
Jul 28, 2005 | Life in Progress

So I decided to go get properly fitted for bras. I’ve been needing new bras and thought, what the heck, I‘ll go and get properly measured. And plus, I saw on oprah that most women are wearing the wrong bra size. Anyways, I went to Nordstrom’s and the bra lady went into the dressing room with me and measured my boobs as I stood there without my shirt. Quite funny, actually. The funniest part was that she insisted after careful measurement and inspection that I was a 32d!! I explained that she must be mistaken as I’ve been wearing a 34B forever. I just couldn’t accept the fact that I might be a 32D. She had me try on all shapes and sizes of bras until we both concluded she was right and sure enough i’m a true 32D. I bought a couple of size 32d bras and I must say they are very comfortable and fabulous. I can’t believe I’ve been wearing the wrong size all these years. The first thing I did when I left Nordstrom’s was call gina and tell her the news. We laughed about it and wondered aloud how huge her boobs would get during her pregnancy. When I got home and told john the news, he almost died. “A size D?” he yelled, “you mean, my girls are not only a size d, but you’ve been squishing them into a size b this whole time…poor girls” he went on and on. It was a good laugh. I am slowly accepting the news. I’ve just never been a girl impressed with big boobs. I’d prefer the smaller the better. I need to learn and embrace them, I suppose. The whole thing cracks me up.

Sending much love,

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  1. dfh
  2. Eliece

    I had to laugh about this as I had a very similar experience. For most my life, I’ve worn a 32C, moving up to a 34D as I’ve hit my 60s. Well, the fitter insisted that I need a 34DDD! I nearly died. Like you, I wish “they” were smaller, especially now that they are about to meet my waist. BTW, I love your article in issue 15 of CPS. Tried your directions and was very pleased with the results.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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