5 years

Sep 1, 2006 | Life in Progress

john and i are celebrating 5 years of marriage today. 5 years. i woke up this morning to find little heart shaped notes from john hidden all over the place – by my tea, next to the alarm clock, on my desk. i don’t think i’ve discovered all of them yet. how fun and thoughtful and sweet. today i feel just as i felt 7+ years ago when we first started dating – lucky and blessed and down right special to have stumbled upon, as if by accident but not really, the person who makes me feel like nothing else matters if you have real love flowing in and out of your heart and life, and who celebrates the joyful simplicities in life and marriage that make them both such awesome journeys.

we are heading into the city tonite for an italian meal complete with appetizers, wine, and dessert. so excited. i think i’ll wear my new jeans. we’ll toast to 5 years of making it work. we’ll toast to figuring out a balance, when to give the other alone time, when to smother them with love, when to give advice, when to just listen and validate. we’ll toast to all the decisions, big and small, good and bad, that brought us to where we are today. we’ll toast the challenges, too, because we all have them, but getting through them together, as hard as they may be, leaves me with an understanding that we are all just learning here. constantly learning. and i just really love that i’m learning with john.

a trip down memory lane. here are some photos from our day, 5 years ago. it was such a treat to have all of our favorite people gathered around us for an entire day to celebrate love, not just the love we found, but love they’ve all found in their lives that now felt like it was lifting us up and out, towards our very own journey. it was a giant love fest. i will never ever forget it.

this is us with my bestfriend gina and her husband brian. they married us, something that was really quite special.

this is the amazing piece my sister made for the top of the cake. it now hangs in our bedroom and remains one of my most treasured gifts.

me – blissfully intoxicated with pure happiness.

our shoes. i wore red mary janes. so fun.

Sending much love,

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  1. dfh
  2. Judy Wise

    Oh, Kelly, what a lovely couple you are and the photograph of you both in the church is priceless.

    Congratulations. Godmother’s blessings on each of you and both of you.


  3. myumblog

    congradulations to you lovely lovely people! you make marriage look beautiful (don’t read anything into that…)
    love to you and john.

  4. Wenda

    Hope this still finds you celebrating and that I can still get in on the congrats. I love the photos. Thanks, btw, for stopping in at my blog. I’m just beginning to catch up with responding to comments and my email today after so long away from my computer. I wish you well.

  5. Amber

    Congrats! You looked so beautiful and happy. * happy sigh* And that top picture is just soo pretty.
    here is to the rest of your lives together! Toast!


  6. liz elayne

    congratulations. a toast to you two and your five years together.

    (i just adore you and your red shoes. adore you.)

  7. J.Valentine

    I was just looking at your wedding pictures…they are all sooooo beautiful, but I have my favorites, and one of them is of the shoes you two were wearing…

  8. J.Valentine

    Happy Happy Anniversary Kelly and John! Being at your wedding meant so much to me…thank you for rekindling very fond memories of being in Florida with my family.
    You two deserve every happiness!

  9. Loralee Choate

    It is ALL about those shoes.


  10. britt

    awwww how beautiful!!!! here’s to many more happy blissful years, congratulations! you both are the cutest!

  11. ruby

    beautiful photos! here’s to more “happily every after!”

  12. Carol Schott

    Happy Anniversary from two of you twos biggest fans.
    Mommie and Greggie

  13. Tammy

    Happy Anniversary! You made a beautiful bride 🙂

  14. Kristin

    Happy Anniversary Sis! I felt blessed to be able to be a part of such a wonderful, beautiful day in your life and it’s even more a blessing reading where 5 years of wedded bliss has brought you. Many Many more years of happiness to come! Love you guys!

  15. kelly

    i dig the shoes….i knew you were a funky sensible chick! bryce and i had a very laid back, beautiful wedding. i walked down the aisle to beatles [inmylife] and we walked out to john denvers [lady]
    in between we had, dave matthews,
    ben harper and other great stuff….happy marriage !

  16. Teresa

    Happy Anniversary! What a special lovely couple you two seem to be from all of your posts. I hope you have a wonderful dinner tonight and enjoy yourselfs. I adore your red maryjanes! How original!


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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