around here lately

Dec 21, 2012 | Life in Progress

Studio: Our little print studio has been buzzing over here. It was our busiest couple of weeks of the whole year and boy was it a total, joyful mess. If you were here you’d see boxes everywhere, papers everywhere. You’d see my studio mom busy printing, matting prints, and making shipping runs to the studio. We can’t thank you enough for supporting our little print shop. The shop is now closed for the holidays, but we’ll be back open after the holidays.

Scored used train play table from a neighbor. Playroom project complete!

Home:  Love how alive our home is with a playful, toddler spirit. So much joy when everyday objects, like pots and pans become beloved tools and toys. We’ve also been getting the finishing touches done on the basement remodeling project which included a playroom for Mr. True. We scored an awesome train play table from a neighbor and he is digging it, immensely. The playroom and basement came together just in time for the rainy season and for this we are thankful. I’ll share full basement before and after photos soon!

Last yellow leaves if the season.

Gratitude: For the stranger who extended kindness toward me the other day and broke my heart open even more. For John who has been waking up with True each morning at 630am so I can sleep another hour (he is so, so supportive). For my parents who are a huge part of our team. For clarity that changes everything and for the opportunity to take small steps toward its vision. For good rain proof boots.  For really good books. For the slow cooker that is changing our dinner routine and making our home smell delicious. For meant to be partnerships. For love, love, and the expansion of it in our marriage, in our lives, in our work.

Seriously grateful.

On a mission friends. On a mission.

True: Impossibly adorable. I thought I loved age one, but two is blowing my mind. His personality is shining. And I’m just so honored that I get to be his mom. Everyday can be categorized under cuteness overload

Sending many holiday wishes to each of you and continued love and prayers to CT…

Sending much love,

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  1. chrissy

    What a beautiful little man! And thank you for sharing your glorious studio with us! I love to see all of the messy bits of love that go into the finished product. It makes me feel so much better for the heaps of paper and mess I have in my own! Much love. XO

  2. Lisa

    I admire your compassion, joy and love of life! Thank you for the inspiring words. Many times your thoughts have mirrored mine especially in regards to the recent tragedy in CT. I am with you!
    I hope to become an inspired and inspiring artist like you someday…Just trying to find my way.
    Happy Holidays to you and your family!


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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