all smiles.

May 14, 2008 | Life in Progress

(i’m glad this photo (taken by mati) captures the happiness i’m feeling lately. sometimes that’s hard to capture.)

i’ve had that summery feeling lately – the kind that has me blissed out in lazy days. i swear, i really need to get some work done, but my dear man keeps tempting me away with trips to the ocean, long walks, naps with one another in the afternoon sunshine, and on and on. it’s been two years that he’s been inside the tight grips of a very intense graduate school program, but it seems the last few weeks have really loosened its hold. he’s almost done, and time is relaxed now – more than ever in the last 2 years. i am sooo grateful. i’m soaking up these relaxing summer days while they last. work will always be there. these days will not.

(roxanna. isn’t she cute? i’m still learning how to produce a photo with extreme backlight – tricky.)

one of my portland pals, roxanna, was down for half a day. we ate the best french toast ever while catching up and making fun plans for when i get back to p-town. good times. roxanna is the girl responsible for encouraging me to train for a half-marathon a couple of years ago. of course, she didn’t know at the time (neither did i) that running that half-marathon would lead me to art which led to a whole new life. in many ways, i have dear roxanna to thank for my life now. so funny how one thing leads to the next.

and friendship continues…with the lovely mati rose for conversation and snacks by the window. later that evening, we joined forces with my pals kelly and katrina for some silly tv watching and fun. i love friends. i love sunshine and summer. and i love my sweet husband who serves up all sorts of snacks and wine to me and my friends as we talk girl talk. i’m a lucky girl.

life feels full. thank you, universe. thank you! i am all smiles lately. what are you smiles about lately?

Sending much love,

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  1. dfh
  2. kellyv

    Hi Kelly,
    I am new to your blog but have admired your artwork in Cloth, Paper, Scissors. How did your training lead to your art? I would so love to know about, to understand your path if you would be willing to share.

  3. wexfordgirl

    I love how happy you are.

    I am curious though, how a half-marathon led to a life of art. Can you share the story?

  4. Bijous Whimsy's Blog

    Hi again, I don’t even know you….I’ve just tuned into your blog but I just adore the way you write, you write with such openess and honestly, thanks for that. Hearing about your beautiful/simple days bringing you such happiness is inspiring to hear about. I wish more people could be like this, like us, finding beauty in everyday…keep it up, your life indeed looks and sounds enchanting. Mandy

  5. Lisa

    Your photo of you smiling made *me* smile the minute it appeared on my screen. Happiness is contagious!

    I’m so glad you’re in a happy, blissful, fun time right now. Good for you!

    Love the photos you share with us of your happenings in front of that awesome bay window, too. Lovely!

    Today I’m smiling at:
    ~green grass
    ~birds chirping
    ~cats napping beside me
    ~a trip booked to BlogHer
    ~new friends

  6. jenifer74

    so fun!! smiles are so healthy 🙂

  7. Tamsie

    Fantastic post. Acf of joy. Thank you for sharing. Good luck with book.

  8. Rebecca

    what a sweet photo (photos, actually!) you look really happy!

  9. oksana

    Lovely photos! And your house looks very cozy!

  10. Connie

    I just stumbled onto your blog– I love it! You have a beautiful energy to you! Thanks for sharing! Peace & Love.

  11. Lorie

    I am all smiles about everything! To be alive and in my skin and the boundless, endless vistas of opportunity before me. Life is good!

    Oh yeah, and the snow has finally melted off my garden and I can start to play in the dirt again!

  12. Carmen

    Great pictures! Great smiles! Happiness radiates from your words!

  13. suzanne

    truly – infectious! and i am now so curious as to the story of the 1/2 marathon training leading to a life of art. what a journey. 🙂 wishing you many joyful days filled with smiles.

  14. Jennifer Jeffrey

    happiness is infectious.

    (and the smile photos: awesome)

    thanks for spreading it around…

  15. kelly

    so glad you are happy.

  16. Ali

    Love reading this happiness from you – and I am so excited for you to move back this way.


    I have a girls’ weekend coming up this Friday with my BFF….I KNOW we’ll be ALL smiles and there won’t be a nano-second of dead air. Aren’t girlfriends the best ?? (Now if I could teach hubby to wait on us with snacks and drinks, I’d really be cookin’.)

  18. Darlene

    2 very beautiful beauties.
    I just came across your article in one of my mags…felt like home and a great big proud smile 😀

    love to you lovely girl,
    xo darlene (boho’s big sis)

  19. [Charlene]

    You are in such a fabulous space, it is contagious. Thanks for sharing.

    I’m smiling these days because I’ve discovered the space where I can work long hours on project deadlines and still remain balanced and peaceful and enjoy the moments as they pass. It’s quite an accomplishment for me, and like you, I am grateful for the many blessings I’m finding in these hours and days.

  20. Lisa

    what a beautiful snapshot of a lovely time! lucky, indeed.

  21. justagirl

    my smiles are about a friend who has discovered what she is truly good at. So much fun to hear the joy in her voice and watch it in her eyes.

    and smiles all round the other day in a fabric shop when my niece asked me in a really loud voice “what are ready to hang christians” she was reading the reay to hang curtain sign…


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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