Weekly Update: Summer

Aug 14, 2014 | Life in Progress

It’s totally summer around here. After a few super full weeks, I can sense that things are calming down and I’m super grateful for the breath and the space, and the chance to slow it waaay down. Yes, yes, yes.

The other day, I spent an hour or so in total silence and rest. Mind blown. I must do this more often. I could hear my pal Brene whispering in my ear “cultivate rest and let go of exhaustion and productivity as self worth. ” Hello, truth.  Rest + play are definitely two things I’m working on. And so. I am resisting the urge to paint that room, unpack that box, launch that new idea, sign up for that new class, and on and on. Instead, I’m working on the thing that keeps circling back to me every few months, a whisper wanting some attention. It says to go slooowwly, and create lots of breathing room along the way.

I can totally do that.

“One life on earth is all we get, whether it is enough or not enough, and the obvious conclusion would seem to be at the very least we are fools if we do not live it as fully and bravely and beautifully as we can.” 

Speaking of listening to our lives, I cannot tell you how much I love having this Frederick Buechner quote up in our living room (a Sugarboo design). I want to live this thing fully. Bravely. Beautifully.

And speaking of beautiful, It’s getting downright suspicious that I have yet to pull a card from the pile of hope notes that doesn’t have the theme of  joy. I love all the messages from the universe lately – the bizarre ‘coincidences’, the appearance of hummingbirds, the finding of hearts and feathers – all reminding me that joy is my teacher, and that I’m on the right path. Love, love, love. 
And speaking of love, we finally shipped out the last of our prints from our big Flash Sale a couple of weeks ago. I’m crazy grateful for all the love, all the support. Thank you! Sometimes, I pinch myself. Is this really my life? 

(available here)
Happy summer, friends! 
Here’s to more trusting, more rest, more play, more living. 
Kelly Rae
PS: The response for my upcoming painting ecourse has been awesome. Can’t thank you enough for all the sign ups since launching registration last week. Class starts in a little over three weeks. Would love to have you join us! If you’re on our newsletter list, be sure to read our most recent letter for a discount code! If you’re not on our list, come on over and sign up!  #letartoutletlovein #unleashyourjoy

Sending much love,

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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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