
May 2, 2006 | Life in Progress

1. i asked john out on our first date. and i was close to asking him to marry me, but he beat me to it.

2. i am quite shy, despite #1.

3. i loved, loved, loved my highschool experience.

4. i’ve kept a written journal since age 14.

5. Simple Abundance by Sarah Breathnach was a book that changed by life. i was 20 years old, and i went around giving “the pink book” away to anyone who would take one. my heart was open to change and growth, and it still is.

6. i’ve used the Proactiv Cleanser every single day for several years. it’s a miracle worker.

7. i chat with my mom on the phone, who lives 3000 miles away, nearly every day.

8. i have a dog who has hemophilia. i will spare you the many adventures we’ve had with excess bleeding from simple cuts. i’m talking blood transfusions and such. anything for my dog. she’s our family.

9. most of my closest friends are people i’ve known since junior high. they are beautiful women, doing amazing things with their lives.

10. i’ve always wanted to join the peace corp, but never did. it is my single regret of my adult life.

bonus: sometimes i like to see how people get referred to my blog. recent google searches that have directed people to my blog are (get ready to chuckle):

“embarrassing boob moments”
“why did i choose social work?”
“numbing toes”
“life lessons + marathon training”
“size 32D boobs”
“girl in the big city”

Sending much love,

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  1. AscenderRisesAbove

    Interesting list

    How did you find out what terms people searched google to find you? Inquiring mind wants to know…

  2. alena

    this blog of yours makes me smile so much. i just love it! btw, im an american idol junkie too and am all about katherine winning

    i have a question about your bio since the book comes out next may of 2007. we can email each other about it.

    love to you,

    alena, mimi, harvey and andrew

  3. Dana

    Aaw, your poor dog! I didn’t know dogs could have hemophilia, but I guess it makes sense.

  4. liz elayne

    love this list my friend. love it! especially #1.

    and these ways people get to our blogs – it is wacky isn’t it? i haven’t noticed all your posts about boobs though…need to check out those archives I guess.

  5. Dreamlover

    I love this post as well!! I also wish I had joined the peace corps, only I wasn’t eligible cos I am british!! sob sob

  6. Joy Eliz

    LOL!!! Embarassing boob moments!
    I love this post!

  7. Cate

    These lists are so much fun–yours is fabulous! It was great learning more about you! I, too, love the Simple Abundance book and feel that it is life-changing! Also, I talk to my mom every day and have kept a journal since I was wee! Thanks for sharing these wonderful tidbits!

  8. Alexandra S

    Hi Kelly,
    I did the Peace Corps in Bulgaria and you know what? I also recruited for them for 3 years and I don’t know if you know this but there is no upper age limit. MANY Peace Corps Volunteers are older, retired couples so maybe later in life you and John can do it together!

  9. Sarah e.Smith

    lol…some of those searches are hilarious….what a great list! Thank you for sharing! I don’t remeber how I found your blog, but can say that I really enjoy reading your posts and seeing your beautiful art! I totally enjoyed my high school experience too… Loved this post 🙂 I am such a sucker when it comes to lists…you’ve inspired me to sit down and come up with one 🙂

  10. Laini Taylor

    Great list, Kelly! I didn’t know you asked John out first — that’s great. And would you REALLY have asked him to marry you? I love that! I’m also a Proactiv true-believer; and your dog is the sweetest, cutest dog — and in the pic you posted below with your Portland pics she looks HUGE, bigger than you! I would think she was a gigantic dog if I hadn’t met her in person. And you’ll have to tell me how to track what brings people to our blogs. That’s too funny. DID you have an embarrassing boob moment?


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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