Brene + Oprah!

Mar 16, 2013 | Life in Progress

© Harpo, Inc 2013 | George Burns

A few weeks ago I was was taking a quick stroll in downtown Portland and had a sudden inclination to call my friend Brene. And so, I did. “What’s up, friend?!”

Brene’s response: “I just finished taping Super Soul Sunday with Oprah. I’m at the Chicago airport on my way home.”

This is when I tell you that I had known that she was going to tape an episode of Super Soul Sunday (one of my FAVORITE shows) but I had no idea that it was happening that day. As any good friend would do, I began to properly freak out and squeal.

The more Brene shared about her incredible experience, the more excited I became for her. I could barely contain it. At one point, I was a girl on a downtown sidewalk in Portland, OR screaming into the phone, “Brene! Brene *&%# Brown! No! Get out! That sounds amazing! Holy S**t!”

The truth is, is that I’m incredibly proud of all of my friends, Oprah or no Oprah, book or no book, “success” or no “success”. I know what it takes to be brave with your life (in parenting, in marriage, in our day jobs, in our dream jobs etc), to show up, be seen, be vulnerable, and take huge risks.  It’s not easy. But it’s beautiful + rewarding + whole. All of my friends, in one way or another, are incredibly brave with their lives and I stand in awe. My heart bursts often, with pride.

(that us, a few summers ago)

But when things of this kind of magnitude happen (big launches, awards, recognition, Oprah shows, etc), my level of excitement blows up. I want to jump, scream, yell into the phone, send cards, flowers, do happy dances, and properly celebrate. To me, that’s what being brave in love is all about. It’s standing in the center of your shine, dreams, your pride, your love, and courageously shouting it all from the rooftops without playing small.

And so today, friends, I’m shouting out my excitement for Brene. Go Brene Go! I’m not just thrilled for her, but for all the people in the world that are now going to witness her incredible offering + message, including Ms. Winfrey herself.

Brene’s first Super Soul Sunday episode with Oprah airs tomorrow at 11am ET/PT on the OWN network. You can watch a preview here. John and I will be watching, toasting, celebrating, and learning. If you don’t have access to the OWN network you can watch it online live via, or at 11am ETPT. More details on the silmulcast here. There’s also a part 2 episode that airs 3/24!

Don’t already know Brene? You are in for a big treat. Don’t miss her books (all of them), her blog, or her TED talks.

Sending much love,

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  1. Emily

    I finally got to watch this, and it enjoyed it so much. Please keep us updated when part II will air!

  2. Mary Ellen Davies

    Okay – Brene Brown as a friend? Wow. I was introduced to Brene Brown last week on SuperSoul Sunday. WOW. I have since watched her Ted talk, read ""he Gifts of Imperfection" and have "Daring Greatly" on order! Her insight is so real. Can't wait for my next book to arrive.

  3. Chrystina

    First of all, that's incredible. Second of all, I LOVE getting that excited for my friends and I'm glad that there's somebody else out there who does it. Great news should be shouted from the roof tops. And this is definitely great news.

  4. Stephanie Ackerman

    it was an AMAZING ah-may-zing show and I watched, absorbed and loved every moment of it. At one point I thought about you and how you must have been exploding with happy for her!!! Can not wait for next Sunday..xoxoxo

  5. Dawn@Joyfulscribblings

    I've got the show taped. Love Super Soul Sunday. Can't wait to watch it. I bought Daring Greatly based on your recommendation, but unfortunately haven't had a chance to read it yet.

  6. Serendipitychild

    The best friends aren't those who pick you up when you are down, but those celebrate your highs. It shows they are completely selfless and can put aside any jealousy or shortcomings of their own to watch you shine. Sounds like you are one of those friends, Brene is a very lucky girl.


    Ok, first WOW! And that is a WOW that you actually know Brene Brown…not only know her but can be walking down the street and think, "Hmm I am going to call my friend Brene Brown." I just love her! a friend of mine sent me an email with one of Brene's TED Talks attached and wrote "You need to watch this woman, she reminds me of you." so I did, and I learned so much! I will certainly watch the Super Soul Sunday episode tomorrow. Thank you for posting and letting everyone know.

    ~Angela DeMuro


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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