today john and i and true were taking a walk when we had a very sweet conversation about gratitude. it seems my life (our life) turned a really significant corner when i turned 30 years old and when john turned 31. now, at age 35, i’m amazed that it’s been five of the most wonderful years of my entire life. some of those years we were financially struggling, living paycheck to paycheck while more recently we’ve enjoyed some financial security. some of those years were huge transition years with a ton of hard work, and some were not. some were more adventurous and required more leaps of faith than others. some years were question oriented, while others seems full of answers. through all of it, the common denominator has been this: it’s been joy. whether we were poor, whether we were not. whether we were overwhelmed, whether we were not. whether we were moving at the speed of light, whether we were not. it’s been a joy that, i believe, has been a direct result of faith and leaps. leaps of faith while chasing our dreams. all the while, during these five years, i’ve wondered when the good fortune shoe would drop, when life would turn on us. i’m realizing now that it’s not a matter of circumstance (money, housing, city, job, huge life transitions), but rather a matter of perspective. we, inside our togetherness, are very very good at riding the waves of whatever comes our way while at the same time planning for and making changes toward the direction of our dreams and our dream life. today we were in awe how life just keeps getting better, even with birth trauma and giant student loan bills and uncertainty and fears and and and…
we are making it our own. we are creating our dream life, one tiny step at a time. five years later, those tiny steps have amounted to nothing less than extraordinary. we are so so grateful and working very hard to let go of the worry that it’s all going to come falling down any second now 🙂
sending gratitude and appreciation for each and every one of you who have been a witness to these last five years of what has felt like a building of a whole new life – it’s all been captured here on this blog which i love, love, love (even if it is embarrassing to read older posts!).
ps: online shop is pretty much sold out (thanks, guys) but we’ve got a few more goodies and a big batch of laptop and iphone skins (3g – like the one i have in the photo above) have been added to the shop for all of your stocking stuffing needs! and of course, matted/signed prints are always available.