illustration friday – wind

Oct 29, 2006 | Life in Progress

7″x 12.5″
mixed media on wood
(it reads “windswept, fearless, and free”

windswept, fearless, and free is how i’ve been feeling lately on this art journey of mine. opportunities are starting to come and as one friend said to me: “up, up, and away you go.” she’s right. that’s exactly what it feels like. up, up, and away i go, towards that feeling of fearlessness, towards the dreams of my life.

ps – prints of my recent works are now available HERE!

more illustration friday projects over here.

Sending much love,

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  1. Jules

    Really nice piece.

  2. Whatsername

    i am really impressed with you last few women… they have something deep, strong and very feminine about them. they all inspire me to be me!!

  3. Lisa

    She’s beautiful. It’s so good to hear that you’re feeling windswept, fearless and free about your art journey. It’s amazing when the universe is working with you.

  4. Anonymous

    love this girl! pretty 😉

  5. tusen

    beautiful! I love this “windswept, fearless and free” – her face says exactly this

  6. JO

    Very pretty piece.

  7. ValGalArt

    beautiful and I;m happy for you that wishes are coming true!!!

  8. Leah

    beautiful work!! i love the texture in the background. and the birdy is adorable.

  9. Kristin

    I LOVE this one Sis! She is just gorgeous!

    p.s. what do you think of the candle? I hope it brings you to all the fall like fun happy times and thoughts as it does me!

    p.p.s. I sent your website to my coworker (friend)and she was amazed with your work! She said you are really talented! (duh, like we didn’t already know that! =))


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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