The War Of Art: Best book ever

Dec 6, 2013 | Life in Progress

Friends, I’ve had this book on my nightstand for weeks but I finally picked it up last week and OMGoodness, this book is the best book ever. Powerful. Inspiring. Sucker-punch after sucker-punch of truth. It’s not just about art, it’s about LIFE. As I was reading through it, I got so inspired and excited that I started taking photos and instagramming a couple of the passages. I could barely help myself.
Like this one. He had me at page one, that Mr. Pressfield. Wow. 

And then this one. How true, no? The tone is matter-of-fact but also quite thoughtful, very motivating. It has helped me on the self-care front as I continue to fight the resistance of that particular battle. 
Everyone I know is getting a copy for Christmas. For reals. It’s not everyday that I’m impacted by such a book. I had to share. Highly recommended. 
PS: Stay tuned these next couple of days. On Sunday, I’m announcing my next e-course (hello, nerves!). And then next Tuesday, we’re having a HUGE holiday giveaway party here on the blog with over 60 prizes up for grabs (WHOA!). 
X to the O, friends. I hope your season is off to a good start. More soon!
Kelly Rae

Sending much love,

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  1. Kris

    I am so in love with this book! I bought it when you posted on instagram…he had me at "the unlived life." Two of my friends bought it after I told them about it…one started writing the book that's been living within her after reading this! I discovered your art while on vacation 4 years ago and have been following you since. Keep sharing your heart and soul. You are so authentic and are living the unlived life that a lot of us are working on discovering within. You give us hope! Keep shining brightly! We are paying attention and you are changing lives. God Bless!

  2. Shawna Miller

    I'm hoping this is on Kindle so I can start reading during nap time today! Thank you!

  3. Carine

    I must say a big thank you to you Kelly. I ordered the book after seeing your post on facebook and I am reading it right now and it is just waht I needed! how wonderful.

  4. Holly S

    Thank you, Kelly Rae for your insight. It must make more sense when read with the surrounding paragraphs. The way you explained it makes sense. To me, they way that it is written doesn't embody any of the artists I know-the way you said it-I know artists like that. Nikkiana, thank you too for your words explaining your interpretation of the passage and I agree leaving it up on the blog is a great point of conversation.
    Love you and your family, Kelly Rae. Your light shines so bright sometimes I need sunglasses to read your artsy posts!

  5. Susie

    I read this book a few years ago and LOVED it for it's realness and honesty. I've re read it a few times and I find that the wisdom contained within changes and adapts with me to where I am on my journey. I read it cover to cover one afternoon. I simply couldn't put it down.

  6. Nikkiana

    Personally, I'd encourage you to leave it, Kelly. It's harsh, perhaps too harsh, but I think it serves as a great point of conversation.

  7. Nikkiana

    I loved this book… I've also loved the others of his I've read… Going Pro and Do The Work.

    To Holly's point… I think that passage seems overly harsh when you take it out of the context of the rest of the book. It's not that he's trying to say leave your buddies behind, but he's pointing out the very real reality that you shouldn't hold back on account of your friends. If you've got a friend who's a blocked artist and who's struggling to create, you can't let their struggle affect you because it's their struggle. You can't coddle them or do the work for them. All you really can do is encourage them to do the work, and they have to decide to do it.

  8. kelly rae

    I can see how you read it that way and I'm going to remove that photo as I can see how it can be seem harsh out of context. I believe, of course, in mentoring, helping, being a resource, being cheerleaders for our friends, but we can't will our friends to come with us, and it would be harmful to them (and to us) if we didn't allow ourselves to keep going despite their struggle. There is so much beauty in the struggle and in the break. And in the small celebrations of pushing our edges along the way. We need each other as examples and inspirations at every turn. But we can't dim our lights to make others feel better about themselves. That's when we all get into trouble, I think. –

  9. Jude

    I love this post. I've been reading 'the artist way' and this book sounds kinda similar, but in a different way. Very cool.
    I love your sign off –
    X to the O!
    You've be inspiring me for 5 very important years now, a time when I've learned soooo much about being brave, and I THANK YOU FOR THAT!
    Sending love & light from Alabama 🙂

  10. Carolyn

    I just read this book last week also and loved it. It was a great reminder that I must overcome the resistance and just do the work!

  11. Stephanie Ackerman

    This is one of my very favorites and I read the entire book on a cross country flight with a highlighter that never stopped higlighting!

  12. Holly S

    Wow…ruthless??? Not sure I agree AT ALL. This says to me (just reading this little paragraph) that after "clawing" your way to the top, shake your leg so those artists around you who have not made it but watched and stood by you while you perfected your craft, drop off and every once in a while throw them a "keep trying". Can you be "ruthless" AND "motivating" at the same time? Not sure I can be.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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