Wellness update: inflammation, oh my!

Jan 25, 2019 | Life in Progress

Hi friends. Many of you reached out to me yesterday after watching my stories on Instagram, wanting to know a bit more about my wellness journey/update. I thought I’d share where I’m at.

For those of you following for a bit, you know I’ve been on a big ol’ wellness journey for a long while now (those posts are here). I lost about 20 pounds, mainly by cardio/weight training. I was feeling really strong and my fitness journey was teaching me all sorts of things about myself. Loved.

Then, several hiccups happened last Fall (vertigo! random knee/shoulder injuries! life transitions!). I gained it all back the minute I stopped exercising, which is fine. My wellness isn’t weight focused, it’s HOW DO I FEEL focused.

Meanwhile, my hair has been falling out (a lot) for months now, along with weird scalp irritations. At first, I thought might be related to my stress/adrenals/PCOS/hormone stuff, which I manage quite closely, but it wasn’t that. And then we thought it might be thyroid stuff (it’s not). A bad case of dandroff? Nope. Soon the irritated patches on my scalp moved to my ears and forehead. It turns out I have psoriasis, which is an autoimmune/inflammation condition. YAY ME!

Bottom line, ya’ll: I’m ON IT. John has been 100% plant-based/vegan for close to a year now. It has changed his life. I, too, am looking more at food as medicine. I’ve been 95% meat/dairy/sugar free for three weeks now. I’m eating mostly plants, nothing processed. My goal? I want to put as much energy that I put into exercising these last couple of years into changing my diet – radically – in an effort to get my inflammation lower.

I’m also doing lots of self-care over here and surrounding myself with beauty (FLOWERS!) cause I know it helps lift my spirit. And that matters.

Who wants to join me in a plant-based lifestyle? I’m also back to exercising, but focusing on FOOD big time.

If you have any favorite Plant Based resources, please share! I’d love to know. BIG XO!

Sending much love,

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  1. TimsothySen

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  2. atara schimmel

    Kelly, the art supplies are highly toxic. They cause cancer and hormonal imbalances. They desecrate our nervous system. Healing is possible but it demands that we only work with art supplies that live in harmony with Sacred Mother Earth. I do not want you or your following to end with cancer. Suzi Blu had her breasts removed. So many artists are dying from cancer and so many are suffering from all sorts of “auto-immune” disorders due to the toxic chemicals in the art supplies. Healing comes when we align ourselves with Sacred Mother Earth, when we understand that our bodies are completely permeable and that the landfills that we create and encourage through our art then become our responsibility to clean up. I dedicate all of my creativity now to healing the earth. Check out Extinction Rebellion and other Climate Justice movements. I also don’t sell my art anymore. I do not buy canvases or wooden boards because trees are so sacred to my heart. I do not buy paper anymore because trees are so sacred. I do not support Art Supply Companies at all. Nature gives me everything that I could possibly wish for. Leaves, flower petals, fallen bark. I gave back the Shiva sticks to blicks and the highly carcinogenic biocides paste that Golden creates. In fact I had Blick’s come and pick it up from my house because it is there responsibility to safely dispose of the highly toxic chemicals that they threatened my Sacred Health with. God bless you in your healing journey. When I see photos of you with your hands smeared in colorful chemicals ….I just don’t want you to find yourself in a hospital gown with thousands of followers wishing they never followed you. I want you to lead, to heal, to guide your following back to Sacred Mother Earth Consciousness and to True Healing. I no longer Consume. I let go and letting go is a beautiful process. I do not take money for the prints of my artwork because the tree that I painted on or printed on was never mine to take in the first place. Now I only give away the angel prints in order to teach the children about Sacred Mother Earth and to encourage them to grow vegetable gardens and to protect them from being drugged and brain damaged by Adderall, Ritalin and the slew of “anti-depressants” and “tranquilizers” that cause brain damage, autism, Akathisia, dementia and suicide. My artwork is now truly serving its purpose. The angels serve with no thought of what they receive in return. Money does not exist in the angelic realm. All that exists is protection, love and divine guidance. I pray for your Healing and I bless you and your following with the great joy of accessing Sacred Mother Earth Consciousness.

  3. Julia Silva

    Aprender a tocar um instrumento musical pode ser uma ótima emoção, seja você jovem ou idoso. Muitas pessoas estão tentando aprender a tocar violão neste momento, porém é triste constatar que muitos vão desanimar em pouco tempo. Fazer aulas de violão presencialmente podem ser muito mais caras e deixar o aluno frustrado se ele não tiver progresso rápido. Um método de estudo de violão tem mostrado uma efetividade muito interessante entre os iniciantes e feito com que muitos alcancem o sucesso desejado. Veja esse material que é bastante útil para te ajudar a aprender a tocar violão do zero: tocar violao bem

  4. Diana Keith


    Here are two items for your new journey that have helped me.

    One: These are plant based tortillas. I fold them twice and put them in the toaster to replace my morning toast. You can add jelly, avocado, apple butter, or a protein, and you are set with a meal or snack. You stay full from them too.

    Siete Cassava Flour Grain Free Tortillas, 8 Tortillas


    Whole Foods carries them in the refrigerated section near the grab-n-go section.

    Two: I have managed my adrenal fatigue for close to nineteen years. It worsened after the birth of my twin boys. This supplement adjusts your adrenals to what they need to be. It got me off of animal hormones which one does not want to use for too long.

    HPA Balance by Vital Plan



    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Diana, you are so kind to spend time sending me these. THANK YOU!

  5. Diana Keith

    Hi Kelly,

    I have been working on healing my autoimmune related asthma and many food allergies so I can offer a few tips.

    One: Amy Myers (D.O.) wrote two books that will explain autoimmune issues in a simple and applicable way. One is more general and one relates to the thyroid. I think she is located in Austin. She can help you if you fly in for an appointment and her website and supplements are great.

    Two: Get tested for SIBO, parasites, and Candida. Work with a D.O. and Naturopathic Clinician. Once you know what’s going on in your gut, it tracks back to the symptoms. Treat the gut based on test results. Guessing takes too long.

    Hope you feel better soon,

  6. Kathy

    Dearest Kelly, I, like so many of your loyal followers, feel terrible that you must suffer for even one day. There have been so many wonderful suggestions shared such as do what is best for your body and follow the directions of medical specialists.

    As I read through your description of your symptoms, it appears that your body is displaying symptoms of an autoimmune disease. For individuals who are not aware of what an Autoimmune disease is, according to WebMD, “our body mistakenly identifies some of its own cells and tissues as foreign. The immune system, which normally helps to fight off harmful, foreign substances such as bacteria or viruses, begins to attack healthy cells and tissues.” This can cause the on and off swelling, hair loss, temporary thyroid issues, and even the eczema.

    The reason that I am so familiar with autoimmune diseases is that I have a form of Lupus called Neuropsychiatric Lupus which affects my central nervous system, my memory, TIA’s Transient Ischemic Attack, and seizures. I also have RA caused by Lupus as well. My weight will also fluctuate which drives me crazy. In Lupus, you must avoid all of the over the counter supplements because they may trigger a major flare. If you have Lupus, you must also say goodbye to all of your yummy additions to your salad such as alfalfa sprouts and mung bean because both will trigger a flare.

    A flare is when something, like prolong time in the sun, will trigger a dramatic override and attacked of your immune system. Your face will get red and swollen in different areas and it will cover from one side of your face over the bridge of your nose and it is called the ‘Wolf Mask’ because of its location and size.

    I do not pretend to be a doctor. I am sharing this information because it took me almost 4 years to find a doctor who would listen to me and my symptoms and not dismiss me as some of the following comments made by doctors in 2010 (not 1958) you must be frustrated in your marriage, have you told your husband about these issues/I don’t think he would be happy, (these are all separate doctors) perhaps you are having trouble managing your home responsibilities and work (I was an elementary school principal for 10 years, prior to that, I was in the classroom for 20…I loved my job) and my favorite, you are not made out to handle the responsibilities of your job,

    These comments were made by four separate doctors. They were all Rheumatologists, but they did not specialize in Autoimmune diseases. When these doctors ran my blood panel, they were looking for two things a positive ANA reading and the presence of a C Reactive protein. What most Rheumatologists don’t know is those two elements of the test change throughout the day. Also, a good Rheumatologists uses a specified Rheumatological lab because of the way they handle the samples. They cut the layers of the cell sample so that they can get a good look at the cell’s nuclei which provides invaluable information for your doctor especially as a base line test.

    I am sorry for such a long post, but I made a promise to myself that if I could help one person avoid the tears that I experienced, then my story was worth it!

    Here is a great resource/


    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Dear Kathy,
      Thank you so much for your concern and the time you took to respond. YOur story resonated. Yes, AI is something I’m struggling with, and since this post, I’ve been working really hard on changing my diet, seeing a functional medicine doctor, and doing what I can to get my inflammation down with diet and stress management. It’s working, slowly :). I am saddened to hear that you weren’t listened to along the way, a story I hear over and over again from others who suffer from an AI issue. We need each other’s support, and I so appreciate yours. THANK YOU!

  7. Kathy

    Dearest Kelly, I, like so many of your loyal followers, feel terrible that you must suffer for even one day. There have been so many wonderful suggestions shared such as do what is best for your body and follow the directions of medical specialists.

    As I read through your description of your symptoms, it appears that your body is displaying symptoms of an autoimmune disease. For individuals who are not aware of what an Autoimmune disease is, according to WebMD, “our body mistakenly identifies some of its own cells and tissues as foreign. The immune system, which normally helps to fight off harmful, foreign substances such as bacteria or viruses, begins to attack healthy cells and tissues.” This can cause the on and off swelling, hair loss, temporary thyroid issues, and even the eczema.

    The reason that I am so familiar with autoimmune diseases is that I have a form of Lupus called Neuropsychiatric Lupus which affects my central nervous system, my memory, TIA’s Transient Ischemic Attack, and seizures. I also have RA caused by Lupus as well. My weight will also fluctuate which drives me crazy. In Lupus, you must avoid all of the over the counter supplements because they may trigger a major flare. If you have Lupus, you must also say goodbye to all of your yummy additions to your salad such as alfalfa sprouts and mung bean because both will trigger a flare.

    A flare is when something, like prolong time in the sun, will trigger a dramatic override and attacked of your immune system. Your face will get red and swollen in different areas and it will cover from one side of your face over the bridge of your nose and it is called the ‘Wolf Mask’ because of its location and size.

    I do not pretend to be a doctor. I am sharing this information because it took me almost 4 years to find a doctor who would listen to me and my symptoms and not dismiss me as some of the following comments made by doctors in 2010 (not 1958) you must be frustrated in your marriage, have you told your husband about these issues/I don’t think he would be happy, (these are all separate doctors) perhaps you are having trouble managing your home responsibilities and work (I was an elementary school principal for 10 years, prior to that, I was in the classroom for 20…I loved my job) and my favorite, you are not made out to handle the responsibilities of your job,

    These comments were made by four separate doctors. They were all Rheumatologists, but they did not specialize in Autoimmune diseases. When these doctors ran my blood panel, they were looking for two things a positive ANA reading and the presence of a C Reactive protein. What most Rheumatologists don’t know is those two elements of the test change throughout the day. Also, a good Rheumatologists uses a specified Rheumatological lab because of the way they handle the samples. They cut the layers of the cell sample so that they can get a good look at the cell’s nuclei which provides invaluable information for your doctor especially as a base line test.

    I am sorry for such a long post, but I made a promise to myself that if I could help one person avoid the tears that I experienced, then my story was worth it!


  8. Lorie Marsh

    Hello! Happy New Website to you! Once eczema started taking over my forehead, it was time to knuckle down and figure out (again) what to change in my diet and self-care. Like one of the other posters in this queue, I think menopause kicked in some new elements (or, kicked them out!) for me…? Two suggestions: the book by Lyn-Genet Recitas, “The Plan,” and the sulfur supplement, MSM (methylsulfonylmethane – it helps reset your body’s histamine response). In short, her book goes into foods that trigger inflammation, why, and how. I followed her 21-day plan a few years ago, and it was an eye-opener. For instance – who knew Swiss chard was an inflammatory food for me (I grew scads of it in my garden!)? Since menopause, though, my system has thrown a tantrum, and it has felt like I can’t eat anything other than broccoli, rice, and beef without my skin, literally, hurting. This time, I’m doing her recommended 6-week dosage of MSM before my second go-round of identifying foods that aren’t “safe” for me to eat regularly anymore. I’m nearly 4 weeks in with the MSM, and it has helped (I was three weeks in before it really made a noticeable difference). Thank you, God! Thanks for sharing, Kelly, as always, and keep us posted!

  9. Tehani Burnett

    I Love the book green for life and Eat to Live. They are my nutrition bibles.

  10. Lois McDonald

    Many good suggestions- want one more? Medical Medium by Anthony William. explains that so many of our ‘dis-eases’ occur due to viruses that have laid dormant in our bodies for many years – namely Shingles & Epstein Barre(Herpes- some 60 types). advocates plant based diet as well. The main point is to find what resonates & works for you!! And brings you back to Health. Light & Love- i love your words & work!
    I also advocate for energy work as it brings you into balance -emotionally, physically & spiritually -so you can heal. Lois RN, HTP

  11. Jane

    Hi Kelly…another good resource for the latest in scientific research about nutrition and what kinds of foods to eat is Dr. Michael Greger’s nutritionfacts.org. He also has two excellent books on the subject and a daily email newsletter. My husband is an internal medicine physician and uses his cookbook often. Take care and be well. Much love, Jane

  12. Alloson

    Turmeric turmeric I had cancer so I changed my diet. I had an inflammatory issue so my sister gave me pills and my friend gave me tea I also tried traders joes matcha almond milk beverage it was divine I felt healthier and healing through my body try it

  13. Leslie

    Take a look at Esther’s Kitchen… it may seem like a joke but it isn’t. It’s all plant based creative recipes. Thanks for sharing your journey


  14. Maggie Weakley

    Hi Kelly, sorry to hear about your health issues. I hope you find what works for you.
    I wanted to tell you how a plant-based diet changed our lives, the good and the bad. I became a Vegan about 5 years ago because they found a growth in my left breast, it turned out to be benign but it scared me so much since my older sister was diagnosed with Breast Cancer the following month which lead to her having a double Mastectomy. My husband and I watched the Fork’s Over Knives documentary (have you seen it?) and it made us rethink how we ate. I was a huge dairy consumer and did not have the healthiest of diets. We ended up going to a Forks Over Knives retreat and it changed us. We became Vegans overnight. To say it was difficult is an understatement especially the removing dairy from my diet for me. But being dairy free for 2 weeks eliminated all the aches and pains from my body including arthritis that was settling in my hands, knees & ankles. I was so surprised. Then 6 months after becoming, Vegan I went back for a followup Mammogram/sonogram and the growth in my breast had disappeared. They must have checked 5 times and they couldn’t believe it. They told me whatever you are doing keep doing it. So I did, I kept eating a plant-based diet. I will be honest it’s been very difficult especially since I am Spanish and our culture is all about meat, starches, and dairy. Holidays and parties are the hardest since we have to make/bring our own food to special occasions, but we kept up with it. I have 2 grown boys and they are both Carnivores- so when they come home I cook for them and for us. It is also tough for our get-togethers with friends since we are the only Vegans in the group. People don’t know what to do with us and I do believe it has kept us from going out as much as we used to, but I’ll take feeling better than going out. I bring food enough to share and we’ve made it work. The people that love you will try our food and support us but you will see a lot of people be very uncomfortable around you.
    About a year ago I started transitioning into Menopause and it has been challenging I am craving all kinds of foods especially eggs. So I began to include eggs & fish into my diet and it seems to have helped. I still have Vegan dinners and I do stay away from dairy, but I do cheat every once in a while and have animal proteins and occasionally cheese. My body is asking for it, it’s weird and I can’t explain it, but we must listen to our bodies. My husband is still a hardcore Vegan so I am still mostly vegan. Although now I call myself a healthy eater ;D I hate having titles.
    So in all honesty, after being Vegan for 5 years I think a Plant-based diet is wonderful, but I also think enjoying and going of the “vegan reservation” every once in a while is fine too. At least it is for me.
    I learned how to cook vegan, it took a while but there are so many resources out there- my favorite book is Isa Does It: Amazingly Easy, Wildly Delicious Vegan Recipes for Every Day of the Week. I learned a lot from making her recipes and her Potato leek soup is to die for.
    I hope you find your solution and wish you well my friend and I hope my story helps you a bit.
    with much love, Maggie

  15. Kellye Crocker

    Oh, Kelly, I am so sorry to hear about these challenges! (I was home bound for more than a year with vertigo—awful! I hope that has passed for you.)

    I have been working with Lianna Nielsen for about a year, and I highly recommend her and her approach. She is a wholistic nutritionist and wellness coach. I discovered her after she appeared on one of my favorite podcasts. Lianna is based in the NYC area and works long distance with clients. She’s also an actor and writer. One of the first goals she gave me was to query my novel to agents! (I thought she’d tell me to eat broccoli.) But Lianna believes all of it is connected—our health, our creativity, etc. Here is her website (this sounds like an ad, but, honestly, she doesn’t even know I’m writing this. I’m just a very happy client!) https://creativelynourishing.com. She offers a free, introductory session.

    The other resource that has worked well for me is taking cbd oil daily. I don’t know how it would be with your condition, but it has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties. When I started it a year ago, my C-reactive protein (an inflammation marker) was way too high. Since then, it has dropped tremendously and into the normal range.

    Wishing you perfect health ahead!

    (FYI, I’ve taken Angle Wings, Get Dressed In joy and your self kindness classless!)

  16. Suzanne

    My go to’s: The Vegan 8, cookbook. Modern Juicing by Mimi Kirk. The One Peaceful World cookbook.

    AND find a naturopathic doctor that will do a blood test to test for food allergies! This one step changed my life beginning in October of 2017. Everything changed! I’d be happy to share in private how life-changing this has been.

    I really hope you find wellness through FOOD, I know it’s possible. Not easy, but worth it!

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Thank you, Suzanne! Yes, allergy testing has been done and has been VERY helpful! And you’re right. Not easy, but worth it!

  17. Darnell

    Check out the Word of Wisdom health challenge on Facebook. Lots of good info and others share recipes.

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Great recommendation. Thank you!

  18. Charity Blaser

    Fork over Knife is a great recipe book for whole food plant based eating. There is also a short movie on Netflix with the same title. I started 3 days ago.

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      yes! I keep hearing about that book. Will try it out!

  19. Kathleen Saltmarsh-Voss

    That’s awesome that things are looking up! I will definitely be following you and this journey!

  20. Kajal Dhabalia

    Hi Kelly, I’m so sorry to hear this news! I hope you feel better soon. I have an autoimmune condition as well that I’m trying to get a handle on, so I can relate to wanting to feel better. I’m reading a great book called The Prime by Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary and I’ve started her “method”. It seems pretty gentle but effective, so I’m looking forward to making great strides with food changes that way. Thinking of you, friend!

  21. Kajal Dhabalia

    Hi Kelly, I’m so sorry to hear this news! I hope you feel better soon. I have an autoimmune condition as well that I’m trying to get a handle on, so I can relate to wanting to feel better. I’m reading a great book called The Prime by Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary and I’ve started her “method”. It seems pretty gentle but effective, so I’m looking forward to making great strides with food changes that way. Thinking of you, friend!

    • Kelly Rae Roberts

      Thank you for sharing, Kajal!

  22. Aletha Helm Riter

    Kelly…I am following the book Get Off Your Acid…turning your body into more Alkaline. The author Daryl Gioffre suggests 80/20 % which is 80% Alkaline, 20% Acid…but I am only doing 60/40…


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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