
Jul 7, 2008 | Life in Progress

i received a call from my stepdad today. “i had to take your mom to the hospital this morning.” and my heart paused with disbelief. i was alone in the kitchen, fear muting my words.
for the first time in her life, my mom was sent to emergency room by paramedics this morning. she spent the entire day getting IVs, tests, and more tests. eventually, she was sent home without any conclusive diagnosis, and the waters are still muddy. i know she is frightened and quite worried. and to be honest i’m very, very concerned and walking the very fine line of panic. my heart breaks that she is 3000 miles away and that i’m not with her at this very moment. if you don’t mind, could you please send a wish/prayer/love/whatever you want to call it in the direction of my dear mom? i would really, really, from the depths of my heart and soul, appreciate it…..more soon.

Sending much love,

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  1. christine

    Oh, Kelly. I know how hard this sort of thing is.

    I am saying a prayer for your mom–and for you too. So much love to you. xo

  2. Michele P.

    so sorry to hear about your mom, my thoughts and prayers are with your family.

  3. lacy

    Hi Kelly,
    I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I have way more experience in hospitals of late then I care to acknowledge so I get the frustration of not knowing and the pain of hurry up and wait. I am thinking of you, I am thinking of your mom, I lift you both up, may you find extra hearts in the world as signs from the universe that she will be ok, you will be ok, it is all ok! My very best,

  4. Anonymous

    Kelly, I’m new to reading your blog but I’ve read almost the WHOLE thing in the past few days and the postive and loving relationship that you have with your mom is seen in how you talk about her, and your pictures. I will hold her in my prayers.



    I am sending out prayers for you and your mum. I hope everything is going to be alright. Belinda

  6. Dana

    I know what it is like to be away from a family member during a health crisis. My heart goes out to you.

    I will say a prayer that she receives all the care she needs from skilled and loving hands and that she recovers quickly.

    I am also saying a prayer for you and your family during this stressful time.



  7. anni

    Sending prayers and love your way!


  8. amy

    sending good thoughts to you, your mum and the rest of your family. i hope everything is ok. take care.

  9. Alex aka Gypsy Girl

    Sending my good wishes and positive thought to both you and your mom. xo

  10. Deirdre

    I’m sending good thoughts, hoping your Mom is feeling better soon.

  11. Kelly Kilmer

    Hi Kelly,

    Sending good thoughts for you and your Mom…I know how scary that is and can be. My whole family is in the Boston area and I am in Los Angeles…I’ve been in the same place where you are a few times myself the past 13 years I’ve been here. Sending big {{{hugs}}} and good thoughts.

  12. Gwen

    Light, prayers and love coming your way, and to your mom and step-dad.


  13. MeMe

    My prayers join with all the others, Kelly Rae. Blessings to you and your mom.


  14. Kelly Valentine

    Sending you and your mom prayers of healing, wholeness and happiness. Hoping all will be well in your worlds…

    Be gentle with yourself this week…

    Warm wishes,

  15. bettyann

    My prayers and good wishes go out to your Mom. Take care and breathe..

  16. Katrina

    still sending love your way, my dear dear friend. please let me/ us know how it goes. xoxo, k.

  17. Tami Roth

    Sending positive thoughts to you and your Mom, Kelly Rae!!!

  18. Melli

    My english is terrible(I`m from Germany^^°), but I like your blog and now I wish to write a comment, because I want to cheer you up.

    My thoughts are with you and your mom!*cuddle*

  19. matirose

    sent my dear.

  20. Anonymous

    Hi Kelly
    So sorry to here your Mum is not too good at the moment.Sending her lots of wishes, it must be hard for you being so far away.
    Best wishes
    Lorraine W.

  21. stephanie lee

    Yes, yes, a thousand time yes.
    I hold you all in the light of vision filled with peace, trust, the good care and safe keeping of wise and caring doctors, and the Spirit that pulses with the love you all have for each other.

    (So many good thoughts coming your way. Don’t fret a bit about a reply. Keep your energy where you need it. I’m holding you in my thoughts, prayers and the light).

    SO much love!!

  22. Ali

    Oh man – tell your Mom that I am praying for her Kelly.

  23. Gillian

    Sending positive thoughts and well wishes for your mum, hope she will be okay.

  24. Rekoj

    Oh my – hugs and healing… Having met and talked with your Mom for quite a bit at Artfest of course I’ll be sending all the well wishes and prayers that I can towards the east. Healing and hugs.

  25. Jenni

    oh my goodness. *hugs* I’ll be thinking about you and your mom, hoping that everything comes back okay. My dad was rushed to the hospital two months ago, so I think I know how you are feeling. My thoughts are with you.

  26. melly~

    peace to you kelly and your mom.
    thinking good thoughts.

  27. Carmen

    You’ve got it Kelly. Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way. You and your family will be in my thoughts.



  28. ama


    I’m so sorry you’re feeling frightened and so far away from your momma while she’s in this scary space. I love you, and know that your mom is safe and loved by the universe, is held carefully and lovingly in the palm of good’s big hand. Go home if you need to. I love you. Ama

  29. Cocoa

    What a scary phone call! I’m sending some love her way and your way too. I know how hard it is being a daughter far away from your mother but wanting to be close so you can help.

  30. Carolyn

    sending love & prayers!

  31. Anonymous

    sending her my thoughts and prayers!! kt

  32. lindsey

    prayers for your mom and your family. i imagine i’d feel quite like you if in that scenario too. please keep us updated.

    { Lindsey }

  33. carine b.

    I really hope that your mom will be okay,I’m sure that all this positive message will help her and you too.Take care.

  34. June

    i’m sending prayers your way for your mom and for you. my parents are far way also. i know how that feels.


    my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom and step-dad……that all will be well.

  36. sperlygirl

    sending positive thoughts and well wishes to you, your mom, and your family. my thoughts are with you…

  37. taylor

    Sending good thoughts to you and your Mom.
    Wishing you guys the best.

  38. Tamsie

    “fun” was not the correct word to use. Relief should be substituted.
    Fun is when it all works out and everyone is happy. Relief is when not matter what, we’re glad we took the action.

  39. Tamsie

    If that little nagging voice says, Buy a plane ticket and go…heed the words and take the action.
    It’s always fun to look back and say, I’m glad I did that.

  40. jessica crawford

    dear miss kelly rae,
    yes, i promise to pray for you and your mom and your family. i have tears as i write this, thinking about how frightened you must be. the God Who made you and your mom–He hems you in behind and before. He is ever-present and on the job of caring for you and for her all at once. He knows exactly what the deal is, and i pray that He will reveal it to the doctors, give them wisdom to care for her, and that He will give you peace beyond understanding.

  41. Vanessa Voss

    sending out positive thoughts xo

  42. [Charlene]

    Absolutely your family is in my prayers.

  43. Marilyn Rock

    Sending prayers and positive thoughts across the miles for your mom. Please keep us posted.

  44. Anna Lloyd

    I hope your Mom is alright! I’m thinking of you both and hopefully you get to see her soon.

  45. Sue Smith

    Will pray for your mum and you too!

  46. the camp

    thinking of you and your mom.

  47. justagirl

    oh Kelly I am so sorry, what horrid news… and to be so far away must really hurt.

    You and your dear mum will be in my thoughts…

    Take care


  48. Bunny B

    I really hope your mom is okay. My thoughts and prayers are with her! Hope you will be strong too!

  49. wendy treseder

    Time to come out of hiding, stop lurking and let you know that I’m sending positive thoughts and prayers your way, hope everything is okay with your Mom.
    Take care


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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