Something profound shifted for me while I was in Texas. Since arriving home I can feel my inner grit rising – the part of me that is ready to fiercely and bravely lean into all the ginormous possibilities and opportunity that I’ve been resisting this past year or so. Look out world. I think I am ready for you.

And I’m thinking these new red boots will help get me there. My Possibilitarian spirit has been unleashed. Thank you Ali and Brene for ushering over to the other side.
A few years ago when I began to answer the call of becoming an artist, there was a quote that was my touchstone. Now, seven years later as I begin to lean into a bigger call, it’s becoming a beacon for me again:
What in your life is calling you?
When all the noise is silenced,
the meetings adjourned,
the lists laid aside,
and the wild iris blooms by itself
in the dark forest,
what still pulls on your soul?