around here lately

May 15, 2013 | Life in Progress

Wearing by ruby red wedding shoes today (yes from 12 yrs ago!). They still make me happy.
I’ve been wearing my red wedding shoes again. I wore these on our wedding day, over 12 years ago, and they’re just like new. I gotta break these babies in. I’m certain there is a story there, somewhere, about needing these shoes now more than ever. They feel a little bit like a time capsule, a reminder of all that was possible. And they very literally journeyed me into a remarkable part of my path.
Our stormy weather day adventure continues. Love all the #green shades in the #columbiarivergorge  #oregonrocks

Stormy day here but we decided to make an adventure out of it so tulip festival it is! We are jumping in mud puddles and sitting atop pink trailers!
Did I tell you that we braved the weather and went to the Tulip Festival? Oh yes we did. It felt like a good idea to put on our rain gear and just go for the adventure of it. This how memories get made, no? We were out there in the wind and rain all day and this bright pink tractor greeted us as if it were the sunniest day ever. So awesome.
These journals hold the stories of my life from 15 onward. Some loooong stretches are missing but the overall #story is there. Reading through them these last several weeks have awakened my #spirit by reminding me who I am. #journaling #love
Recommitting myself to one of favorite monthly soul care pieces-sending out love to my circle of friends, old + new. Makes my heart feel joyous.
I’ve been practicing some stricter self care policies which translates into more time alone. Now that True doesn’t need me so intensely, I’m realizing just how much I’ve missed and deeply need alone time. Time to breathe. Time to reconnect. Time to sit still and let my thoughts get unstuck. Feels incredibly good and grounding to fall back into my journals and into an old practice of sending out weekly love notes to people I think about all week long. 

Round two of painting in the backyard. He has obviously discovered one of mama's favorite painting tools in the sprayer! Next up: the brayer. #sprayerandbrayersittinginthetree
This little dude has been painting in the backyard when the weather has been nice. Notice how he’s discovered the sprayer? Oh my, next up is the brayer and he’ll be well acquainted with two of my favorite painting tools. Love watching him paint. He’s into it for about 20 mins tops, then off to the next thing. Always moving. 
I was trying to capture the current scene at my desk but instead captured my being a #dork while trying to get a decent angle. #crackingmyselfup
There was a funny moment the other day when I was trying to capture the scene on my desk to share over on Instagram, but instead captured myself being a total dork while trying to get a decent angle. Friends, I love photos like these. I just do.

Goodbye #palmsprings you were awesome. Most relaxing two days I've had in a long time! Nothing but pool, sunshine, massages, and sleep. #feelingblessed #grateful #andreashotel
John and I went on our first quick getaway without True. Two nights and two days of nothing but Palm Springs sunshine, sleep, drinks, food, swimming, and lounging. It was remarkable, though it was rough saying goodbye to our little guy. By the time we got to the airport and checked in I was all good, but the moments saying goodbye were teary tough. Didn’t like it at all. 
This is happening. #blindpilot plus #symphony OMG it's going to be good expecting there will be tears of overwhelm in a good way.
We also recently went on a date to see Blind Pilot (one of my fave bands and the band on this painting video of mine) play with the OR symphony. Hands down, best concert ever. I even cried. It was that moving, and inspiring, and just GOOD. If you ever have the chance to see them play, go go go.

A few hours of convo and shopping with friend @aliedwards and I'm all good;)  #PicTapGo
Spent one lovely afternoon with my friend Ali. Adore her, big time. Have you seen all that she is up to? 
Good morning Friday! Here's the scene at our house ;)
This was the sweet scene at our table the other day. True is all about inviting his stuffies to lunch, to play, to everywhere. I cannot believe how endlessly cute it is to watch him chat away with his stuffies. “Oh hello! How are you today? Good? Oh that’s great! I’m so proud of you! Hey, let me sing for you!” and on and on and on. Melting, and often over here. 

Perhaps one of my favorite pics of the two of us ever. We sat there for a long time in the sun. I totally savor those rare moments when he is still for moments like these.

Sending much love,

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  1. Lorin

    Oh me oh my. Dont you wish you could capture those moments and just pause them? I now live vicariously through YOU, since my kids are between 17-24.
    Life changes with teenagers. Im still adjusting, and not always well.
    I miss when they were little, like True. I miss when they bugged the heck out of me. I miss feeling needed.
    That stricter policy of "Self Care" is happening here too…only its done in between tears of what "was" or what "used to be"….
    For now Im telling myself (as I tell my children) "This Too Shall Pass…"


  2. AshleyQ

    So awesome! Melts my heart.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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