As I approach my 48th birthday, I’m feeling the full-on beautiful weirdness of midlife. Like, for reals. There is the strange and fascinating metamorphosis of what’s happening to my outer being (The wrinkles! The sagging! The stiffness!), but there is this other thing – the transformation that is happening with my inner life that feels very, very powerful. There is a deeper emergence of confidence, of purpose, a feeling of just getting started. It feels really wonderful.
No matter our age, I think it’s so important to reflect on all that we’ve created in our lives (birthdays are a great time to do this). We are all such beautiful creatures. Most of us are not taking the time to see ourselves the way others likely see us: brave, alive, tender, kind.
As I approach my next birthday, I’m asking myself a few questions: What 5 things am I most proud of? What are my top 20 brave choices I’ve made? Which choices – the ones that brought conflict and the ones that brought triumph – have gifted me immense learning? How have I been brave in love, brave in sadness? What do I want to make and create and be NOW?
I’ll report back with my answers soon 🙂
Until then, keep being the beautiful creative creature that you are. I see you. Honor you. And I’m glad you’re here.
PS: This new image is available as a print!