sillyness and see-saws

Oct 29, 2005 | Life in Progress

Being silly with John is one of my favorite pastimes. We can sit on the couch for hours, talkin our talk, sweet talkin till the sun goes down. I lose track of time and nothing else in the world seems to matter. It’s the best. I love that he pays attention to small things that brighten my days. Like earlier this week when I came home from a particularly hard day at work to our apt all lit up with candles, soothing music on the stereo, and a home-cooked meal. He’s taught me to pay attention to the details that can make a huge difference in our days. There are always things to work on, but so far, I’m really proud of our marriage.

I’ve only been able to run once in the last 4-5 weeks. I’m trying to give my knee time to heal and calm down after learning, via the MRI, that I have significantly irritated the lining of my knee and have developed an effusion that is stubborn and doesn’t want to go away. I figure I’ll try and start running again next week, small distances at first and then see what happens. I’ve been a little cranky these last couple of weeks and not running hasn’t helped. It really is true how you can become addicted to it, the running that is. I guess I’ve been in withdrawal this month.

I am so excited about going to the pumpkin patch tomorrow for Sophia’s 3rd birthday party. It’s supposed to rain, so I’ll be sure to wear my new colorful rubber rain boots and be ready to get dirty. I really can’t wait. Earlier this week I went to the park with Lisa, Sophia, and Simone (1yrs) and had the best time, especially on the see-saw (photos above). The see-saws have always been my favorite and sitting across from Sophia as I see-sawed her up and down was just so cool. Watching her laugh and crack up and be in the very best of moods was just a kick for me, and always is.

Sending much love,

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  1. lisa

    Those are the cutest kids I have ever seen! 🙂 Oh, they are my cuties! I loved the park with you kelly; my girls think you are the best Auntie Kelly ever!
    Love ya, Lisa

  2. John

    Those are really great kid pictures. Kinda makes me want to get one, um, well not really. I’ll leave that to my friends and sister! Hey K, I may be up in Oregon in the next 6-8 weeks. I was supposed to be there on Nov 8, but changed my plans. Hopefully I’ll see you before the year is out. BTW, I’m in love for the first time in over 10 years.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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