i don’t want to miss a thing

Oct 31, 2006 | Life in Progress

i have been feeling fickle. overwhelmed. scattered. grateful mixed in there, too. weary of the to-do list. up and down, swirlling still. today i’m thinking i should come up with a a grand plan to take better care of myself: wake up earlier. go to bed earlier. more walks. more bikram yogo. more veggies and vitamans and water. less soda. more conversations with the friends i love. more coffee shops in the morning on my way to work. more reading of books. more music. less time on the computer formatting, researching, organizing. less time in my head. this is where i have been the last couple of days. it will pass.this is just part of it. some exciting things are happening, and the truth is, i’m in the middle of a huge learning curve. and i’m trying to enjoy every piece of it. i am reminded of how i felt during our very short engagement. things were whirling around, very chaotic, hectic, and last minute, but it was an exciting and special time. and i just wanted to take it all in, to pay attention. to slow down and enjoy the process. this is how i feel today. i don’t want to miss a thing.

Sending much love,

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  1. ambrella

    i did some good journaling last night, getting back to magic. guess what happened today? i was sent a super sweet video link (great for dog lovers) and the soundtrack was “i don’t want to miss a thing” (by bon jovi i think.) the next thing i did was look at your blog.:)

    healthy haiku for you

    dates are a good treat
    potassium energy
    when you crave a sweet


  2. myumblog

    i think it is the fall time (lots of looking backi always feel that way. )…and speaking of scattered…I accidently knocked my sewing kit on the floor TWO times before i went to work this morning…little needles everywhere. i am glad you are taking care of yourself. xo-maya

  3. melba

    Maggie was on the Potty today. Uusally she wants me to leave, but today she said stay. So I sat on the floor and looked into her beautiful face.

    Have you ever seen that movie Meet Joe Black and in the end Anthony Hopkins character says “it all goes by in a blink” ?

    I was pulling up her pants thinking of that line. I held her close and for a moment I saw the forever between us.

    Moments like that…ordinary moments are what take my breath away, are what fill my life with joy.

  4. Lisa

    Sounds like you’re in a pretty good place.

  5. Bohemian Girl

    i love your ability to stop and realize what you need. i needed to hear this too…thank you friend.


  6. Alexandra S

    very inspiring Kelly! I’m with you. I feel this momentum to do many of the same things much more. As your fellow compatriot in the pursuit of improved health and well-being, we’re off!

  7. krista

    You and me both friend. You and me both.

  8. Teresa Sheeley

    Funny you should mention all of that. I have been feeling close to the same way. Too many things happening at once around here. More sleep and exercise would be a good thing!! Good luck to you! And thanks for sharing.


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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