hold on to love

May 9, 2006 | Life in Progress

eight weeks. eight weeks until my little life in portland moves itself to the big, big world of san francisco. i have been feeling messy, mixed up, chatty, and overwhelmed for small moments throughout the last couple of days. as excited as i am, i’m also trying not to deny myself all the other emotions that come along to me. there is so much to do, and my brain and my heart are frozen, paralyzed. they don’t want to take action on the enormous to-do list. instead, they want to stay right where they are: in portland where our community lives, where the tea shoppe is blocks away, where walks with friends are plenty, where pursuits of a life lived as an artist are close and comfortable. but then reality seeps into the pockets of my dreamy heart and ruins all the fun. there are moving expenses. tuition expenses. and don’t get me started on the cost of living is san fran. there is packing to do, good-bye parties, last days at work, last dinners with friends, tears, photos to be taken, trips to goodwill with our giveaways, rollovers to finalize, and many other details, like the small task of finding an apt in san fran! my heart is full of gratitude that this opportunity has come our way. really. it’s a big, big deal. and i’m enormously proud of john. but reality sometimes whispers her curse to me that this may not be a easy as i thought. especially the part about actually getting to san fran, meeting people, finding a job, adjusting. big stuff. a friend told me recently that what we resists, persists. hmmm.

Sending much love,

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  1. shoofly

    awesome work! good luck with the move and all! hope you’ll find inspiration for more of these lovely paintings once you get there!

  2. barbe

    HI, found your blog by googling Artfest.
    I love your art-they are really vibrant!

    I’m in SF-you’ll love it here. I’d be happy to meet up with you. I know its hard to move to a new city and not know ANYONE. But now you do!

    my email is barbsj@earthlink.net


  3. carla

    This piece is absolutely vibrant! I’ll bet it glows in person. I love the bacground, and the beautiful patterns on her dress. Your work just keeps growing in the most wonderful ways!

    I was really touched by your post – I don’t have much time to write all the things that come to my mind, so I’ll just say – moving is a wrench, but chnage is good. It’s the force that propels you into so many new directions! You sound blessed with a wonderful life and community where you are, so isn’t it beautiful that you’re not running away from anything…just moving along to the next little stepping stone on your path. I wish you only the best:>

  4. Letha Sandison

    I really love your lady. I spent the day today with Liz and she told me about your work. Beautiful!

    I can totally relate to your feelings about moving! My husband’s training and job has caused us to move three times in 6 years and there is no end in sight. It is tough to start all over but also rewarding. I am from the SF Bay Area so lemme know if you need any recommendations for places to eat, hang out or anything! What is bringing you there?

  5. Liz S

    I think this girl is one of my favorites! I love the colors, the greens and blues. Her face is also exquisit. You can feel the warmth of it and the opportunistic glow. I think what you express you are feeling right now really came through in her face. Beautiful!

  6. andrea

    Ok, now I have a new favorite! This is amazing. Love the blues and the rich deep colors in this. Nice job hon!
    P.S Moving is never easy. Hang in there, you’ll find your way.

  7. Alexandra S

    p.s. I just wanted to add that this is my new favorite as well!!!

  8. Alexandra S

    I can’t believe you are moving just as we have all met but I do hope you two will move back to Portland after he graduates. AND before you go, I want to have you over for dinner, buy a piece of your amazing art for my house, and have at least one meeting of our creative women’s group!

  9. vicci

    Oooohhhh! San Fran! It’s a great city…and I LIVE about 150mi. up north in Placerville CA. Welcome to Northern CAlifornia! I love your “fat woman”…

  10. Holly Stinnett

    Kelly Honey, (I hope you don’t mind that I call you Honey)… YOU are going through exactly what I went through ten years ago exactly! I moved from San Francisco to Los Angeles and left everyone I loved behind. It was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done. But will get through it – and you will absolutely love S.F.!!! This is such a beautiful painting – one of your best yet! Holly

  11. Kristin

    That is my favorite piece of art so far! If you ever make duplicates of her keep me in mind! I’d pay! Hope all is well in ya’lls part of the world! Love ya Sis!

    Wow, I went exclamation point crazy! =)

  12. zordis

    Soo beautiful!

    Hope you find the balance, every chance is a new door to something greater! Mooving from little Iceland to Big Spain was quite fun and have changed so many things only to the better!

    Smile to you 🙂

  13. J.Valentine

    might I have this one for my birthday?

  14. melba

    I am such a big fan of your paintings. Each one is cuter than the next!

  15. melba

    I am such a big fan of your paintings. Each one is cuter than the next!

  16. Laini Taylor

    Kelly, I love love love that painting — it’s my new favorite! The big voluminous dress, the colors, and her sweet face. Fantastic! But I got sad reading about all the stuff you have to do to move away. I so wish you guys weren’t going! Dinner was such fun the other night, and we’re really looking forward to movies! And now that it really hits me how soon you have to start packing and everything, we must have an art day or two before you do!

  17. AscenderRisesAbove

    this is very delightful!!

    you will love it here in the bay area! bring sun tan lotion…

  18. liz elayne

    I love the way her skirt looks like it will move when she walks. I kind of want a skirt like that…

    So many changes coming your way and all the emotions that come with that. It is exciting my friend, very exciting.

  19. Whatsername

    I like this girl’s hair texture & color. I also like her feet a how it looks like her toes curl. “That which we resist, persists” Thought provoking for me…

  20. britt

    this girl is gorgeous. absolutely. wow – there is a new quality to her eyes…i like it! kelly you sound like you are so on the right path. i have had so many difficult transitions this year. I will always look at 29 as a horrid and wonderful year…but i made it through. you will make it! maybe not perfectly or calmly or happily in all moments, but you’ll make it nevertheless.

  21. justjohanna

    oh! new colors! love this one!

    i’m sure you will find lots to love in san fran. and you will be close enough to head up to portland for a breather if you need one. you can do it!


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Hello + welcome!

I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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