a prayer of grace

Nov 6, 2006 | Life in Progress

“prayer of grace”
6″ x 12″
mixed media on gallery style canvas

a prayer of grace…something i could use right about now. grace to be thankful for all that is right in my life. grace as i stumble my way through this very messy chapter of the journey. grace to pay attention and enjoy the ride.

it was a beautiful autumn day today in san fran. we went into the city to meet some new friends for dim sum and a tea tasting – 2 things i’ve never experiened before. the tea experience was awesome. we tried a million teas, all of them like nothing i’ve ever tasted. it was a very authentic chinese tea tasting experience. very cool. we came home with some very fine green and black teas. everytime i go into the city i want to move there. it seems to suit us a bit more than oakland. maybe next year. we’ll see…it could be an exciting possiblity.

Sending much love,

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  1. Lesley

    I love your work. I discovered you on Flikr “I blogged this” group. Wow! Glad I found you.

  2. belle

    this is such a beautiful piece!

  3. ruby

    oh wow! i love the colors of this one!!

  4. Deb

    KR! Your piece is FABULOUS! I only just discovered you not too long ago and wonder how in the HECK did I not know about you sooner? Fantastically talented, I must say – and very, very inspiring.


  5. Jes

    oh just fabulous!

  6. Alexandra S

    Oh I can see you very much in San Fran (but only for a year since then you are coming back to Portland)! And those backdrops from your last post- beautiful Kelly! Can’t wait to see what you put on them next. Have you been yet to Golden Gate Park and the carousel and arboretum there? Also, I have wanted to try Cafe Gratitude but haven’t as of yet. If you go, let me know!) Miss you and sending you a huge hug!


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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