I was at my favorite Portland antique store recently and spotted this clever display from one of the vendors – totally want to do something like this as a fun, creative headboard. Working on it….
Was at my favorite Portland nursery and spotted this clever garden display. How cool is that? LOVE Love! If only we had a large yard….
While at the nursery, I spotted this sweet little boy with his new animal hat.
Messages are everywhere. This one was found in the wall art section of Home Goods.
I believe when we see these messages, they’re speaking to us. We just have to notice. This one caught my attention in a random magazine. Shine, shine, shine…
And this one was spotted in another antique market – love it! I took its message and thought to myself “Why thanks so much! Very kind of you to say so, dear table!”
What messages and delights have you been discovering lately? Isn’t the hunt fun?
Kelly Rae
ps: We’re giving away serious goodies to anyone who places an order of $75 or more in the online shop this holiday season! We’re giving away brand new fabric totes (large + small), journals, new magnet sets, shopping bags, and so much more. Only while supplies last…xo! Thanks so much for all of your orders lately – we’re busy little elves already!