feeling chatty and slightly pessimistic

Jan 18, 2006 | Life in Progress

we finally heard from rhode island. they said they couldn’t accept john into their program this year. the letter said they were impressed with his application and his interview, but they realized after his interview that his anatomy and physiology course was taken 11 years ago, and they are requesting he retake this course and submit the transcript for consideration next year. john was crushed. they interviewed 56 candidates and accepted only 9 students into their program. though john was realistic about his chances, he was still hopeful. i can’t believe they invited him to interview when it sounds like perhaps he hadn’t met their course requirements in the first place. john definitely plans to take their advice and reapply next year. in the meantime, we’ll continue to wait to hear from the other programs. we did get a letter from a school in portland, maine stating that his application had been viewed favorably and it was being forwarded to the interview committee with the recommendation that he be asked to interview. so we’ll have to see what happens with that. i’m glad zach is here. john seems a little more relaxed about the bad news, and seems ok with it, though disappointed.

it also helps that american idol premiered tonite. that show always puts us in a good mood. i used to shy away from admitting that i liked the show, but now i’m out of the closet about it. it’s good fun. so we made pizza and chocolate chip cookies and watched american idol. me, john, and zach. good times.

it is still raining. flooding is becoming a big concern for the city. it’s been weeks since we’ve had a day without rain. and frankly i’m surprised we’re all not in a deep depression with all the gloomy weather. they’re starting to make comparisons with the winter of 1996 which apparently broke all sorts of rainfall records. i sure hope it’s not going to stay like this for long. i’m starting to get restless. the weathermen here consider a “break from the rain” to consist of an hour or two with no rainfall. but otherwise, it’s raining the other 22 hours of the day. unbelievable. as of right now there is a small chance the rain will stop and the sun will come out for a couple of hours on sunday. god, please let it be true. and i’m off on sunday. halleluiah.

i haven’t made any art since before the holidays. there just hasn’t been any time and i’m definitely feeling the itch to get creative. i’m hopeful things will settle down a bit this next week and that i’ll not only feel inspired to create but also have the time.

work was intense today. i still have my student, but now i have her 3 days a week, and this week i’m also precepting a new social worker we recently hired. i don’t know if i’ll ever be comfortable precepting. it’s just not my thing. i like to work with others and i’m a big team player, but i like to work independently and without having the added pressure of showing someone the ropes. i really appreciate those who are good at teaching others, but i’m just not one of those people. it makes me nervous and it feels like my every move is being magnified and examined. i don’t like it at all.

i’m still thinking about brokeback mountain. i’m pissed he didn’t win best actor at the globes, but i’m still holding out hope for the oscars.

Sending much love,

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  1. Kat Candler

    Sorry about Rhode Island. It just means there are better things to come. And I must say, Mr. Ledger has many years to get that Oscar. Mr. Hoffman, in my humble opinion, really deserves it. I thought Heath Ledger was pretty fantastic but I thought PSH was absolutely stellar.

  2. britt

    my john just got a letter saying he didn’t get the interview at UGA for clinical psych. we’re with you…best of luck. p.s. i watch american idol too 😉

  3. Clare Jane

    So sorry for the Providence disappointment and how frustrating that it was over something so easy to remedy. The same thing happened to my friend trying to get into vet school – all she needed was one class but it took her two tries to finally be told that. Whatever happens will happen for the best. Not very comforting in the immediate disappointment but I think true nevertheless.

    love you guys!

  4. Stacy

    We love American Idol too!
    Stacy (and Annalise)

  5. Stacy

    We love American Idol too!
    Stacy (and Annalise)


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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