kimmie and mac

Sep 5, 2005 | Life in Progress

kimmie and mac are roadtripping all the way from LA to FL and they stopped in portland to see us for a few days! So far, my favorite parts of their visit have been:

– all 4 of us walking into a tiny, old-school salon (complete with little old ladies getting their weekly perms and teased hairstyles) to get hair cuts together. hilarious.
– playing video gambling with kimmie and getting really excited about winning (and then losing) 40 quarters
– having the best sushi in town at our favoirite, hole-in-the-wall sushi restaurant.
– sleeping in almost every day and then going to our favorite breakfast spots (cricket cafe, j&m cafe)
– having a really great day with kimmie while Mac and John surfed for the day. We woke up, had a great talk, went to breakfast and talked some more, shopped, ate, relaxed. It was wonderful.
– having a belly roll laugh with kimmie in the car on the way home from gelato. Kimmie is so silly and i just love her sense of humor. she still laughs about dumb stuff, about bodily functions, and it’s just so funny. at the same time, she is a treasured friend who is all things wonderful: a compassionate listener, your greatest cheerleader, perfect amount silly kid and grown up adult. once, when we were in college, we posed as highschoolers and went to the local highschool dance in tallahassee, florida and danced with all the highschoolers in thier school gymnasium. we were total fools having the best time dancing our einstein dances and being fully obnoxious . we must have looked like complete dorks – but we were having the best time. that is a great memory.

Sending much love,

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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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