“i show up”

Mar 21, 2007 | Life in Progress

today, i asked someone how they were coping with their 2nd cancer diagnosis and its treatment (chemo/radiation). their response? “i show up.” simple. profound. i found myself still with it’s meaning and courage. i don’t think i’ll ever forget it. on the way home, i thought long and hard about it. how do i show up? in my marriage? in my commitments? in my work? in play? in my community? how do i show up? at the end of the day, have i done my best?

lately, it seems that i only have so much time for any given activity. between my day job & my art life, i find narrow amounts of time for the other things in my life that fill me up in ways that i need and want. i find myself making a lot of phone dates with far away family and friends but the conversations are never long enough. i’m having quick lunch dates, quick walking dates, quick fun dates. everything seems short and fast, as if i’m going to run out of time. you can see where the anxious dreaming comes in (the glass of wine did miracles for my sleep last nite, by the way. i’m repeating the same trick tonite). and some things have just been cut out all together (intense exercise, reading, general lounging). i wonder, how in the world to people have kids and juggle it all?

i need a scheduling overhaul. i want to linger a bit more on the phone, in my meetings with friends, in my snuggles with John & Bella. i don’t want to just show up, i mean i really, really want to show up.

ps – i’ve added a place where you can sign up for my mailing list on my sidebar (if you’re interested in receiving a newsletter from time to time regarding art announcements). this is one step towards helping me simplify business life…i’m thinking it’s a good one!

Sending much love,

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  1. Roxanna

    an insightful commentary on life! some days the “showing up” is almost painless and others the most difficult part for me. but i also, believe in breaks and needed changes in life like the birds that migrate to warmer climates in the winter months. we all need respite to stay thoughtful, sensitive, and in touch with ourselves and others. to heal. it is always good to talk to you and best wishes, peace and love with art fest 2007!!!

  2. krista

    Ah, I love that.

  3. cheeky

    it’s a wonderful enlightment when the simple reaction of someone else allows us to dig deeper within ourselves.
    the best thing is that you realize it takes more than just showing up. we have to be present, emotionally. we have to participate and our physical presence just isn’t enough. the reward of participation far outweighs the drain of “just being there”.
    god bless.

  4. Brianna

    Love it. I need to practice how I show up.

  5. Maggie

    If I could figure out the balancing I will be a very rich woman.
    Great post,

  6. mati rose

    brilliant concept. that balance is so tricky… to the end of our lives i bet it ebbs and flows, but we just got to “show up”!

  7. kelly

    amen…i about missed a dinner meeting with friends last nite. had it on the calendar and then the kids had to be picked up and we had some scheduling issues and i simply forgot my dinner meeting.
    when my friends called i was so mad at myself, because i had neglected them. so i rushed over to the restaurant and as i sat down, i said [this is why i don’t
    ever see my friends.

    i need to do better too.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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