a kelly morning

Nov 4, 2005 | Life in Progress

i had a total kelly morning. not only did i lock myself out of my apt in the pouring & freezing rain, but my cell phone battery died, and i couldn’t call anyone to come and save me. plus, john was in rhode island with the other set of keys AND our only phone charger. we have a car adapter, but without keys, i couldn’t get in the car. so, after my unsuccessful attempts to find a neighbor, i pitifully walked to the grocery store (in the freezing rain & in my new outfit from yesterday’s shopping) where they let me use their phone to call a cab so i could get to work. what an ordeal. what i learned was what i already knew: i’m actually pretty laid back in these sorts of situations AND that i actually find myself in these sorts of situations quite often. it’s actually uncanny how i often i get myself into silly predicaments, which, to me, is hilarious. the bright side of my morning was that they had a coffee shop at the grocery store so i bought myself some hot tea and a pastry which was sort of a treat, while i sat and waited for the cab. i eventually made it into our apt thanks to my lovely landlords. really, we have lovely landlords.

john’s interview in rhode island went really well. he loved it and really, really wants to get into this program now, more than ever. he learned that they are interviewing a total of 54 candidates and are only accepting 9 students into the program. he should know whether or not he’s accepted by mid december. he sounded so optimistic on the phone and so energized. he couldn’t stop talking about the campus, the instructors he met, the panel of professors that interviewed him and how much he liked them all, and how much he loved the way the program is set up. there was so much hope in his voice. i don’t think i’ve ever heard him so excited about this possibility. it was sweet and i just wanted to reach through the telephone line and give him i gigantic high-five and tell him how proud i am of him. i hope he gets in. he deserves it.

Sending much love,

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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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