for all of it.

Nov 24, 2006 | Life in Progress

for inspiration that is so strong it keeps me up at night.

for those moments in my life when i take a deep breath and recognize all that i have, all that i’ve done, all that i have to learn, and the connectedness of it all.

for my mom who calls me a couple times a week and loves me to pieces, even when i’m neurotic and grouchy.

for all my friends, new and old, who wrap me in their support, who call and leave messages even if i don’t call back. thank you.

for a partner in life who loves on me each morning while i’m still half asleep and who takes the time to do the simplest things that mean the most in our relationship.

for memories of me when i was exactly 8 years old. before everything changed.

for the indigo girls.

for an airplane-eared dog who snuggles with me every single morning after john leaves for school.

for our health and for cancer free biopsies all year long. thank you.

for surrender. for tears. for lessons of life. for discovery, even when it’s hard.

for the holidays and the anticipation of spending time family.

for books. for music. for art. for my car. for cookbooks. for best friends. for love.

for all these things, and so much more, i sit here in true, deep and wide thanks. not just today. but everyday. everyday.

Sending much love,

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  1. Anonymous

    and to you being able to see your blessings…

  2. Judy Wise

    Thank you Kelly Rae for that beautiful post. I’m so glad you have a good mother, a good partner, good friends. Isn’t life one long blessing? I feel it too.

  3. krista

    that was beautiful.

    the one that hit home for me was to say thank you for surrender. love that.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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