smarty pants

Aug 20, 2005 | Life in Progress

John got an “A” in both his organic chemistry class and the lab. It’s a huge accomplishment – these courses are notoriously super difficult. He’s been going to school the last couple of months, not working, just focusing on these classes (2 semesters of o.c. and the lab condensed into an 8 week summer session – intense) and I’m just so proud of him. We celebrated yesterday with dinner and dessert. All day long he was like “did i tell you i got an A?” Now comes the grueling task of preparing for the GRE and applying to a boat load of CRNA programs. It’s weird to think we could be moving again next year and john could be starting a 27 month grad school program. Most of the schools he’s applying to are on the east coast (boston, ny, ct, nc, va, me) and a couple in CA. It’s too bad there isn’t a program in Oregon as we’d much prefer to stay here. The long term plan is to return to Portland after school is over, but who knows. It’s all very exciting and I’m glad we are both people who adapt to change well and have no problem packing up and moving across the country for a couple of years. It will be a grand adventure.

Sending much love,

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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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