold in 14 minutes. All sold in about 30 minutes. Do I really live this life?

During the sale (plus the entire day before the sale), I was having full day jam sessions with the mega talented Alexandra Franzen. Before the back to back sessions with Alex, I had a life changing brainstorming session with my Hello Soul Hello Business partner, Beth Nicholls.

These possibility-fueled sessions plus nerves about the painting sale plus my heart and brain about to explode with what I now know I must create in 2013 = an explosion of too much possibility.

I’ve been sick in bed ever since.  Diagnosis: Possibility Overdose.

Do you ever feel like one of those really eccentric creative ladies who is up up up in the clouds with language and ideas and confidence in what could be, but you likely sounds crazy to everyone else because what you are talking about doesn’t exist yet? Yeah? Me, too. Especially lately.

I’ve been out in the wild west territory of the Creative Inspiration Stratosphere these last couple of weeks, friends. It has indeed been wild, like discovering a whole new world. And I know this is how it goes. Inspiration hits and it feels like a tornado comes through and dismantles everything. This can last days, weeks. Adrenalin kicks in. You body, spirit, heart prepares for the onslaught of force and momentum. You try to grab a hold onto every piece of that inspiration explosion as it spins and whirls through. You’re in survival mode, grabbing each piece of inspiration that flies by, not sure how it fits into the bigger puzzle, but you grab for it anyway. You scribble down impossible ideas that come to you in the shower, in your dreams, in the car. You lose sleep. Your brain is LIT UP. It’s chaotic, frustrating, amazing. Then, when things settle a little bit from the storm, you try and distill it each piece that you were able to grab ahold of. You incubate it. You brainstorm it. You unravel it.

And then, finally, if you are lucky, it arrives: CLARITY. Clarity on how to best use the inspiration in service of your bigger mission. 

Ahhhh, some peace. Everything changes.

You have landed. You have survived the tornado. And all is well. But your body, your vessel, your temporary spirit home…well, it pays a price.

You rest for a good long while. You drink lots of water. You get over the acuity of Possibility Overdose.  (This is where I’m at right now in this crazy making process)

And then, later, after you give your body and soul its well deserved downtime, you slowly begin the tedious process of sifting through the debris,  picking up all the bits and pieces that got strewn all over your life during the divine creative explosion.

You organize them. You strategize. And you make a plan to birth it all.

I’m thinking nine months from now, there will be a big birth around here.

It’s going to be amazing.

And you? I have you to thank for everything. And YOU will be a huge part (everything, really) of this new baby. Just wait…

In the meantime, I’m going to rest and enjoy the rest of the holiday season. I’m going to slow down, breathe it all in, and wish upon stars upon stars.

Can’t thank you enough for everything. 

Kelly Rae

Sending much love,

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  1. Lindy Stockton

    Kelly Rae, you ray of light… so glad you recognize the ways of working (and recuping) for yourself. I wasn't able to snag an original but am thrilled with the christmas prints I purchased (and the extra dose of joy thrown in!)

    I am in a complete transition state of being at the moment and am thrilled for all that is about to become. One of the things I'm doing for myself is purchasing your e-course… in fact off to do that now.

    …scatter joy…

  2. Steph

    I can relate to much of this, you articulated it so well. Enjoy your rest, soak in the season.

    Warm wishes to you,


  3. Anne

    I am SO thankful you have put those feeling into words and named all those crazy moments! Goose bumps, tears in my eyes, the ring of truth… thank you! xxx

  4. Karla

    This post is so timely, I feel the same way! Thank you for sharing and what you're doing to take care of yourself in the moment. 🙂

    From a VERY grateful 2012 Flyer!

  5. Short Wigs

    Thanks for your sharing, it's a good post, keep going and support you.

  6. Silvia Byrne

    Lovely post Kelly. While i wish I had a tornado like that of my own blow through, I will be excited about yours and wait to see what comes of it. Happy Holidays. x

  7. Heather

    My Christmas print arrived today! I couldn't be happier. Thank you so much 🙂

  8. Anonymous

    hi there, was that comments about in nine months there will be a big birth- your way of telling big news? OMGOSh!!!So exicting!!!!!

  9. Sue Allemand

    OMG – you just summed up EVERYTHING that I've been feeling, doing and going through the last few months!! THANK you for giving it a name! Possibility Overload!! LOVE! Now if people would let me have the time and space to CLARIFY my thoughts and direction — instead of the proverbial "when's the book coming out" attitudes.. hehe. That would be AWESOME!!!

    Here's to our mutual birthings!! Love ya Kelly Rae!

  10. Flutter Before You

    Congradulations! I loved this post, as I have been feeling it too, wild energy, fireworks. I love your wording,spot on.Can't wait to see your new endeavors.I am also super excited. Today I picked up my favorite treat,Where Women Create magazine! I had to take a sneak peek inside, your studio is amazing! I can't wait until I have all my decorating done, and I can curl up and read it from cover to cover amidst the magic of the Christmas glow! Xo

  11. Wanda Diakow


  12. rachel awes

    ditto, dear one.
    so affirming to see
    my same experience set
    into written word.

    love from me in my
    tender body self to
    you n yours!

    your honesty + awakeness
    is beautiful.

  13. urbanjovi4ever

    I'm glad the sale went well yesterday. I wasn't able to log in to see what KKR originals usually sell for, but I'll continue to drool over all the print & products & look forward to the new jewelry & bag collection!

    What you just described is something I can't imagine. My tornado is usually of the negative kind that leaves me spent, empty & longing for something more… Your blogs & art allow me to live vicariously through your artistic adventures & inventions. Thank you!!

  14. Guadalupe

    Great post! last night I was trying to share the same process with some friends…I`ve been there and I know exactly what you`re talking about.
    Thanks for writing the exact words♥
    Your posts are always pure inspiration.

  15. Suzanne Drolet

    I've been feeling the same way. I'm taking the rest of the month to just re-energize (no blogging) and work on the inspiration for new paintings that I'm feeling…..Great poat as usual. Can't wait to see what next year produces, I'm sure you're gonna do amazing things. So…9 months….does that mean anything? Hmmmm Just curious!

  16. Elma

    Love your art!! You deserve a nice long break!! I can not wait for my original piece:)
    Have a wonderful Christmas!!!


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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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