Weekly Update – More Disney and DIYs!

Jan 22, 2016 | Life in Progress

I’m obsessed with Instagram – it’s my favorite online home! Here’s a recap from the last week, and for those of you who aren’t on Instagram, come and join me! And you can click here to see all the Instagram updates right here on my blog!

Friday, January 15

And we’re off! Last day here we’re super digging California Adventure’s vibe. Xxo!

Okay friends! Super excited to share these new tote bags with you! The one with the yoga mat is quite large which I love! We have three more styles in addition to what you see here and I just adore them all! They are all via my partnership with Demdaco!
This week is the AmericasMart in Atlanta. It’s the winter show where all my new products debut, including these totes! I’m super excited to have lots and lots of goodies in the Demdaco showroom, including these, new mugs, socks, Angels, and more.  ? Although I’m currently in CA with my family (Disney!), a bit of my heart, enthusiasm, and spirit is in Atlanta this week. I really love this part of what I offer to the world. Xxo

Saturday, January 16

Annnnnnnd that’s a wrap. Heading home today with thankful hearts and suitcases full of memories. ?? Best part? Watching his expression of magic and wonder at many many things. Makes my heart so happy.
Worst part? That time I almost lost my lunch on the flying swings, the rocking ferris wheel, and some other ride I can’t remember right now. 

Home and reunited at last. Seriously missed this one. And I think she missed us because within two minutes of True getting in the bath, Lulu helped herself and hopped in with him. I think she thinks it’s a thing. Best dog ever.

Sunday, January 17

I found them like this. I love them. I know this sounds woo woo (I prefer “awakening to woo woo, but whatevs), but since my miscarriage (2013) I’ve had several intuitives tell me that a girl spirit was in the wings. In fact a psychic told me the DAY before I fell in love with
Lulu that a girl spirit was close. Of course who knows what our future holds (likely no other human babies) but I like to think this sweet dog is the energy that perhaps the intuitives were picking up on. She’s been such a perfect temperament, companion,
and play mate for our family.

You guys. We came home from Disney to boxes and boxes of all the photobooks I worked on and ordered over the winter break. They finally arrived. ALL of them. What you’re looking at are Artifact Uprising books that hold all of our best photos from 2006-2015 (ten years) and on the bottom are 68
Chat Books that contain all of my instagrams and their captions. DONE and DONE. ??

Tuesday, January 19

#letartoutletlovein ?

Last summer I found some gorgeous floral vintage wallpaper from the 40’s (on a site call Hannah’s Treasures for those of you interested). And today it’s FINALLY going up after a looooong search to find someone willing to work with vintage paper. I’m thinking it’s been worth the wait because I’m loving it!!!! 

Annnnnd I love it. Now I wanna do more accent walls. 


Surrender your seriousness

Come alive

Take a risk

Be radically kind

Share your heart Shine

Celebrate everything

From my heart to yours….

Wednesday, January 20


“Friendship isn’t about whom you have known the longest… It’s about who came, and never left your side. ♥”

― Mikaela Tiu

Current view. Zipporah Lomax is in the studio today taking shots for upcoming new website!


Friends, episode 7 of the Possibilitarian Podcast is now available!! Join us as we say goodbye to 2015, and welcome 2016 with open, grateful arms!! Don’t forget to send your questions to hello@kellyraeroberts.com, and check out the episode here!

Thursday, January 21

Current view from my bed. It seems right on cue, I get a sinus/chest cold thing within a week of coming home from a trip despite being downright obsessive with immune boosters and germ fighting. I’m all WTF but also grateful I’ve got support so I can (hopefully) sleep this thing off. ??

That’s it for this week! Check back here next week for another update, or join us over on Instagram for daily photos and thoughts!


Kelly Rae

Sending much love,

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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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