the 508th post give-a-way!

Jan 14, 2008 | Entrepreneurship, Life in Progress

(i’m pretty sure this is the largest heart rock i’ve ever found. found at half moon bay on saturday morning)

i’ve always wanted to host a give-a-way. so, what better reason, than my 508th post? this blog, from post 1 to 508, has been an unexpected journey to a deeper understanding of myself and how i fit inside the world. after 2.5 years of writing here, i’m beginning to admit that i really do love writing, something i never in a million years thought i could do, let alone enjoy. this blog has taught me so much about community, about how life happens in the details and small moments. it’s reminded me to remember those small moments, to carry my camera everywhere i go, and to be intentional with my words and my actions. i love that my creative journey has been documented here. i love that i’ve met some of my closest friends here. i love that i’ve gained so much wisdom and support from the community that exist here. and i love all the inspiration in blog-world. i am forever surprised by all its goodness.

so, to celebrate this 508th post, i’d like to give away $100 worth of goodies from my etsy shop! the details: leave a comment here in this post, and i’ll draw names in one week. the winner gets to choose whatever they’d like up to $100. yay! i can’t wait to see who wins!

in other news, on saturday we went to the maverick’s big wave surf contest. amazing. the ocean. the massive waves. the amount of people. the bright blue sky. we woke up at 5am to make sure we got there very early. here we are pilgriming our way up the cliffside for the big wave views and here’s a shot of the people watching. pretty cool.

i’ve also been doing a few updates to my website, mainly new photos and an updated news page. oh yes, and i’m now offering mattes for all my prints – they’re up on my etsy boutique now. so, if you’ve ever bought a print from me, and your looking for a matte to fit it, check out my etsy boutique for more info… (**prints to fit my 8×8 prints coming later this week). i’ve also updated my blog’s sidebar with new resources/inspiration/music/books. it’s been a wonderful weekend. i am loving all the sunshine we are finally getting after several days of rain and wind. and i’m loving all the time outside, being in the air.

Sending much love,

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  1. Anonymous

    Dear Kelly-Rae,
    thank you for light up my days ;o) I found you by a fluke on someone elses blog as a favorite and I loved your paintings right in the minute I saw them. They are such an inspiration! So after that I engross me in your blog/your life and it make me smile, cogitate, dream etc. it seems that you found your inner mid and to me it looks like you live a very happy life. A few days ago I found a picture of your painting “believe in healing” that touched me so much that I hope and pray to have a chance to get it. It seems that it speaks right out of my soul, because I have to a problem with a burn-out-syndrom… I startet a acrylic painting-course since 2 month and it is such fun and joy. I hope I will find my own style in the future like you!!
    Go on with your blog and be sure that theres no day I am not with you in my thoughts!!!
    A warm hug and thank you for sharing your life with us
    Anke from Germany

  2. Elfenmops

    Dear Kelly-Rae,
    thank you for light up my days ;o) I found you by a fluke on someone elses blog as a favorite and I loved your paintings right in the minute I saw them. They are such an inspiration! So after that I engross me in your blog/your life and it make me smile, cogitate, dream etc. it seems that you found your inner mid and to me it looks like you live a very happy life. A few days ago I found a picture of your painting “believe in healing” that touched me so much that I hope and pray to have a chance to get it. It seems that it speaks right out of my soul, because I have to a problem with a burn-out-syndrom… I startet a acrylic painting-course since 2 month and it is such fun and joy. I hope I will find my own style in the future like you!!
    Go on with your blog and be sure that theres no day I am not with you in my thoughts!!!
    A warm hug and thank you for sharing your life with us
    Anke from Germany

  3. SurfacetoAirMedia

    Kelly – wanted to thank you for the link to Sparkletopia. I’ve been reading it every day and there’s always so many interesting things!

  4. Jennifer

    Congrats on #508. I really enjoy reading your blog & you do beautiful work. I’d love to win, if I’m not too late to enter!

    Have a great week!

    Jennifer H. 🙂

  5. Jackie

    Congrats on your post! Wow 508! Your blog is always inspiring, I love your work. With two little girls it an inspiration!

  6. Anonymous

    wow! 508! That’s quite an accomplishment! Love your stuff and enjoy your blog! 🙂 Kari D.

  7. Dreamy

    Hello Kelly,
    I have never left a comment here before, but I just wanted to thank you for hosting such a positive and beautiful corner of the cyberspace. Your story and artwork are a constant inspiration to me. All the best for 2008!

  8. Angie in AZ

    Oh! Oh! Am I too late? I got a new computer for Christmas and all my “stuff” still hasn’t been transferred so I have a hard time finding all my old daily blog reads, with yours being one of them. I feel so behind. Anyway, I hope I’m not too late to get in on this! and by the way, I’ve enjoyed your articles published lately!

  9. Doreen

    I feel like I’ve already won! Your articles in cps were great and you paintings are amazing! I smile when I look at your work – smile from the inside out! almost every picture taken of me, especially when I was young shows me standing with my head tilted to one side, (cats eye glasses on the end of my nose!)…. Thanks for sharing something very special…


  10. ELLIE

    CONGRATS on post 508—how cool!!!
    I think this give away is awesome – hope I am not too late…loved your blog – love to see what comes next!!
    count me in!!

  11. Mayberry Magpie

    Oh, I so hope I’ve entered in time! I just saw your article in CPS and am so inspired by your work. Love the blog, too.

  12. Carol Lynn

    As so many others, I found your wonderful blog after reading your article in CPS. Your art expresses such warm sentiment. Keep growing in love and life!

  13. sandra f.

    The new mattes look fab! They make the prints look crisp and very gallery mode!!! Love it, your faces and layered backgrounds are the best, I could start at them for hours on end!! Congrats on the 508th post…I just hit 102 on mine!! Can’t imagine where I might be when I hit 508, may you have many more posts to incourage and inspire all of us with your words of wisdom and truth!!-Sandra

  14. Tejae

    Goodness gracious, I never thought I was going to find the end of the comments. HA!! THAT’S SO AWESOME KELLY!!

    ok now, I’m sending out the good vibes that your little fingers will pluck my name! either way, I think you’re awesome as a person and your art, so soulful. such a kindred spirit. Congrats!!

    You’re gonna need a bulldozer to sort through all the names after a week! ha!! 🙂

  15. Anonymous

    I check your blog often and get lots of inspiration. I am trying to learn to draw and paint. It is going mediumly, but I so enjoy it, so I guess it is going great! I bought a few small items from you at Art and Soul, and would love to be entered into your draw.
    Thanks for everything you constantly give.
    Kim H from Yukon, Canada

  16. Eleanor

    I hope I’m not too late for your give-a-way! I love your art and your blog. You are truly an inspiration!

  17. Annie

    Hi Kelly Rae,
    I’ve enjoyed reading your articles in the past couple CPS issues! Congratulations!

  18. Anonymous

    LOVE your artwork (am constantly sending links to friends and family so that they can go look at it and read your blog), and LOVE the idea of a give-away! I’ve been reading your blog for months, but I guess I’ve never left a comment! Thank you for all of the inspiration you give!


  19. Anonymous

    Love your artwork and had fun trying out your style from the article you wrote for Cloth, Paper, Scissors. Something new for me and it was a lot of fun.
    Susan Goodell

  20. life without novacaine

    Thanks for being alive and reachable on the web. Your comments and words are inspiring and your art, well your art is truly amazing. I just read your article on blogging in the Cloth, Paper, Scissors magazine and your words really spoke to me. You are on your path. It’s awesome.

  21. melly~

    pick me! pick me!
    I’ve been lurking for months, commenting here and there. I’ve been hoping to get one of your pieces kelly rae and right now, this is the only way i’ll be able to.
    love your work, love your blog, love your heart(s).

  22. catherine k

    I adore your artwork and admire (and envy) your talent. I have been contemplating buying some of your work for a while now and winning would certainly be a real bonus. Thanks for the opportunity.

    catherine k

  23. taylor

    Kelly Rae,
    I know I’ll still be perusing your posts at 5008. I love reading about your take on being an artist and your life. it’s so genuine. Your honesty is so inspirational as is your artwork.
    Hope to see you at Artfest.

  24. Cynthetic

    wonderful blog. I love looking at your art!

  25. Jamie

    You are such an inspiration! I love your art! Jamie V

  26. Sheri

    oh wow! congratulations! very , very cool. keep it up , and please don’t ever stop creating… your so inspirational!

  27. Penny

    Wow, all those people leaving comments.
    If I could paint as you do I would be very happy.
    Please put me in the draw too

  28. Marilyn

    Hi, Kelly…congrats on your 508th post! I’ve often enjoyed your writing in Cloth, Paper, Scissors but found your blog only a few weeks ago. Thanks for sharing so much with those of us fortunate enough to discover and enjoy your wonderful art! Best wishes!

  29. MeMe

    dear kelly rae . . . I just encountered your women in the nov/dec 2007 issue of cloth, paper, scissors and they made my heart sing.

    i’ve been drawing women’s faces as doodles since childhood, each revealing a unique self to me as she unfolds. i never had the courage to give them bodies until i saw your work.

    now i’m drawing these amazing, funky, beautiful women in my journal, on cards, everywhere i feel like it.

    thank you thank you thank you for giving me the inspiration to let my women come to life . . .

  30. heather

    What an amazing journey you share. Your honesty is humbling. Thank-you for the creative inspiration that you provide me on a daily basis.

  31. Katrina

    you are so generous! of course we all want some lovely kelly rae art in our homes! count me in at #169. xoxo.

  32. Nichole W

    I absolutely adore your work. It is inspiring and energizing. Keep it up! Nichole W

  33. Stacey


    Mom mom bought your Red Shoes print for Christas and I l-o-v-e it! Your art is very inspring and your vibe is catchy and calming. I stop at your blog daily to unwind.

    Thnak you!!!stacey

  34. deblime

    I am totally inspired by your art and your blog. Thank you for sharing your experiences while living a “creative life”.

  35. Dream Keyper

    You are such an inspiring artist and I would love to enter your contest! I was just at your Etsy shop perusing your beautiful paintings! So gorgeous. It’s so great to see how much feedback you get on your blog! Congrats! And I love your photos, too! Suzy

  36. Vickie Hallmark

    Late bloomer…me, too! I’ve just discovered your blog and I’m hooked.

  37. Trish

    I found your blog two days ago and cannot get enough of it. Your work is gorgeous and your blog is an inspiration to me as I set out on my own artistic journey. Thank you for just being out there, creating and writing and sharing what you’ve wrought…


  38. Anonymous

    I have been reading your blog for a while but have never been able to take that step of putting myself out there by actually posting a comment. The things we will do for a give-a-way.

    I love your work.

    Melbourne, Australia

  39. Debbi Baker

    I love your blog and have from the moment I found it! Seeing your art and reading your artiles in CPS are just icing on the cake!! Thanks so much for just being YOU! PS Come to Australia soon…

  40. vintagecollage

    Congratulations on your 508th post and all the wonderful things coming your way. I have talked to KC 3 times since I rec’d the print and it is still a secret…hope I can keep it until Valentine’s Day. Debbie

  41. Kirsten Michelle

    congratulations on #508, sweeite 😉
    i’m loving this outpouring of support for the beautiful and talented you!!!

  42. Courtney De La Torre

    I’m a lurker too. I absolutely love your art. It is so inspring! Would love to have some to put up in our brand new house to inspire me every day.

  43. jen maiser

    I don’t think I’ve ever commented here. Found you through Superhero Journal originally, and really been enjoying your blog. And your artwork is fantastic.

  44. Shelly

    That heart rock is so cool! I LOVE your work…

  45. Mattie

    I just happened upon your amazing work today on etsy and googled you to find your blog. It must be my lucky day!

  46. Deidre C.

    Whoo HOO!!! Congrats on 508!!! Hope I’ll be around for the next 500!!!!

  47. Katie

    I do love reading your blog, Kelly Rae. I love your fresh, creative take on life and inspiration, and your quirky honesty. I am still enjoying the rubber stamps you sent me last summer. cheers!

  48. DymphieM

    Last week i worked on a collage as you explained in the nov/dec issue of CPS. It was my first time making something like it, I followed your tutorial almost to the letter *lol* Had a blast working on the collage and am so pleased with the result. Thank you for the wonderful tutorial.

    What a cool and generous give-away!


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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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