down right silly

Mar 22, 2007 | Life in Progress

i love this image. it’s from my mom’s stash. i think it may be one of the uncles. i love it because it captures that moment. that moment when we feel free. when we let go. when we are child-like in our laughter. when we are in the moment. sunlight on the face. joy in our hearts, if only for a moment.

today’s word: frenetic. yes, that’s it. liz and i have been chatting on the phone daily, like two school girls eagerly anticipating the first day of the 7th grade. what are you going to wear? what do you think about this? are you bringing that? for all the worry and chatting we’ve been doing, we may as well coordinate our outfits so we’re wearing the exact same thing on the first day of artfest! did you ever do that when you were 12? remember what fun it was to wear the same thing as your friends on the same day? i will NEVER forget being in the 8th grade and calling my BFF gina to coordinate the next day’s outfit only to be shot down: she had grown up and didn’t think it was cool anymore to wear the same clothes. it’s as if she grew up overnight. how dare she! i was heartbroken and felt that weird feeling of being behind in the wheel of life. she was, by the way, a whole year older than me (and still is). well, it’s not the 7th grade, it’s artfest, but it may as well be the first day of school. that’s what it sort of feels like. you know you’re going to have a great time, but there is that anticipatory worry that creeps in a bit. but when you finally arrive, you feel like this photograph: happy. at home. right where you belong. and down right silly with glee.

Sending much love,

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  1. kelly rae cunningham

    hey kelly rae, i was checkin in and seeing what was happening in your colorful world. my BFF growing up was a gina too.
    kelly rae

  2. mati rose

    omg, that story made me ache for little you! have a B-last at artfest deary! xoxo, m

  3. la vie en rose

    thanks for sharing this photo…it made my day…

  4. Tori

    Pure unencumbered joy!
    Thanks for sharing this photo.
    I really enjoy your art and blog.

  5. brian

    wanna wear the same thing tomorrow? hee hee…BFF gina

  6. beth

    oh this is a great photo !! i wish i was going to artfest! sounds like a blast !! have a great time and be sure to share all the fun !

  7. Swirly

    I love it…and I did, indeed, love to coordinate outfits with my friends. Have a great time!

  8. Clare Jane

    Funny, when I first saw this picture I thought it looked like John. It is obviously too old to be him but I thought you were going to say it was his grandpa or something.

  9. Tammigirl

    …have i mentioned how i love your blog and love, love, love your artwork. i keep seeing my own face in your art, i say “HEY~there’s me!”

    i’ve only been reading you for about a week and i’m trying to figure out your history. i have catching up to do.

    AND…your yellow shoes are to die for.

  10. kelly

    have a fun happy safe voyage. i can’t wait to see the pictures and
    hear the stories

  11. daffa

    i love the silly giddiness that comes from true happiness. real, out there, give yourself up happiness. it’s about not holding back and truly being in the moment. why can’t we all remember to be like this more often???

  12. MAHIMA

    i just discovered your blog- sort of bumped into it! but i’m glad.
    yes, i love this picture: its the kind i strive to take of everyone i know: in theiur moment.
    that said,


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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