link love and some happenings around here.

Feb 3, 2012 | Life in Progress

How are you guys doing out there? This weekend, I am planning on more time at my studio table – currently working on my first ever true blue holiday/Christmas line and I’m really thrilled to be challenged in this new direction.

Currently in progress. Happy to be making stuff.
(recent painting – in process)

I wanted to share a few things that have caught my eye recently or things that I keep forgetting to tell you:

– Did I tell you I’ve been on the search for months to find the perfect skinny jean that hides/holds in my post baby muffin top? I asked for your recommendations on Facebook and I tried them all: Old Navy, Gap, Not Your Daughter’s Jeans, Paige, AG, and more. Thanks to those recommendations, I found THE skinny jeans that are the most comfortable jeans ever. Pricey, but worth every penny. It’s been several weeks now and I’ve worn them a lot, washed them a lot, and I’m still loving them a lot. Best with boots…

This article has been making the rounds, but just in case you are a mama who hasn’t yet read it, it’s a MUST MUST MUST read. This part just made me want to scream yes, yes, yes: “Parenting is hard. Just like lots of important jobs are hard. Why is it that the second a mother admits that it’s hard, people feel the need to suggest that maybe she’s not doing it right? Or that she certainly shouldn’t add more to her load. Maybe the fact that it’s so hard means she IS doing it right…in her own way…and she happens to be honest.”

This commencement speech had me in tears.

Bookshelf wall project complete. Love it. Now time to load it up with books and globe collection.

– My dad has been building us doorway bookshelves in the dining room inspired by these. I am loving how they are turning out. More photos soon when I can sneak some time to fill them up with our book and globe collection!

– My art pal, Traci Bautista (she is so smart, so kind, so talented) has a new book out. I have a copy and I highly recommend it. It’s perfect for us adult doodlers and teens as well. Very cool. Go Traci (and congrats!)

– Speaking of talented people, remember when I gushed and gushed about Amy Barickman’s book, Vintage Notions? Well, friends, she is having an amazing design challenge and the winner wins $3000 worth of products, including sewing machines, fabric, patterns, and more. One of my dreams is to learn how to sew. It’s a bit of a fantasy/pipe-dream at the moment and has been for years. Once, about 10 years ago, John and I took a sewing class together. By the end of our many weeks of classes, he had made me an outdoor vest with a zipper and everything. Me? I never made it passed the collar to a shirt! Ah well. One day, I’m gonna do it. But for all of you sewers out there, be sure to check out Amy’s design challenge. I’m inspired!

– I agree and loved everything he said – a powerful video on how empathy informs the best kinds of innovation, creativity, and transformation.

Flora, image by Tara Morris
Flora, image by Beth Nicholls

– And last, but not least: My friend Flora’s highly anticipated painting e-course is launching on Monday! I’m telling you. I have taken her workshops. I have talked with her for hours and hours about how the painting process intermingles with life’s biggest blessings, lessons, and awakenings. She is a natural teacher, incredibly talented, and just crazy generous with all that she gives. You don’t want to miss it. I can’t wait for Monday to start!

Have a great weekend, friends. See you next week….

Sending much love,

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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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