Sunrise image showing pathway towards sunshine
(NEWish art > available here)

I have never been a morning person, though it’s been my wish since I was a teen. Recently, when I was in England teaching and playing with my friend Beth (who is a morning person), she pointed out to me that one never becomes a morning person if they often say things like, “I’m not a morning person.”, which is something I have said to her approximately one million times.

Sometimes, our limiting beliefs are so obvious to others, but not to ourselves. Ha! It was an eye-opener for me. So simple, so profound.

During the week that Beth and I led a retreat for soulful entrepreneurs (it was amazing > more on that soon!), she led an early morning class for anyone wanting to bring more intention to their morning routine. Despite my not wanting to roll out of bed so early, I went, and now everything has changed! She led us through gentle breathing, writing prompts, gentle stretches, music, and more. I loved it.

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(This is Beth one early morning doing her morning routine at a little Airbnb that we stayed at. The cows were out in the field, but as soon as she started her breathing exercise, which involved humming on the out breath, the cows came to join her and began mooing!)

Since arriving home, I have rolled out of bed very early, to the surprise of my family. I have watched the sunrise, danced with my headphones on, written in my journal, read poetry, stretched. It’s only been a few days, but I can sense that I have finally found a gentle and sacred morning routine, thanks to my dearest Beth.

My dream? To keep waking up early, nourishing my soul, and keeping my face toward the morning sunshine.

Do you have a sacred morning routine? Tell me everything. I’d love to know.

PS: Beth will soon launch an offering on creating sacred mornings. Stay tuned!

Sending much love,

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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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