leap fearlessly

Dec 14, 2007 | Life in Progress

(“leap fearlessly” 10×10 on canvas. original sold. prints on my etsy.)
“We must walk consciously only part way toward our goal, and then leap in the dark to our success.” – thoreau
when i was in nyc a few weeks ago, my friend clare told me about a friend of hers who would often talk about wanting to take the leap out of corporate america and into her own business, but was struggling with the decision. clare noticed that when the friend spoke about taking the leap, she would demonstrate a downward motion with her hands (you know, like how we talk with our hands) as if she were leaping/jumping off something and heading downward. just as she was demonstrating with her hands, to her, a leap meant falling. it meant tumbling to the ground. clare wondered aloud that perhaps she could reframe this for herself. instead of visualizing a leap downward, why not visualize a leap upward, like you’re taking flight. yes, that’s it. so often, we hesitate. we over think. we over analyze. we over plan. we awfulize – we think the worst will happen, when instead we could be reframing this for ourselves. a leap doesn’t have to mean a downward fall. no, it can me a leap into the unknown, yes, but also a leap up, up, and away.

Sending much love,

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  1. lauren

    I read the words in your art. I cried. I read the words in your post. I breathed deeply. Today has come full circle for me with that breath – I’ve heard it said that sometimes we are the same woman. We – that collective we that is all women: daughters, mothers, sisters, lovers, workers, nurturers, artists, soul mates. For me your post and artwork is simply a gently soothing touch to say “It’s ok to hurt and it’s ok to cry but get up…reach up – there is someone who hears and understands”.
    Thank you.
    Today was tough.
    But I think now I can sleep.
    Thank you.

  2. Marissa

    Kelly Rae,

    This is truly how I needed to visualize my ’08. Thanks for moving me in the right direction, as you often always do.

  3. ceanandjen

    Oh, this is so uplifting to read this morning, especially after the way I have been feeling for the last few weeks….and so so so true. Leap somehow always equals falling, but it does not have to. After all, if we are following our dreams, isn’t the entire point to fly. Beautiful beautiful reminder. Thank you.xoxoxo

  4. Bikkybo

    Funny how “awfulize – ing” can be so subconscious. Clare’s friend probably didn’t even realize she was using such a powerful negative in her body language. Kudos to you for reminding us that our thoughts have powerful affects on our entire being!
    Today, may we all find ourselves with our hands lifted up in positive anticipation of the great things that will come to us.
    Here’s to leaping in joy!

  5. Marel Lecone

    I really, really love this post. Thanks.

  6. Jennifer/The Word Cellar

    I “awfulize” too often. But it’s a habit I’m learning to break. (I love that term, by the way: awfulize. It’s a great description.)

  7. * mY fRiEnDs cALL mE Rella *

    Hi Kelly…I stop by every day…and today I want to leave a hug.
    Have a beautiful day
    xo Rella
    p.s. Today I wrapped up the special print of ‘three sisters’ for my sis, and thought of you and how precious you have been and continue to be. Thank you.

  8. katydiddy

    This post comes at perfect time for me. Thank you for speaking to my soul today.

  9. Alisa Burke

    Thank you for this Kelly- this is just wanted I needed to read before starting my day!!!


  10. kelly

    oh so true. i get down all the time about what isn’t happening, rather than putting my focus on
    the blessings that have come my
    way because of leaving a fulltime career.

    fly girlies fly.

  11. Kasie @ ~The Art of Life~

    That is so true! Thank you so much for sharing. I will forever think of “taking the leap” in a different way. 🙂

  12. Sherry

    Kelly I love this post. I talk about leaping all the time, but I’ve never seen it as “downward”…I’ve always visualized it as upward, as soaring, floating and flying. Perhaps it’s what comes from within, from our spirit that moves us in the directions we feel. It’s why your art moves me…the wings. It’s all about the wings and the words.

  13. Brahdelt

    I couldn’t agree with you more, we all could do with a pair of wings with every step we take! *^v^*


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I’m Kelly Rae Roberts

Before I picked up my first paintbrush at the age of 30, I was a medical social worker. I followed my creative whispers, and today I’m an artist & Possibilitarian. I’m passionate about creating meaningful art and experiences that awaken and inspire our spirits.

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