DEMDACO Appreciation Week + the big deal giveaways (every day this week)!

Jun 20, 2011 | Entrepreneurship, Life in Progress

dave k quote

I’m so excited about this week I can hardly stand it. It’s been in the works and in my heart for a long time and I’m thrilled to kick it off TODAY which happens to also be my 36th birthday. There will be daily giveaways (big ones, including the one today – more information below), fun stories, videos, but more importantly this week is all about celebrating DEMDACO, my licensing partner responsible for all the awesome products that have entered the gift market these last couple of years. This week I’ll share the story of our partnership and I’ll introduce you to a few key players who I work closely with. You’ll get an inside glimpse of how it all works, the people involved, the process. I’ll take you behind the scenes to show you how + where the products are actually made, and so much more. If you’re an artist who is interested in licensing your work, or if you’re just a fan of the products, you’ll learn a ton and be inspired by the stories that weave in and out throughout the culture of DEMDACO, the process of product development, and more.

I AM SO EXCITED! I want this week to celebrate their company and all of the good work they do celebrating artists and changing lives.

The story of how we came to partner is a great story and one that celebrates the idea of taking big risks – more about that later this week. Today, I want you to know how I feel about this company because in a world where we often hear about the greed and the unethical ways of so many big companies, DEMDACO stands out to me personally and to so many others as an example of how I want to grow + conduct my own small business and my actual life. As you will see, they are all about heart, soul, doing the right thing, and offering up products to the retail market that align with their mission: to lift the spirit. They even have a full-time employee with the job title of “Cultural Conversation Leader” – that’s how seriously intentioned they are to uphold the remarkable culture of their company.

I had the great opportunity to have a conversation with Dave Kiersznowski (you can call him Dave K), the founder and co-owner (with his bride, Demi) of DEMDACO. We talked about many things including the breakfast we had together a couple of years ago that completely and totally changed my life (I wrote a tiny bit about it here), how DEMDACO was founded on the groundbreaking view that business is “a human endeavor and not a financial endeavor” and so much more. Our conversation is about 30 minutes long – listen to it while doing the dishes, folding the laundry and be prepared to be INSPIRED.

Their company culture and Dave K’s thoughts/views will astound you. It will inspire you. It will make you think about your own small businesses (and your life) and how all the micro and big decisions you make throughout the day can lead to a soulfully fulfilling mission. Whether you’re offering pot holders or meaningful art, you can instill a culture within your business/life that speaks to the heart of all that is good. My goal with this video is for you to feel how I felt after having breakfast with him: inspired with endless possibilities, and uplifted.

Big thanks to Jonathan Jones at Demdaco for editing our skype conversation!

mb giveaway

OMG! To kick off “DEMDACO appreciation week” here on the blog, the good peeps at DEMDACO offered something pretty amazing giveaway: A DAY WITH KELLY RAE! They are offering one lucky commenter (comments are open, friends) a chance to win an ALL EXPENSE PAID ADVENTURE to the DEMDACO headquarters with me!!!!!! The trip includes airline fees, all meals, a semi-private workshop with me, and more. With me by your side every step of the way, you’ll get a personal tour of DEMDACO, a sneak peek of behind the scenes and never before seen upcoming Kelly Rae products, an intimate (just a few of us, just for FUN) workshop led by me where we’ll get our hands messy with glue and paint, an original painting by me, and more.


Okay, here’s how you can win the ALL EXPENSE PAID TRIP + ORIGINAL PAINTING:
1. You must be 21 or over
2. You must live within the continental US (international peeps, we love you so be sure to keep reading on how you can win something too!)
3. You gotta be willing to travel to Kansas City sometime within the next few months (we’re flexible!)
4. You have to leave a comment in this post. Telling us why a trip like this would be valuable to you. Tell what you love about Demdaco. Anything goes! Did you get something out of the video chat? Tell us! Do you have a favorite product from the Demdaoco line? Your answer can be super short, super long, anything goes!
5. Just one comment per person, please.
6. Go! Go! Go!

And just for fun, I’m also going to give away an additional original painting to one lucky commenter who may not qualify because you don’t live within the continental US. International friends, I’m so grateful for you! Please be sure to comment and I’ll pick an additional lucky commenter to receive the additional original painting up for grabs – my treat to you! Go, Go, GO!

Up tomorrow: Demdaco Appreciation Week continues with more giveaway fun!

Sending much love,

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  1. Kim Henkel

    Although I don't qualify for the big trip (live in Canada)I want to say thank you for offering this amazing opportunity. I am sure it will go to an amazing person that will thrive with the opportunity.

  2. Purple Berries

    Bummer, I would have liked to win that trip. Oh well I'll have to settle for an original painting, would love one of those!

    KazT (Oz)

  3. Andria

    Oh, wow. I mean, wow. What an incredible giveaway.

    I think the thing I would gain most from such an awesome trip would be to spend time with people who really seem to have dedicated time to making the world a beautiful, more intentional place. Your work makes me believe in miracles and dreams and following my bliss.

  4. Julie Martin

    I cannot begin to tell you how much it would mean to me if I was picked. I have already gotten so much joy and freedom from your work, your book, your blog, your family and your smiling face online. It would be the most inspiring thing ever to meet you face to face! Please please please pick me so that I may soak up some of your sun and chase away my blues!!

  5. The Backporch Artessa

    Oh, What an AWESOME birthday you must rack up with this much goodness going out in the world! I would SO LOVE to win this priceless prize! It would be so special to me, because as an artist myself, I appreciate not only her beautiful art, but also all that Kelly Rae has done to protect and educate other artists about their art and rights in a spirit of true giving. I would treasure a chance to talk with her in person.

    I also would just explode with happiness at the chance to see Demdacos HQ. As a young girl just out of school, I worked in a small gift store, and I saw the happiness that the products brought into the lives of so many collectors, and gift givers alike, expressing that thought or emotion perfectly for them.

    I myself have several of the Demdaco figurines and artwork in my home, as I feel it is a company that truly expresses Gratitude, Home, Family and Hope. I LOVE that they focus on the positive, beautiful and encouraging things in this world! What would the world be like if everyone embraced this philosophy indeed? Don't we all need more love, light and goodness? Thank you for dreaming big, and dreaming positively!

    Oh- and 1 more thing- I thought I was the only other person in the USA who used 'gobsmacked' in conversation-lol. We must be kindred spirits!

  6. Chrysti

    What an awesome giveaway, I can't think of the last time I actually entered one. I am so glad I randomly dropped by your blog today – what a treat!

    There a zillion reasons I'd love to win- photo-ops galore. New city, new people – my camera would be uber happy. I'd love meeting you and would love learning more about licensing my work. The more I get my feet wet in this arena – the more I realize I need to know.

    The video was great – I totally dig his values. You don't see that very often these days – it really is inspiring.


  7. Kerry

    Congratulations, Kelly Rae on a fabulous DEMDACO Appreciation Week! Right back at ya….because we appreciate YOU and your vision and your spirit which you have brought to DEMDACO! We love, love, love selling your products and our retailers are so thrilled with the successes they have had. Thanks for all you do, and keep it comin'. All the best! From a member of the DEMDACO family:)

  8. mpezzell

    i would love to win this trip – just to have the opportunity to meet you & experience your inspiration up close and in person. your work is truly amazing and you have inspired me to take my art to the next level.. creatively speaking – it would be a dream come true. plus i've never been to kansas.

  9. Jaimie

    Happy Happy Birthday! Thank you for your giving spirit, this giveaway is such an amazing gift. I would Love, LOVE, LOVE the chance to win.
    I have a deep need to refuel and allow myself to get back into the flow of creative energy. I started homeschooling this past year, and have given so much of myself to my sweet little family that I need to refuel. This trip would be perfect. What could refuel a mama more than spending time with such an inspiriing artist AND an up close and personal look at an amazing company? I love that DEMDACO has such strong relationshps within the company, that the people who work for them seem to come before the products.

  10. Kate

    I Live in Georgia, so I am in the USA. I am an independent artist really wanting to break into licensing my art. I really would love to see how this works and to be able to take a workshop from you would be great. I love your products and The wall plaques would have to be one of my favorite products.

  11. miriam

    to see how a simple idea came about and now is worldwide is amazing. I hope to have half your courage and fulfill my dreams. Words cannot express my desire to meet you and see Demdaco. It would be on my top ten list. You are surrounded by such good,joyful people..

  12. Sarah

    What a lovely gesture, a present for others on your own birthday!

    I love the spirit of your work, the listening posture, and the gusty vision and calling you had years ago, even before you had come into your own style. I see a kinship, and would love to dialogue more about that with you. At first with my art, I was hesitant to think of how I felt about licensing it, but I see your journey and how it has benefited your family now. I think it's great that you represent some of the mamas in their 30's—-I'm one too! Plus, it's always a joy to be able to play with, share with, and giggle with a fellow artist. I'd love to do that with ya!

  13. Beth Nadler

    Okay, "appreciation week" is fantastic!!!
    I'm really enjoying finding out much of the behind scenes info. A trip would be absolutely amazing but I'm learning a lot through your posts this week. I would love the chance to spend the day with you, Kelly and to spend time finding out more about Demdaco which sounds like a wonderful company to work with. I've done a bit of licensing in the past and much product development. I would love, love, love to be able to license products with Demdaco.

  14. Woodberries

    Thanks for keeping my dreams alive! It would be great to learn from you in person. 🙂

  15. Millie

    Who doesn't love DEMDACO?!! I think the partnership is perfect! Similar to other commemnts I would love to get to know you. I think it is exciting that you come from a social worker background…I am a school counselor. I am older (my sweet daughters are in college) but still striving for a similar transition from caregiver to artist. I strongly believe in the healing powers of art and I am betting that has to do with how you came to this place today as well. I would love to sit and talk with yu as well as learn from you!!

  16. jmk

    I love my "Embrace Change" art girlie. I am in a season of embracing change and I have spent many moment explaining the different phrases on that piece to my five-year-old daughter. We have had some truly lovely conversations about the messages on her!

  17. Lisa B.

    i am meditating daily on my favorite wall art from your collection that reads "BELIEVE IN POSSIBILITY" in HOPES that you will pick ME !!! YOUR FLYING LESSONS, BOOK and ART…are my inspirational well that i continually visit to replenish and encourage my creative spirit. In other words…YOU ROCK ! THANK YOU for all you do for us all !!!

  18. DahliasbyDesign

    how valuable would winning this be? words cannot express how valuable spending time with you and getting to meet the incredible people you have introduced us all to at Demdaco…it would be so incredibly awesome… what a gift you are giving!!! on your birthday no less? i have enjoyed reading your blog and especially love hearing your mamma stories now…brings back so many memories (my boys are 14 and 15 1/2) HAppY BiRtHDaY to YOU! ox, mary ann

  19. meg

    I love the collaboration between you and all of the retail, supplier and manufacturing team. It's refreshing to see someone involved and knowledgeable about all steps of the process. I often feel when buying something at the store that its removed from the original creator/dreamer. It's good to know that that is not always the case.

  20. JJoy

    A very happy birthday to you, Kelly Rae…celebrate your life and successes! In your honor, I'm eating cake every day this week and may throw in a glass of wine (or 2 or 3). Seriously, how great would it be to accompany you to Demdaco…I have several angels from their Willow Tree collection. After a layoff, I'm so grateful that I can pursue my passions…creating mixed media art
    and jewelry. I have several product ideas rattling around and would jump at the chance to be able to visit Demdaco. Thank you so much for this opportunity…because of you I have "taken flight". Many blessings to you and yours…

  21. Jennifer Rizzo

    All I can say is 3 kids, and summer vacation. I need a break. I would love to meet you in person( in a totally no-stalkerish way. 😉 , have a chance to create with you and see what's going on!

  22. nacherluver

    I would appreciate winning this trip because after giving up having a career and being an at-home-mom for 13 years, I have forgotten how to have "me" time and I need to change that. It would be a great start to have a trip like this for "me".


  23. melissa

    happy birthday, kelly rae. this is absolutely grand. wildly extravagant. unreasonable and beyond generous. thank you. my gratitude is deep and expansive. this trip would be affirmation that the dreams alive in me can be born, that i can continue to hope for what seems impossible, but feels true.

  24. Anonymous

    Love your art!
    Happy Birthday and many more.
    You are a treasure!
    Barb Putters

  25. Shelley

    OMG! The opportunity to spend time with you would be as if my fairy godmother came down and sprinkled me with glitter and said, "I have heard all your heartsongs about being an artist, but you already are one and now we want you to soar and fly with the best!" I can not imagine any better way to lose my chicken wings. You and Demdaco together are a dream come true!

  26. Anonymous

    Kelly Rae, Your beautiful heart SHINES through and THAT is why I want to meet you. Yes, you're on an amazing artistic journey that many of us might dream of..and it's awesome how you so willingly share of what you are learning, but it's your heart that inspires me most. You are so sincere and you share from your heart so that the rest of us dreamers can learn and you don't hold back.

    It would mean the world to get to spend time following you and your crew around for a few days soaking in the experience, as well as soaking in the sunshine that you share with all of us on your blog.

    I also love Demdaco. It was so heart warming to watch the video and see the sincerity with which they do business. What a neat way to showcase a wonderful company.

    Thanks for giving us all a "window" into this world through such a neat way…an "appreciation week."

    You've blessed me this week. Thanks for sharing all that you have.

    Kari O.

  27. Lisa

    I would just love to see how the whole licensing process works! With you would be extra fun!

  28. Melissa

    A trip like this would mean the world to me because I want to find the creative parts of myself that I lost years ago and I have no doubt something like this would let me rediscover those pieces of me.

  29. Heather

    Wow, what a wonderful opportunity this would be for me. I am just getting my feet wet per say in the art business. I would love to learn and see everything behind the scene. What I learned most about this interview with Dave K is think really Big! Anything is possible!

  30. sandi pierce

    I would love to win a trip to Kansas, having never been there, but also would love to meet you, you are so inspiring and sometimes it's hard to make art from the heart, because of the fear and the unknown. you give people like me hope that we can let that art out someday… your art is so lovely. thanks, sandi

  31. Natalie Jean (Bottoms) Kelsey

    I loved hearing about how Demaco started and how he was surprised they were still going strong after all the trial and errors of running a business. It is totally a learning process. I don't care how much one studies to become a master in business and etc…it's helpful yes, but its the whole experience of just going for it and learning the process of what is being focused upon. For every experience is different and you just gotta "Trust the process" and keep following your heart. Thank you for sharing your journey, Kelly Rae 🙂 Peace

  32. Carol

    I am so in love with your art! Seeing all that you have done has actually inspired me, (at my age no less), to take steps I never dreamed of doing. I've actually opened my shop on and have started my own blog, yes, me! I can't believe it. I've been painting and experimenting with different mediums. I've even purchased your book. I'm still trying to figure a lot of technical things out, but in due time it will all come, I know for sure. By the way, Happy Birthday and thank you and Demdaco for this opportunity. I would LOVE to meet with you!

  33. Lisa Byrne

    Dear Dear Kelly!!

    What an incredible giveaway…I've been dreaming, visioning, reaching for the stars, expanding and opening up to where my work is meant to go, how it is meant to serve, how it is meant to grow me….and I've imagined so many times over how incredible it would be to sit and chat with you and listen to your story of how you navigated your life of passion, of self growth and the walk of motherhood…most especially as you have shared so much of your heart on your blog about it all. You have such a rich, healing, loving story to tell.
    In my work I inspire, enliven and equip mothers:
    ~to be the most vital, well and alive version of themselves they can possibly be;
    ~to know, honor and celebrate who they uniquely are;
    ~to use their gifts in the world in order to shine brightly and bless others;
    ~and to experience a life of joy, abundance and fulfillment.
    I'd love to connect in person with you in order to simply revel in what an amazing journey and tremendous gift life truly is!
    xoxo, Lisa

  34. Stephanie

    I would love love love to have an original piece! The trip would help me tap into the artist I hope to be. I have just recently discovered Kelly Rae, but have instantly fallen in love with her work!! I was in a local shop and everything that they had to offer of hers I wanted to buy and bring home; it was all so beautiful and inspiring! 🙂 🙂

  35. fancibags

    I just love the way you have shared all of your knowledge with us and any one who asks. I am always inspired by your posts…which I seem to need on a more regular basis lately. I would love to travel to meet you. Hope to talk to you soon.

  36. Unknown

    what fun! i think perhaps, just perhaps, it would put me on the road to gettin' my groove back… for which i would be eternally grateful. wishing you a very happy birthday. namaste.

  37. camille yanair

    i love seeing how things are made, and wuold love to soak up as much of your knowledge as possible 🙂 your work is beautiful & inspiring! hope i win!

  38. Erin

    I'm so glad I didn't miss the window for this mondo beyondo offering!!! I'm glad you said it could be a long comment because I seem to have a lot to share. 🙂 First, I want to tell you that I'm doing the Mondo Beyondo course (again) and when I opened my list this time, one of the items that surprised me was "take a painting class with Kelly Rae." I read it and thought "really?!" I don't identify myself as an artist but love to play and be creative. It was one of those things on my list that made my heart all aflutter, (I mean with Kelly Rae? Really?! How would that ever happen?!!) I'm quite fluttery even posting my comment right now. What if you picked me?!?!
    Reading your blog is a part of my daily routine. And a big inspiration for me. I'm a mama to an amazing 14 month old boy and you know how it is – witnessing this life unfolding is the most amazing thing! and… lots of other things fall by the wayside. For me, creative play time is often way at the bottom of the list, squeaking for some attention. I would LOVE to meet you, to sit by you on a plane, to share yummy foods with you in a new city, to chat about what's going on for you, to share with you some details about my current creative dream unfolding(I'm a movement teacher (yoga & feldenkrais) developing an e-course for women.) I would LOVE love love for you to help me to get playful with paints and paper!!! I can even imaging having True and Mesa in tow. I know they'd be friends too. 🙂
    There's more. You know that mondo beyondo exercise where you list peeps you admire (of course you were on my list) and the qualities that inspire you and then essentialize those down to current values? Well one of the qualities that really inspires me right now is generosity/generativity. And you and demdaco are a BIG part of this for me. A short while ago I was on a break from teaching a class and wandering around the neighborhood where the studio is and I was pulled like a magnet into a little boutique when I saw one of your canvases in the window. They had many more inside. That day I bought two for myself ('hello courage' and 'my wish for you is that you always know love') and one for a dear friend 'tender journeys'. Now the ladies who run the shop (Square Nest) know me as the woman with the cute baby who's obsessed with Kelly Rae's artwork. I've gifted another girlfriend and fellow M.B. dreamer your gorgeous "dreamer" journal, another dear one who's going through a divorce received with many tears "unbroken wings discovered", another dear girlfriend who blesses my life got "spirit living" in a special package, and another friend just got the "own your talents, wear more skirts," etc. I would love to be able to afford originals but the demdaco reproductions are more in my price range (so affordable! I can't stop buying them!) and allow me to give many gifts! Generosity is manifesting and blessing me so much. I LOVE your stuff!!! One of the women from Square Nest and I were delighting in the way your beautiful works are gifts that keep giving – inspiration, encouragement, heartful support and whimsy to the lucky ones who receive them, every time they look at them. You and demdaco have been a big part of the manifestation of generosity in my life. I'm so grateful! And whatever happens with this giveaway, I am so happy to have the opportunity to send you this little love letter and thank you note. Many thanks for being such an intimate part of the goodness that is blossoming in my life and the life of my loved ones. And I really do hope to meet you someday soon. xoxo Erin

  39. Jen Rickert

    I used to work at Mardel Christian Bookstore in Fort Worth, TX and I was in charge of ordering and stocking all the Demdaco products. I was always amazed at the beautiful products they had and I love that they support artist like you, Kelly!
    Kansas would be wonderful! I just moved from there this past October, Army moved us to Arizona, and I miss the summer storms and all my wonderful friends!

  40. Sandy

    Happy Birthday and thanks for sharing your joy and inspiration!

  41. Peggy Wilkinson

    Oh my gosh! A day with you! That would be SO wonderful!!! I want to win! I would love to meet the person behind the book that made me take my flight into art!

  42. Morgan

    Kelly Rae,
    I found your products last year while on a trip to San Antonio with my mom. I've been going thru a lot personally lately, and I look at the three wall hangings I have in my bedroom each and every day!!! And I can not wait for more!!! Your words are so inspiring and uplifting. I would love to meet you, and have such a wonderful experience. I speak of your "little girls", as I call them, all the time. I've shown so many friends your blog and I follow it often!
    Peace to you, Morgan

  43. Tessa Knox

    I'm an owner of a tiny little gift store called Angels With Attitude that I opened in memory of my mom. And half of it is filled with your wonderful art!It truly speaks to me on so many levels. I would love to meet you someday to personally thank you for helping me keep that special connection alive!

  44. Susanna

    Happy birthday, Kelly Rae!
    I'd love a trip with you, I met you briefly a few months ago at one of your shop visits, it was so great to meet you 🙂
    You might remember me — I'm the one waiting for a heart transplant. Still waiting (and hoping), it's been a year and half now. Living (seems like a strange word for it, but…) in heart failure is a terrifying yet truly awakening experience — you really learn how to live life in a way that is meaningful to you. That's what I see in your work, an appreciation of the elements of life that many take for granted but that in the end, truly mean everything– following your dreams, believing and hoping for the possible and impossible, telling those around you how much you care about them, etc. That's a big part of why I love your work, it reminds me of the importance of the moment, which especially for me is really all I have. I have your decorative art girlies and prints all over my apartment and also all over my hospital room, they make me happy everytime I see them.
    That said, an original painting and/or trip with you would be truly amazing and so meaningful to me.
    I hope you have a wonderful birthday xox

  45. Jackie Wood

    It warms my heart to know that there are companies out there that put humanity first. Not just by saying the words, but truly believing it. Thank you for taking the time this week to share with all of us this amazing company. Dave has a beautiful way of looking at the world.

  46. Becca Groves

    "Artists are the ones who remind us what is true and good and beautiful."

    I just got goosebumps listening to Dave K and his final word on why art is needed in our world today. Thank you so much for such an incredible opportunity a) to win a trip with Kelly Rae to DEMDACO(!!!) and b) to share so much insight into the world of gift giving art. Kelly Rae, I am a huge fan and started following you on the day of your first preggers belly picture. I was pregnant right along with you and had a sweet baby boy four weeks after you did. I have been keeping tabs on you and True as I walked my own road into first time mamahood 🙂

    Listening to this skype conversation was overwhelmingly inspirational…I am hopeful to get out my own journal during naptime this afternoon and write out my own 9 page email of sorts mapping out the big dreams of where I feel called. I want to find the boundaries of my dreams!

    Thanks for creating beautiful art, for being SO POSITIVE AND REAL and for loving life, beauty, family and friends.


  47. Carol Sloan

    Wow!What an awesome chat to listen to! I was so inspired – so HOPEFUL- after hearing Dave speak about the company. My dream since I was a little girl was to be an artist…and an author. I can see this coming true with such a company. I really felt that it could be a possibility after listening to the two of you! I know that there are tons of people who say this would be their dream (and it would be) and would make such a difference in their life (as it would) but just this once I'm going to step out there and say it would truly put me on the dream path. To be able to develop a relationship with that company through the magic of art…my art…would be wonderful. I'd love to spend time with you too! I actually met you at the Inspired event. I was the one with the felted "carpet bag" and that Anne brought my drawings around to show you, she thought they would make a great journal type book. All that you are offering is such a wonderful gift. I fell that I just need a little magic or a little lucck that something like this could bring to me. It was so refreshing to hear Dave talk about caring about the artists dreams. He actually cares about where we want to go! If it's meant to be, my name will be picked. And thank you for even offering it to everyone Kelly Rae! Your spirit certainly shines through in your work and your actions. Oh and belated Birthday wishes!

  48. Lynne Phelps

    Wow, this is AMAZING. I have been trying to take the step into mixed media and a workshop with you would be SO inspirational.I would also like to start selling my art so you are already a mentor to me in that area via your blog. I LOVE your artwork and a painting from you would be such a treasure! I am in the US and can totally travel to KC and I would also love to see Demdaco – I have a huge Willow Tree nativity set with tons of figures plus the giant colored one, so I have been an admirer of Demdaco for many years.

  49. Valerie Hart

    Happy Happy Birthday Kelly Rae! Thank you for this LOVELY opportunity! I found you two years ago and I took Flying Lessons last year. It caused probably one of the most impactful definitive shifts in my life with my art. I am so very grateful… You are such a dear.

    Love & blessings,
    xoxo Valerie

  50. Stephanie Locke

    Kelly Rae, Kelly Rae! I can't tell you how much you inspire me. It started w/ my purchase of your book quite a while ago. I knew that I'd made a connection with someone that I didn't even know. We are alot alike, and it was even more evident when I bought your eBook after returning from vacation. You see, on our last day of vacation, we stopped to eat at a Bob Evans in Branson, MO. Little did I know that your products would be gracing the walls right on the way to our table. I was so excited about taking a peek, that I couldn't even wait to finish eating breakfast before grabbing my wallet & making a dash for the wall display. I picked out several of my favs & made a b-line for the register. Something started filling my thoughts on the drive back home . . . I started remembering the honest message of your book, and how I felt the exact same way, & that I needed to investigate into these "messages" a little more once I got home. Well, upon returning home, I jumped on your blog & what did I see but this fabulous eBook that I absolutely had to have. I bought it & read the first few pages, and that's when I knew that I had done exactly what I was meant to do. It was meant to be for me to reat at that Bob Evans, sit at that particular table, listen to the whispers while driving back home, and ordering the eBook. I've since read the entire eBook and have checked out Demdaco's website and have been chomping at the bit to explore my opportunities. The video from this blog post was just icing on the case & another reminder of what I'm capable of if I would just practice courage a little more. That's my biggest problem right now . . . I consider you a mentor-of-sorts, but I would love to be able to have the real thing if at all possible. Thanks for the opportunity to share! : )


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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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