a few unfinished backgrounds….

Nov 5, 2006 | Life in Progress

after a hard week, the weekend has finally arrived and has brought with it a relaxation i haven’t felt in weeks. the weather is turning cooler now and the leaves are falling to the ground, one by one, finally. it all has me breathing deeper, longer, thankful breaths. it was a hard week. i am still adjusting, wondering if it will ever stop. there are so many complexities to this adjustment that i didn’t see coming, and in a moment’s notice, i can slip into its melancholy a bit too easily. and once i’m in, it’s very hard for me to get out. in the meantime, i have much to do, and not a lot of time to give myself a reprieve. things will work themselves out eventually.

when i arrived home from work yesterday, john surprised me with a clean & candlelit apartment, an italian dinner, and a glass of red wine ready for me when i walked through the door. i am a lucky soul. i don’t have any idea how it happened, but i am lucky soul. he knows that the very best gift he could give me in times of unrest and anxiety is a clean apartment complete with clean hardwood floors, fresh sheets, and laundered clothes. oh, and a back rub, and general TLC all around. i’m a lucky girl.

today, i spent some time in the studio painting some backgrounds. i listened to all my favorite tunes, windows open, fall breeze coming in. it felt good. i am in some very desperate mood for new music, though. and i’ve been heading over here quite a bit – so much good information. more tomorrow…

Sending much love,

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  1. Anonymous

    your backgrounds inspire me so– I love to see the process– and I am sending you lots of energies to sustain you through the transition– it’s all good it’s all good–


  2. deirdre

    I also am made way too happy by a clean house. What a thoughtful gift your husband gave you. And a glass of wine and dinner to go with it. Very nice. I like your backgrounds and am curious to see what you do with them. It’s so interesting to me that you’ve done several of these in preparation for the next steps. I’m just beginning to find my way into art, so the whole process is quite a mystery to me.

    Moving is more difficult than we ever think it will be. I don’t know how people can just pack up and move over and over like there’s nothing to it. I hope you’ll give yourself time to adjust and be kind to yourself in the process.

  3. Laini Taylor

    Kelly, those backgrounds are luscious and all ready for beautiful ladies (with or without wings) to grace them. And John, what a rockstar! A clean apartment AND wine? Whooo. I’m going to have to tell Jim about this!

  4. britt

    what an amazing post. i’m sorry for the hard emotions, but i’m sure you know deep down that they are essential, and will pass, and it’s all about difficult learning that you are going through because of all these recent changes. i have faith in you miss kelly!

    as for john, wow what a prince. you deserve him. you are such a sunshine person. “Rae” is a perfect name for you because you are a ray of sunshine every day.

    as for music, have you checked out feist? i am crazy about her music (leslie feist). also i love gorillaz’ demon days. zero 7’s new one, i think it’s called the garden. monster movie is a cool band, some former members of slowdive. kevin shields (my bloody valentine) has done some new cool tunes. the soundtrack to marie antoinette is supposed to be great, and i’ve also heard good things about the soundtrack to the last kiss (zach braff) who did the great soundtrack to garden state. i hope this list inspires you! take care, and get that sunshine on your face as much as possible!

  5. Lisa

    You are a very blessed woman. I’m sure he knows that he is blessed, too. Your day sounds heavenly. The backgrounds are beautiful. I love that you show us the unfinished stuff. I think I imagine them sort of just magically appearing so it’s nice to see the order in which your beautiful girls appear on the canvas.

  6. Carol

    Holy moly! Where did you FIND that sort of perfection!! I’m thrilled to come home to an emptied dishwasher.



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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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